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Posts posted by Vegas_Millennial

  1. I travel solo, for fun, almost every month of the year. For big cities within the US, I search Google Maps for the locations of gay bars and things that interest me (museums, etc.), and try to book a hotel near those things and on a mass transit route (subway or light rail). I try to have an idea of one attraction I would like to do each day, and one gay bar to visit each night. By the 2nd night into each trip, I've usually met someone at the bar who gives me good advice on things to check out that only the locals know.


    I have really enjoyed cruises as way to see multiple destinations in a short period of time, then decide which places I would come back to visit again. I found that booking through a Gay travel group such as Adventure bears or Pied Piper Travel, allows me a guarantee that there will be at least 30-100 other gay guys on the ship to meet and have dinner with. Traveling solo on a straight cruise is the pits, but I've enjoyed traveling solo on an all-gay cruise or with a gay group on a straight cruise.

  2. About 6 years ago I was staying in a motel near Disneyland in California. My friends and I were using the hot tub late at night (2am) after a day at the theme park. My friends went to bed, but I had to go to the front desk for something (I think I forgot my room key). Anyways, the front desk clerk anticipated my request, saying he saw me on the security cameras walking to him with my wet hairy chest. I headed back to my room then made one more trip to the front desk to return the extra key or something (which I didn't need to do), making sure to look at the security camera while grabbing my bulge in the way to his office. We ended up fucking in the "computer room" near the lobby, the only place he said had no cameras but he could still watch the front desk as I had him bent over.

  3. The VIP rooms were $25 per “session” and $45 for VIPs For the entire evening.


    I found this ridiculously overpriced and much higher than what I’d been quoted recently.


    Last night Boardwalk's VIP was $30 per session or $60 for "all night" given to the house. There were only 3 dancers in the place on a Monday at 11pm. The dancer I took back to the VIP area was friendly enough, but I enjoyed the VIP booths at Johnson's much more, even with the new open curtain policy.

  4. I once saw a live production of Best Little Whorehouse with a very low budget and only half the cast they needed. The football players were played by three effeminate twink dancers. The reaction by the audience during the Augie song, when the twinks wore only their mesh fashion jockstraps, was one of unpleasant shock. It did not look like a college football locker room (at least from what I've seen in porn)

  5. I asked: ok you showed me results of the other Stds , wbout herpes

    he replied: Questioned “Oh ok cool, wbout herpes lol”...


    If anybody messaged me with the phrase "wbout", I would be trying to end the conversation as well. Laughable words yield laughable responses.

  6. who's to say that @Vegas_nw1982, @sam.fitzpatrick, @Charlie, and @Hoover42 have not had any sexual activity in public? ? #2021goals


    but as @azdr0710 reminds us...quoting a snippet of my original post:

    Oh, I know the rules. I hope you consider these public:

    Theme park attractions, cruise ship decks, public beaches, public parks, hiking trails, hotel hot tubs and pools, in a car in a parking lot, and campsites, to name a few

  7. Regarding the strip clubs, I would like to be optimistic and assume everything will go back to normal once the border is re-opened and we achieve herd immunity in the states and in Quebec. I wonder how realistic that is.


    The clubs won't be the same if we just get to enter, have drinks delivered to the table, stay six feet apart from each other, and watch the stage shows with the dancers all kept at a distance. ?



    I'm hoping to give Montreal my $ by September 2021. If not, another trip to Atlanta will have to suffice. Atlanta is operating with dancers and patrons wearing masks, and patrons sitting six feet apart, but lap dances are still going on albeit with masks.

  8. Unless you can find or create your own mortgage refinance spreadsheet, ask a human with the company to give you a quote for a loan with the exact same number of years remaining as your existing loan, and the upfront costs absorbed into the loan amount. Then you can see how much lower the monthly payment will be, with no out of pocket costs now.


    Or let's say you have 22 years left on the existing loan, ask for a quote for a 20 loan with the costs rolled into the new loan. If you can shave 2 years off the time frame of the loan without increasing your monthly payment, it's a no brainier good deal. I did that several years ago, refinancing from a 4.65% with 18 years remaining down to 3.125% with a 15 year term. There were no out of pocket costs to me because they were rolled into a higher loan amount, and my monthly payment stayed about the same. I simply am on track to pay off the loan 3 years sooner.


    Last week I evaluated refinancing again. I currently have 8 years left on my loan with 3.125%. Even though I can get rates as low as 2.0% right now, my time frame of 8 years is so short that when the costs are included in the new price of a refinanced loan, my monthly payment would actually go up a few dollars a month to pay for the costs added to the loan. Therefore, the refinance does not make sense for my situation now.

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