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Posts posted by Redwine56

  1. On 2/8/2024 at 11:08 AM, soloyo215 said:

    No, you are not squeamish. You do what you are comfortable doing in a service that you are paying for. I know that there's some fucking involved, but let's not forget that the massage part is supposed to be relaxing to start with.

    I had a horrible experience with people in the apartment of a masseur I once hired. It was not a roommate, they were visitors, and yes, the exact thing that we don't want to happen, happened, them walking around and interrupting, and it wasn't a pleasant experience at all. They were passing by as I was getting the massage, and apologies from the masseur didn not make any difference. The experience was very unprofessional (he did not say anything about other people in his NYC apartment beforehand) and I decided to cut it short. Gave him a bad review, he changed his profile, probably to avoid the bad review(s) and later disappeared from the sites.

    Your provider was quite professional when he told you ahead of time. You were very clear stating your discomfort with it, so I think the situation was handled properly and professionally on both parts. Of course, there's always the fantasy that the roommate is some hot guy who also gets naked and joins the massage/fucking when they see you, but what are the real chances of that? So no, IMO, you're not bveing a prude. It's supposed to be a private, intimate and relaxing experience without disruptions and worries about other people present.

    I'd be very thankful to the provider for being clear and upfroint about it. He's very professional.

    Your experience gave me a chuckle.  People walking around the massage table!?  OMG.  Your body was on display like in some sci-fi movie.  The masseur should not have taken any $$$ from you.  Good grief . . . No excuses.

  2. 9 hours ago, Simon Suraci said:

    Haha yes, this particular guy is therapeutic only. A bit of hyperbole to make the point that he’s so good that he’s about the only one I would go to such lengths for. If I’m publicly doing anything in the nude in Times Square, I should be getting paid for it. Or arrested. Or both.

    Any NYC folks PM me so I can add you to my interest list. When I have enough I will reach out to make a trip.

    Understood.  With reference to your insightful and thoughtful comments on this forum and welcoming descriptions of the type of massage performed, I believe you have earned a list of respected clients who will easily keep you busy for a trip to the Big Apple.  I'll pm you with my personal info.

  3. 9 hours ago, Simon Suraci said:

    It sounds like in this case the masseur takes the right approach by only scheduling appointments when the roommate is not home i.e. the functional equivalent of a dedicated space for the duration of the session. As long as nobody else is coming or going or present, that sounds fine to me. Also, he did the right thing by alerting you ahead of time. I agree, you should reschedule for a time that he has the privacy to offer you all the services you want, in an atmosphere you want.

    A few of my workspace peeves:

    Rule 1) no other people in/around your work space, or hanging around outside of it. The client shouldn’t encounter anyone besides a neighbor or doorman or stranger on the street or in a hall or lobby. Certainly not the masseur’s significant other, family, or friends.

    Rule 2) no pets in/around your workspace. People have allergies and pets are distracting, even the most well behaved ones. Who wants a dog licking your feet or whimpering for attention in the next room or a masseur snapping their fingers or raising their voice to ask their cat to exit the room? Or worse, the pet jumps on the massage table. One of my clients told me he visited someone else and the masseur set out a glass of water for the client, upon request. The cat started lapping from the glass during the massage. I don’t blame the client for feeling weird about that.

    Rule 3) provide a dedicated workspace

    Rule 4) provide a sufficient buffer in between appointments so that clients will not cross paths on their way in/out.

    These are just some of the problems with working out of the same place you live. If you live with other people, you must have a division of space that offers complete privacy, with a separate entrance and 100% dedicated bathroom. A client should never feel like their privacy is at risk or that they are being monitored.

    One of my favorite masseurs worked out of his apartment and he had clients coming and going through his living room, which functioned as a waiting area. Appointments were back to back, no buffer, so you often saw his previous client leaving before you went in, and again in reverse on your way out. His partner lived separately at the time but was frequently in the living room too. So weird. It never bothered me, but I can’t imagine a lot of my clients would ever put up with that. Good thing his massage is so good. For him, I would have the appointment on the street in the middle of Times Square if it suited him. He is just that good. 

    Shall I presume that the massage was that of a theraputic nature?  I mean "in the middle of Times Square?"  And that begs the question -  When are you planning a visit to NYC?  Many of us are waiting for you.  😉

  4. 7 minutes ago, scorpio1988may said:

    i've had 3 really awkward situations - one of them the masseurs wife was upstairs and he took be downstairs for the erotic massage; another time i had to walk past a lady (wife?) sitting in living room to use the bathroom; the strangest was when the masseurs (mother?) knocked on the door 

    none of them told me there would be others there and i never went back to any of them

    Was Mom telling the masseur that dinner was ready?  😄

  5. 1 hour ago, BaronArtz said:

    I live in NYC.  Cost of living here is high.  I understand that young people starting out in any field need to live with room mates to make it work for them.

    Here is what happened.  I had an appointment booked with a masseur that I had a few previous appointments with - all incall, erotic massage.  I did not know he had a room mate.  A few hours before another scheduled appointment today, he calls me and asks whether it would bother me if the room mate would be at the apartment during my planned visit.  The room mate returned earlier than expected from a business trip,  The masseur clarified that the room mate has his own room and I would probably not see him.  The masseur was professional about it and offered to reschedule.

    I was a bit concerned because we do usually fuck and hang out naked in the living room for a while when the deed is done.

    I did thank the masseur for his honesty up front and said that I would not be comfortable with this arrangement.  We are tentatively rescheduling for next week.

    My question is - am I too squeamish?  Am I a prude?  Has anybody else been in an appointment while a room mate could be lurking in the background?  I would greatly appreciate your advice.

    @BaronArtzyou are very wise to reschedule.  I respect the masseur for providing you with the heads-up.  It is apparent that you have developed somewhat of a relationship with this masseur and he was considerate of your feelings.  Sometimes things work out as they should, and in this situation, l believe you've made the right choice.  Look forward to the next appointment which will be even hotter!  Cheers!

  6. 25 minutes ago, KrisParr said:

    I wonder if the roll of bathroom tissue would fit on his rod?

    The cock's head will stick out of the end of the roll making it perfectly suckable like an ice cream popsicle!  😋

  7. 15 hours ago, cj2001 said:

    He was very nice, handsome and pleasant to chat with. Massage was B+ - sensual if a bit soft for my taste. But it seemed like he kept checking something on a shelf near the table and although he disrobed beforehand, he definitely kept his body in positions which made it impossible for me to touch him. The last moments were fine but again, positioned in such a way that it was literally impossible to touch more than his arms. Very pricey for the experience for me. 

    I hope he wasn't checking a hidden video camera.🙂

  8. On 5/20/2023 at 3:02 PM, Yellowrod said:

    Sorry but slightly off topic, but still on the topic of balls: 

    A friend told me recently that in a past encounter a guy had pulled on his balls so much that it caused an injury.  My friend had to stay off sex for a month while it healed, and after that, he could feel the scar inside on his sac, around his vesicles.  But he said the sensation slowly became more and more erotic and now he can get off just caressing and manipulating that part of his scrotum where the scar tissue is.  (The injury happened before COVID). 

    Oh my!! Bruised balls are worse than blue balls!  That can be serious and cause all sorts of issues.  "Handle with Caution"!

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