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Juan Vancouver

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Posts posted by Juan Vancouver

  1. Hello, gentlemen! (And all)


    It would appear that the rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. ;)


    Thank you for your kind words, and for all your opinions. Yes, I have been away from this forum for a year. A kind soul told me that there were a few questions being asked about me, so I thought I'd stop by and answer them to the best of my ability.


    Yes, I am happily now living in the realm of the fully grown man. I am no spring chicken, nor I want to be, but I would imagine that if you want a young boy, you would not hire a 40 year old man. (You'd think).


    If you like grown men with lots of experience, I might be a good match for you, though.


    Even though it might feel vaguely flattering to think that some of you feel that me and my pictures have been in your lives for up to 20 years, I have only been escorting for 14 years, which I realize, in Hooker years it makes me 150. :D


    While two dick pictures in my profile are indeed very old, I have kept them thinking my dick looks exactly the same. (It must be all that dick botox). If you saw pictures of me older than 6 years ago you would find it hard to believe I am the same person. (I am not. I was a boy with a boy body then, now I am a man).


    One third of my pics are from this year. The other third from last year. The rest are as old as two years old. (exception made of those two dick pics) As soon as I stop looking the same, I discontinue them but like to keep oldish pics just to create continuity in my visual identity. If you want to see pictures that are less than one week old, please refer to the ones at the bottom of this message.


    I realize that for some of you I will still be 75 years old, using pictures from the early daguerrotype days. I have to make my peace with that. In this time in which factual information has no weight, I am not shocked to see this also applies to escorts.


    Also, I include PNP in my ad because I am perfectly comfortable if my client is partaking in relaxing stuff. I am not comfortable around clients doing the harsh chemicals. Personally, the risks far outweighs the pay off. All hail Pot and Poppers! Mostly my client partakes, while I take care of him sober.


    Lastly, BabyBoomer, I didn't delete that post. I am glad you shared it. Thank you! I still stand for every word in it. My guess is that the powers that be might have disliked the unflattering portrait I painted of this community and some of its members, and decided to take it down. Truth is I don't know.


    On a different note... Yes, Thor is an entirely beautiful man all around. If I had to choose who to fuck between me and him I would also choose him, which I did. He is very happily retired and has absolutely no interest in any kind of proposal. Thanks for your kind words about him.


    Without much further ado, I again thank you for your kind words. I wish you are all well and happy, and I hope everyone will treat you with the same kindness you show others.


    Should you have any other question about my services, please feel free to email me at juanbruno@me.com.


    Hugs and good wishes,


    Juan Bruno






  2. Juan, I didn't mean to offend you by citing what you had posted earlier, and I apologize if I did.


    Good god, no. I wasn't offended by you at all, and I don't think everyone is unkind. I think it is always very clear whose intention is to continue the exploration and whose is to stir shit.


    I have so much respect for your commitment. I can't continue wrestling with the pig. He is not listening, he doesn't want to grow or discuss. He just wants to piss people off.


    Best luck to you, sexy! May you convert many! I know someone has to. Big hug!

  3. Juan has posted that he used to take female clients--and had a fair number of them. (Juan, feel free to correct if I'm wrong.)


    No thanks. Trying to inform an ignorant, incendiary, misogynistic internet bullying troll about my sexual life, so that in his mind he may perhaps think that I have any insight on women in general or female rights is akin to trying to acquire twitter followers so that I can prove to Trump that xenophobia, war, cronyism and the dismantling of female rights is wrong.


    Whether I have or have not had relationships with women I have a clear idea of how equal their rights must be.


    I tried to engage in an adult discussion with him before and all I get is childish name calling. Slut shaming, homophobic slurs, gross misquotes and ignorance. I am out of this conversation.


    And on top of that, Good grief with his veiled threat about the rumblings of the so many... How brave the coward becomes behind anonymity!


    On another thread I was told I am so open minded my brains will fall out... because I believe we all would benefit from being kinder to one another.


    Has the level of discourse in this forum really sunk to the levels of the commander in chief?


    You guys... You don't have to follow suit.


    Human rights are necessary for any civilization to thrive. Kindness and respect make life a better place. Anyone, by the mere practice of empathy can understand how important the rights of others are. These are basic truths.


    None of this should even be on the table. And no, there's no "merrits" (SIC) to both sides of every argument. Putting jews (or gays or muslims or japanese) in a concentration camp is wrong. Period. ALL humans deserve basic rights. Period. There is no automatic achievement or merit on the fact that you concocted a monstrous franken-opinion.


