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Everything posted by Pensant

  1. He has a great ass for being so skinny. No kissing listed, though.
  2. Go to a reputable tailor. If you’re slender enough, you can get girl’s cutoffs on Amazon. They also look good with riding boots!
  3. There’s a classic French place on Balboa Peninsula called Pescadou Bistro if you want to drive down to Newport. I took a young man there who’d never eaten French cuisine and he loved the fois gras, escargots, etc.
  4. Aspic is a step too far for moi.
  5. Grands Échezeaux is a Burgundy. The price is incredibly low.
  6. He also works to end human trafficking. He’s a stellar person, far above most of the truly vapid Hollywood types.
  7. When I was there in 1991, I asked the driver to take me to La Escuela Mecanica de la Armada, which was a notorious concentration point during the three-term junta. The navy was particularly involved in the disappearances of thousands of “subversives”. The taxi driver was nervous, so I just snapped a few pics and we drove back to Recoleta. I recall that the navy used to fly prisoners in helicopters over the bay and throw them out. Pretty brutal times.
  8. Plus the Amex Platinum lounges are spectacular, esp. at SEA with the full bar and craft cocktails and beers.
  9. Oh, I wouldn’t worry. The older you get the more data is stored on your hard drive!
  10. You should always invite them in for a nice theological chat. There’s usually a cute twink and a chub.
  11. George seems to have a literary bent with his actors’ names: Exupery, Huxley, Defoe, Karenin, etc.
  12. I wouldn’t say that the Hungarian blond isn’t masculine. He’s got a jock build. Sometimes real blonds just come across as twinkier than darker guys. I wouldn’t throw him out of bed and I wouldn’t put a lot of credence in the short Bel Ami bio, which may be meant to titillate his audience with the “straight boy” fantasy.
  13. If it’s the second weekend in March I can make it. I’ll be in LA earlier that week and the first weekend of March with my dreamboat.
  14. Pics are great, but one of the three reviews states that he didn’t look like his pics and the time wasn’t relaxing even though the reviewer wrote that it was a 4 hour session. Odd.
  15. Enjoyed Ryan back in 2004 when he was in LA. A pro.
  16. I’ll confirm that September and October are excellent, especially in Bavaria.
  17. They’ve ignored the infrastructure, like so many other cities.
  18. That Cord is indeed a Silver Fox!
  19. Nope, but he looks a lot older than that.
  20. Sorry, but that ‘roidish” physique does nothing for me. I know others love it, of course. Diversity is great!
  21. I know there’s been significant immigration from Paraguay and Bolivia, many of whom are most likely indigenas. @latbear4blk , you’re right—I’ve only been to BA, so I have no idea what the provinces are like.
  22. He looks 30, not that that’s a bad thing.
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