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    caramelsub got a reaction from + bashful in Grindr Rant   
    Yep. Hiring is not just for the guys who are too old or unattractive or can’t get laid without paying someone. There are so many reasons why I prefer hiring over grindr. 
  2. Agree
    caramelsub got a reaction from + Pensant in Grindr Rant   
    Yep. Hiring is not just for the guys who are too old or unattractive or can’t get laid without paying someone. There are so many reasons why I prefer hiring over grindr. 
  3. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from Pd1_jap in Grindr Rant   
    Yep. Hiring is not just for the guys who are too old or unattractive or can’t get laid without paying someone. There are so many reasons why I prefer hiring over grindr. 
  4. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to Simon Suraci in Grindr Rant   
    Yikes. 😳 Another stroke on the scoreboard for hiring. Yes there are positives and negatives to hookups and hires, but by and large, hiring offers a lot of value for a lot of people. 
    Get what you want, with who you want, when you want. No muss, no fuss.
  5. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to BuffaloKyle in Grindr Rant   
    I rarely have free time to hook up so when I do I prefer to hire rather than have my time wasted anymore on regular hookup sites. My final straw one day was when a guy I chatted with showed up ten years older it looked like than his pics, much heavier, reeking of smoke, and missing teeth.
  6. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Is the escorting/massaging scene good in San Diego for providers?   
    it has nothing to do with stating boundaries 
    I’m a relatively new member here - less than a year, so I had no idea about your history on this site which goes back several years under a few different names.  I didn’t go looking for your old posts - another member posted a link to some of your old posts that contained the same sort of nonsensical statements/questions/posts on a variety of topics.  
    After briefly reviewing those posts & several long-time members reactions to those posts - the appearance is you are not interested in any real help or advice, just engaging members here with the nonsense.  That’s the problem - people were sincerely trying to help you & you’re playing some sort of game and wasting everyone’s time.

    My sense now is that you go through episodes just like this, where you are found out, then a bunch of members place you on ignore and then you start again with unsuspecting people that don’t know your game.  Then you run to the mods and complain, trying to get them to delete posts that look bad for you.
    Just my opinion - but I think every bit of this is bullshit and that seems to be a recurring theme because that’s what many members have posted in direct responses to you over the years.  It’s easy to verify because it’s all here.  In this case, screenshots are not your friend.  You’ve been wasting peoples time for years here who were all trying to sincerely help you.  Pathetic 
    btw - your constant nonsense questions/posts about being an escort are insulting to the real escorts here, who are trying to really improve the way they do business and take this all seriously.  The providers here make their living this way.  It’s a job that requires a lot of skill, hard work & dedication - and you treat it like a joke.  They aren’t here to pose hypothetical nonsense to generate controversy, get attention or kill time.  Clearly, you do not make a living doing escort work.  I can’t imagine any real client who would ever hire you based on how you  present yourself here.  
  7. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Is the escorting/massaging scene good in San Diego for providers?   
    appears there was a name change: nycboi > socurious  yes ?
    several people have asked you to post your RM profile link - why not ?  I’m so curious 
  8. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Is the escorting/massaging scene good in San Diego for providers?   
    I didn’t realize he’s 40 - a little late to be entering this game statistically, but not impossible.  just improbable.
     Given he won’t kiss, won’t travel, doesn’t like to do his own marketing research & seems to be picky about the people he engages with - this career choice does not look promising.  
  9. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to marylander1940 in Is the escorting/massaging scene good in San Diego for providers?   
    You've been asking about specific places to visit and I have a feeling this trend will go on. 
    No city is good for everyone because of many different reasons and cities that work for you may not work for others. Besides some trips to the same city are better than others and having a city that's good for you doesn't guarantee you'll always have a successful trip there either. 
    I would suggest you run an ad in San Diego to do some "canvassing", see how many guys are interested in hiring you, and if you think the trip is worth go there. 
    You can also run the ad hoping to get an "anchor client", someone who is willing to pay for your trip and hire you for a long period of time during your trip and if you think it's good idea you can stay on your own after. 