    It's sad that the kind and polite members barely ever post. But now I remember why.


    May you all find happiness. Best wishes!

  4. You know what gets me about you is that your the type of guy who cant stand to be wrong and in my statement i make concessions however you dont and only see error in other points of view even when i see serious issues with yours..


    For instance you say Yuck to women yet you might as well say gorse...


    My man, I am in all earnestness trying to respond as an adult, but of course... you are only giving me an emotional name-calling attack with very little information to address.


    I am assuming you are loosely paraphrasing me but hard as I try, I can't find where you could have thought I am saying "Yuck to women yet I may say gorse(SIC)".


    I am at a loss.


    Could you please post a direct quote of me saying Yuck to women but I might say gorse? I am not even sure what is it that you think I said. Only when I read what you are talking about will I be able to either explain what I wrote, make an apology or stand by it.


    I think that is wrong but your holly approach to all things, First that tells me your not bi so step back a min I knew i was right your exclusively gay so what the hell would you know about wemon other than fag hags? I also dont hold the position the women are Yuck. (You sound like a 4 year old)


    How intensively intent you seem to be on categorically state I am gay, not bi... almost as if by asserting that, you could incontrovertibly make a clear assessment of my moral worth.


    Trying to equate heterosexuality as a clear proof of moral superiority in a mainly gay website...


    Yeah, someone does sound like a four year old.

  5. No offense to you but you probably just go any direction the wind goes considering your ass is up for all to see, though im sure your a good guy and all.


    No offence taken. I am proud of my ass and very happy with the way I am willing to share it with others.


    However, opening a rebuttal trying to invalidate my arguments because I am sexually promiscuous and gay (and possible an escort) is akin to trying to invalidate Hillary Clinton calling her a Ho. It's not an argument.


    I feel touched that you are sure I am a good guy and all, and I am not in the least bit hurt by your crass attempt of slut shaming. So let's get to your points.


    I am entitled to my opinion and i said i was sorry for the wording whore and let me add i should not be so inclusive to say all women but in general i dont trust the majority of them.


    Again, misogyny is not an opinion and the word whore is what I found the least offensive on your posts. I am glad you recognized it was poor wording, but regardless of how elegantly you word it, misogyny is fucking ugly and bordering on pathological.


    You can put lipstick on a pig...


    When I read that you mistrust the majority of women I only feel compassion for you. Life must be really hard. But that doesn't allow you to present your own emotional trauma as a valid opinion. All I can say to that is that you should perhaps seek professional help. There are many different forms of therapy that would ease this and make your life a much better place.


    I think you may not have read that i said i was wrong in fact for part of my statement and i added a bit here because some of the points are valid but i think its really ignorant that you make it out for me to be a racist or homophobic and its sad honestly...I feel for you


    Yes, it is possible my paragraph lacks clarity. Let me explain. First I said that you were expressing misogyny. Then I said that anyone who publicly extolls a flawed ideology, such as (but not exclusively) misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc, should expect to be corrected by the general population, who thankfully, nowadays is more enlightened than before.


    I didn't call you a homophobe or a racist. I don't know if you are. But I do know you are a textbook misogyne.

    I am glad you gave me an opportunity to clarify my point.


    Also no offense meant but who the hell are you to have any real opinion on lady's considering your probably exclusively gay and have not been in a romantic relationship with women...


    Again no offence taken.


    First of, you have absolutely no idea whether I am bisexual or have had (or have) romantic relationships with women. But who cares!


    Secondly, and infinitely more important, I don't need to fuck lady's(SIC), like them or have direct relationships with them to know they deserve one hundred percent equal rights and respect as men do.


    I am not black, nor asian, nor muslim, nor Syrian, and I am more than ready to fight for their rights. I am more than ready to fight for what is just and human. By the mere action of empathy I can -without having been in Syria- incontrovertibly know that the civil population there deserves to live lives unencumbered by war and genocide.


    It's the act of putting oneself in the shoes of the other and trying to imagine what they go through. Its basic human decency. It's the absolute minimum one can bring to the table when interacting with others.


    Again -through empathy- I put myself in your shoes and I can imagine that life must really suck if you are constantly on the defensive towards half of the human race. There is no need you should continue living like this; seek help, man. This is not an attack, it's a heartfelt suggestion. I promise that once you deal with this, life will be so much more exciting, more fun, more filled with opportunities to be present, caring and loving towards a much bigger sphere of human beings than you originally though possible. Life is really awesome!


