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Everything posted by Boink

  1. Well, they do say that his run on the show has brought the highest ratings they've seen in 15 years.
  2. This explains a lot. I do find his smile and general facial contortions pretty creepy. And, I hate to admit this, but I do kinda root for him to lose because he strikes me as someone who was doing pretty good in life before winning all that money. (He mentioned his four year old daughter has already traveled to 14 different countries.) Also, it seems a large part of his winning is his prowess with the buzzer. More often than not, I see the other contestants frantically pushing their buzzer because they know the answer but it's almost like they can't get through. But I do have to give him props on his intelligence. He gets a lot of answers right that I couldn't even guess at. I also like his strategy of always starting with the highest priced questions.
  3. The head belongs to the incredibly handsome and sexy Tyler Hoechlin, who I doubt would pose for a pic like this. But I'll bet it's not far off the mark. A guy can dream, can't he?
  4. Correct on both counts, Geoman. Here's another....
  5. She was the baby of the MTM group. Betty White will live to bury them all !
  6. She was the baby of the MTM group. Betty White will live to bury them all !
  7. She was the baby of the MTM group. Betty White will live to bury them all !
  8. One of my favorite Rentmen-isms: I am traveling to: Mar 20 - Mar 20 Los Angeles, CA Mar 19 - Mar 22 Miami, FL Huh??
  9. Thanks fellas; the first week after i signed up I got one email playlist from Adonis NY (useless to me), and nothing more from them. And nothing at all from Adonis LA. (Nothing in junk mailbox either.) I figured I'd try to sign up with them again, and it said 'this email address is already registered'. Guess it's not meant to be.
  10. A few weeks ago I signed up for their email alerts which are supposed to give the dancer line-ups for the nights they perform at FUBAR in West Hollywood. (Wednesdays and Sundays.) I have yet to receive any of those notifications. Have they entirely abandoned trying to predict what dancers would show up on any given night?
  11. I'm sick of Kelly Rippa's ad for Ancestry.com. She acts like it's such a revelation that she comes from Italian heritage - like she wouldn't have known that if not for Ancestry's DNA kit. Wouldn't one be somewhat aware of such a simple basic fact about one's self from a much younger age than she is?
  12. Just like Rose Marie last year, they no sooner release a documentary and then they pass on a few weeks later... https://www.psfilmfest.org/2019-ps-film-festival/film-finder/kaye-ballard-the-show-goes-on
  13. When I log in, I see a box asking me if I want to stay longed in or not.
  14. I know he doesn't advertise very much (unless he's traveling). I believe he lives in Palm Springs. Does anyone know if he's generally available there if contacted privately? (If he's not, I'd feel funny about asking him directly - but that's on me.) I could use an excursion to Palm Springs, especially with him as an incentive! I also wonder if he's aware of this thread and the renewed interest in him - and if he'll be bombarded as a result. (I could swear he used to post on this site occasionally quite a while back.) Could make it even harder to connect.
  15. I've been wanting to meet him for years, but the timing never works and he rarely advertises anymore. When he does advertise there is no phone number listed, so it seems the only method of contact is through the Rentmen messaging (which I'm sure he rarely checks). I chatted with him once on LiveMuscle.com, and, years ago, through emails - he seems so nice!! But I lost his email address and now I don't know how to contact him (apart from rentmen, when he has an ad up).
  16. Keep 'em stupid; keep 'em sick. Gotta keep Big Pharma in in business.
  17. I find myself watching a lot of old programs on ME-TV, COZI-TV, ANTENNA-TV and others. I always knew I was in lust with Doug McClure on THE VIRGINIAN and Hugh O'Brien on WYATT EARP. (Also Pernell Roberts on BONANZA, speaking of hairy chests.) But I've just recently become aware of the endless parade of hunky up-and-coming guest stars and supporting actors all these shows spotlighted. I find myself IMDB-ing them constantly. One recent discovery for me is a little hottie named Don Quine on THE VIRGINIAN. A lot of these same hunky young starlets pass thru the PERRY MASON show. I sometimes wonder how many of them Raymond Burr chased around the table and what they had to do to get the part!
  18. We're also a gluttonous, bigger-is-better society. It's impossible to buy a 12 oz can of soda anymore - your only choice now is a 20 oz plastic bottle. McDonald's won't even use the word 'small' on their menu - portion sizes start at 'medium'. When I eat at a restaurant, food is piled up on top of itself in servings twice the size what I would normally eat. Everything is "buy two, get one free" or else you will be penalized financially for trying to buy small sizes in moderation.
  19. Dating myself - I remember way back in the day the old newspaper advice columnists, Ann Landers and/or her sister Dear Abby stated that this particular topic generated more mail by far than any other subject in their entire careers. For the record, OVER is the correct response.
  20. Agree! His man bun is cute as hell! And so is the rest of him.
  21. They've both been appearing a Adonis Lounge LA the past few weeks. Alex is super built and super sweet.
  22. Brian Patrick Wade https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Patrick_Wade
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