    Btw how come you don't have a link to your ad as signature in all your posts? 
  10. Applause
    caramelsub reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Young Men Again Ravenous For Older Guys   
    I think it’s every culture except the US, Canada & Northern Europe - where younger men routinely seek out older men for sex & not for money. 
    It’s a little confusing to me tho when some guys reference getting sex “for free”.   I’m not paying for sex because I can’t get it at no cost.  I’m paying for convenience and sex completely on my terms - whatever that includes with no other attachments or expectations.  
    I’ve got enough experience with the apps & “for free” to know it frequently comes with complications, expectations and the hookup is not likely there there to cater to all of my desires. 
    “Free hookup-sex” and paid sex are two totally different things.  Wasted time seeking the free sex and less than desirable experiences is almost reduced to zero (in both areas) when I pay.  And there is absolutely no comparison between the real pros in the business vs random hookups. There might be free-sex anecdotes here and there - but it’s just not the way it usually works, if choosing the right provider. 
    I will take quality paid provider mind-blowing sex vs quantity mediocre free-sex hookups every single time. 
  11. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Hairy Holes or Shaved Holes?   
    I prefer naturally smooth, if possible.
  12. Like
    caramelsub reacted to pubic_assistance in Providers, how do you get laid outside of client relationships?   
    I used to see a cute young guy for Thai massage twice a month. In-between sessions we would meet up for (off-the-clock) sex. I was twice his age but he claimed he was only attracted to "daddy" type men. Otherwise he dated women his own age with the hope of marriage some day.
  13. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Providers, how do you get laid outside of client relationships?   
    I know that there is this stereotype that most clients are unattractive, old, out of shape, and can’t get laid unless they pay someone. But if you found a client hot enough would you ever hit them up for a non paid hookup? I’m not specifically talking to you, this question is for other providers as well. 🙂
  14. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from thomas in How to shave my balls?   
    I actually like licking hairy balls, but for the hole, I prefer smooth.
  15. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from Simon Suraci in Providers, how do you get laid outside of client relationships?   
    I figured that, but I always assumed that escorts don’t go on Grindr because people would think they are looking for generous clients. And I know hiring for escorts is specifically banned on Grindr and other hookup apps. So I wasn’t sure. That’s why I posed the question, if escorts aren’t on Grindr how do they find hookups for nsa fun or do they even do free hookups. 🤔 
  16. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from Simon Suraci in Providers, how do you get laid outside of client relationships?   
    True with number 3. That is what I was thinking. Why would an escort hookup with someone for free even if the other guy were hot and sexy, when they can get paid to hookup with someone.
  17. Like
    caramelsub reacted to Jamie21 in Providers, how do you get laid outside of client relationships?   
    I don’t have much of a sex life outside of work!  I agree with @Simon SuraciDoing sex work does indeed make your recreational sex life difficult. I recognise all those reasons he cites: The feeling of thinking “I could be being paid for this” is a strong one, as is trying to keep ‘fresh’ for client meetings. 
    Sometimes I go to sex parties and that’s an opportunity for ‘off the clock’ sex which is nice but still there’s the feeling that it’s ‘work’. I almost said to one guy after a hookup at a party “how would you like to pay?” 😂.
    One of the motivations for going to sex parties is because of the opportunity to meet guys who are keen to be in porn films I make, so even that is motivated by work. Doing sex work definitely changes your sex life. 


  18. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to BonVivant in Using condoms for oral   
    It’s like having a non-alcoholic beer. Sure, go ahead and give head with a condom on it and suck that plastic. It’s not going to be the same. Why even bother? I hate it. Not even a turn on. 
  19. Agree
    caramelsub got a reaction from pubic_assistance in How to shave my balls?   
    I actually like licking hairy balls, but for the hole, I prefer smooth.
  20. Like
    caramelsub reacted to Simon Suraci in Providers, how do you get laid outside of client relationships?   