    Sending you a big hug and lots of love.

  6. MGTOW_Tx, I completely disagree; you are not entitled to "your opinion" because Misogyny is not an opinion. Misogyny is more akin to a character flaw or mental condition than an opinion. Whenever anyone in a public arena overtly expresses misogyny, sexism, racism, homophobia, etc, he/she should know that people will come against them and correct their thwarted views.


    Most people understand that the offender has very little chance to be schooled, but if we come in defence of what is right is to make sure the quality of the discourse remains respectful, true, humane.


    Demonizing an entire gender, blaming them for a conspiracy to control you, belittling them with derogatory terms, minimizing their very serious plights and demanding people stop giving air time to solving those problems and start focusing on problems that affect you, is not an opinion, is a deplorable attack on the human condition; the female human condition and that of everyone who reads what you write and stay silent.


    Want to express your hatred? Go right ahead, just know we can't and won't stay silent.


    Dude, it's 2017. It's time to get on the right side of history. I know you can do this.

  7. Typical media overkill. He got drunk and acted like an ass. Wish I could say I never did that before! Give him an appropriate slap on the wrist and move on.


    I don't know in your country, but in the rest of the world having a drunk gang vandalizing private property , challenging law enforcement and bribing law enforcement are crimes. Unless, of course, it is true that in your country fast swimming athletes get a -literally- out of jail card just because they have swam fast.


    Or... getting drunk with your friends and destroying a bathroom is normal there? Or is it only permissible if you are white?


    Sober men of colour in your country have been killed on the spot for doing nothing, yet you are recommending what, for this white, privileged, man-child...?


    A slap on the wrist...


    I find this very confusing.

  8. Agreed there should more str8 pornos catered to the gay community.


    Fuck, you just conjured specially painful memories! Have you ever seen SG4GE? It's Straight guys for Gay eyes. It is a super hot porn site devoted to show the straight guy fucking a girl, but entirely focusing on the guy.


    I fell in love with Nick. He had three amazing videos. I think he was the most beautiful man I have ever seen in porn... totally up my alley. I was hooked. The endless days I spent spanking the poor, tired bishop watching those three videos!


    A couple weeks after I found these videos, the gorgeous man had to get on his bike and crashed, killing himself. I cried from my three eyes for a long time.


    Did I just ruin your fantasy?


    You should still go and check them out.

  9. No, it is not to each his own. Not when each is insisting in projecting his own limitations to others, labeling and judging. But I quit, this is like explaining White supremacy to an unwilling to questions himself White, or the imperialism behind the idea of American exceptionalism to an American unwilling to get in other people shoes.


    Yeah, this is not a matter of each own having their own experience and respecting each other's experiences. This is about someone projecting on to others their own limited view of the world, and then painting everyone who doesn't conform to that limited view with the scathing wide brush of mendacity.


    It's perfectly Okay to believe that if you dance on Sundays the devil will subject you to an endless punishment of brimstone. It's perfectly fine if you live in congruency with your belief. Do not fucking dance.


    What is not okay is to insist that others are stupid and will burn forever. What is not okay is trying to force others to change their ways because of your personal belief.


    Don't want to dance on Sunday? I don't give a shit. Power to you! I will bloody dance whenever the fuck I feel like doing it.

  10. Hey Juan... What's with you being all thoughtful and intelligent in your posts? I thought Latin men were all machismo and basically walking sex objects. Where'd all the wisdom come from? I'm sooo confused. Same goes for you latbear4blk.


    You totally had me pegged, meester! I am actually really stupid and judgemental but (as a very clever white man in this forum pointed out years ago) I found a caucasian man, you know, someone who can think deep thoughts and shit to write my stuff for me.


    But have you seen my dark fat uncut cock? I am also amazing at gardening! :D


    And thanks for the compliment. I will pass it on to my ghost writer (while I pay his writing services fucking his lilly white ass).

  11. I must respectfully but adamantly object to your statement as it is simply wrong. STIs, including gonorrhea and chlamydia, do not always have a discharge from the penis. Indeed, an asymptotic infection- meaning the person feels fine and has no penile discharge- can commonly occur. This is readily found in the medical literature.


    And this makes logical sense. If a man is having burning in his penis, or having outright puss-like discharge coming out, he isnt feeling his most sexy. Rather than running to sex he is running to the physician. It's the people with NO symptoms that are infecting others because they dont know.