    My personal sex life is a casualty of being in this biz. It’s one of the tough costs of doing this work that clients fortunately don’t have to think about. The question for me is not how, but if I do it at all.
    Oftentimes I lack desire for sexual intimacy outside work for a number of reasons:
    1) At any given time, I’m emotionally and sexually spent, and can’t do any more if I wanted to. I would have to do double duty work of advocating for my own needs in addition to (yet again) focusing on others’ needs in order attract their interest and commitment to meet. I don’t hire, but I see the appeal. I’d rather have someone focus on my needs and not their own for a change.
    2) Opportunity costs. I’m concerned that wasting my mojo on something unpaid may affect my ability to provide a stellar experience for the next client. That next client may only be willing to request a same day appointment. I have to be ready, or prepared to miss out on that income I need to make my life work.
    3) there’s the psychological mind fuck dynamic of: “I could be getting paid $XXX for this right now and I’m giving it away for free.”  Almost like volunteering your professional skills and time for an uncharitable cause. My personal fulfillment in the experience has to exceed that psychological barrier by so much that I can let it go and actually enjoy myself. That’s a tall order, at least for me.
    4) I have no time, patience, or energy for it. I could spend weeks on apps and never get anywhere. Lots of frogs out there. I know because I use apps for work and man, it’s pretty bleak. What little time left I have outside work is better spent on other things.
    5) Clients are all over the apps. It would be a nightmare trying to manage who’s blocked, who’s a client, who’s a potential client that I just don’t know yet. People know what I do and want to hire me or talk about work on the app, or spend chat time comparing hiring with hookups as if they are exactly the same thing. Boring. Then there’s worrying about presenting yourself the wrong way and losing clients because of it…it’s all just too much to manage. 
    6) STIs. The fewer encounters I have, the less likely I will be to contract or transmit an STI. I constantly consider my clients and want them to feel comfortable that I’m not being unnecessarily reckless. I have way less sex compared to many of my non-provider peers, even though this is my job. My clients, on average, aren’t having that much multiple partner sex either, but it varies. When I’m out of commission due to recovery time from clearing an STI, that’s lost income. So yeah, it’s a cost to consider, and one I want to minimize.
    7) Few people are worth my time.
    😎 I have a partner. His needs come first after work obligations. Recreational activity is necessarily limited to the periods we decide we’re open. So…the preceding points notwithstanding, it ain’t gonna happen when we’re not open anyway!
    9) Considering all the above, the planets will sooner align before I get some off the clock.
    So my answer is: I just don’t. The deck is stacked, at least for me. Then again I’m sure other providers don’t put as much thought into all this as I do, and they’re probably better for it. 
  21. Like
    caramelsub reacted to marylander1940 in Providers, how do you get laid outside of client relationships?   
    I know one who does but doesn't show his face and sends it only when he's interested, he also blocks clients if he hinds them online right away to avoid problems. 
  22. Thanks
    caramelsub got a reaction from Pd1_jap in Providers, how do you get laid outside of client relationships?   
    How do providers find guys for hooking up, outside of clients paying you? Do you go on the hookup apps? I know most escorts don’t hire other escorts, so if they are getting laid for free, where do you go to meet other guys for NSA hookups? Or are most providers in long term open relationships? 
  23. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to BuffaloKyle in Using condoms for oral   
    I couldn't imagine hiring a provider and then sucking their dick through a condom. Seems like a waste of money! I want the real thing in my mouth. 🥰
  24. Like
    caramelsub reacted to pubic_assistance in New York Recommendations   
    Thank you.
    Exactly my point.
    Not saying he's ugggos but "hot" ? 🤔
    People need to be more specific when they describe providers.
    Maybe a system like karats in a diamond.
  25. Applause
    caramelsub got a reaction from pubic_assistance in New York Recommendations   
    I agree with this. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we all like different types, but if I’m paying, the other guy needs to be very hot, not just average. Of course looks are subjective. It would be different if it was a free meetup, or meeting someone on Grindr. I don’t particularly find MikeAustin attractive and wouldn’t hire him, but I’m sure he is someone else’s type.
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