    Consider changing the sources of your healthcare advice.


    Be safe.

    Be informed.

    And be well.


    Warmest regards.


    Respectful, clear and informative. More of this, please!


    I am an oral bottom, that is, I am only interested in sucking off a hot guy. And even though I read that oral sex has very low risk in getting infected....


    Yeah man, it is very important to clarify that what is considered to be a very low risk for oral transmission is the HIV virus. Every other sexually transmitted infection can and is readily transmitted orally. Sucking off a guy who is in a contagious stage of an STI will likely infect you. I don't tell you this to scare you, just want you to have the correct information so that you can know, accept and negotiate the level of risk with which you are comfortable.


    While some men who are contagious present obvious symptoms, as someone already mentioned before, MANY don't. Try not to give into Paranoia, but pay close attention to your body for a week after. Most of the cases you will notice you feel fine. But if you get achy, get a fever, get swollen anywhere, lose your appetite or notice something out of the ordinary, it would not hurt to get tested. Don't get treated, test first and treat only if an infection is confirmed.


    As a wise man ince said:


    Be safe.

    Be informed.

    Be well.

  12. Do you escorts also take women's appointment?


    I like having sex with both men and women. For the longest time, however, I have not have a romantic relationship with a woman. I find men incredibly easier.


    I used to take female clients, but a couple years ago I decided not to accept them anymore as clients. I am very used to the dynamic when working with men. Its easy, fun, there's no roles, there's not guessing, there's no convincing or having to "win" the right to be with them. Also, working with men is very rarely romantically complicated, whereas every single appointment that I have had with a single woman has ended up sooner or later in them wanting to pursue "a relationship" or at least getting romanced and pursued for free, demanding special treatment because "you felt it as well, right? we are special!".


    The only way I will see women for work is if they come with a male partner who is also bisexual and only if both are wanting to play and interact with me. Those sessions are incredibly fun.


    No more single women for me. Not for work.


    Another factor is that I can't imagine being able to have sex with a woman.


    Dude, I am sure there are many things you can't imagine yourself doing, yet those things are a reality and people purporting to do those things are not lying.


    This sentence is the definition of close-minded. "I wouldn't, therefore I don't believe anyone honestly can!"


    Guess what, an incredibly high percentage of the population fucking lust after women. They really, really, REALLY like it. Fine if you don't, but really, continuing to questions others based on how you feel about it is just tiresome.


    The proof is in the pudding. Some guys will be honest enough, if you ask them, to tell you it's basically for marketing purposes-and they are either really straight or actually gay. Other guys you might be able to get a feeling for once you meet them or from their ad. Others you'll never know.


    No, that's not a proof. That is just some poor sampling that confirms your bias, while you go right after and say that your bias seems to be only correct in a few instances.


    Such obsession with wanting to put people in boxes! You can only do that with corpses. Live human beings are way more varied than that.

  13. Thor appears to be a bit shy which is why I tease Juan about being thor at time;


    Daddy, I don't know who is your source, but I assure you he is not even in the least bit shy. The man always participates and satisfies with gusto!


    But again, I am somewhat biased.

  14. Totally understandable that you feel nervous about it and want to go cautiously.


    Generally speaking, if people are having sex at a sex club in the open it means that they are comfortable being watched. Not necessarily being touched, unless they invite you expressly. If they are not comfortable with being watched, they will give you enough signs.


    You could also hire a couple escorts, preferable some that are partners in real life. Thor and I put on shows quite often. Not only you have the advantage that they have good chemistry and know each other's bodies and how to play them, there is no weird vibe, you can tell them what you would like to witness and they can even adapt their angles and positions to give you a better view. That, in my experience is incredibly hot.

  15. Take care of yourself first. Make sure that you minimize the possibilities of you having an awful experience, with a hooker, no less. Put it all out on the first email or phone call. Phone call would work better because you can hear an unrehearsed honest response. If you perceive any hesitations, chose someone else.


    Life is too short for you to put your vulnerable and beautiful self in the hands of someone who might not handle it with the love and care it deserves.


    And don't ask the general "Do you have any restrictions when it comes to ____?".


    Directly, honestly state your stats. If you were 350 pounds don't write you are heavy boned, if you are of ay race, mention it, don't say you are mixed or something like that. The more info he gets and the more chances he gets to react to that, the more certain you'll be he might be a nice guy and will take good care of you if you meet.


    "But shouldn't all escort be able to deal with....?"


    Honestly, who cares! You come first. Take care of yourself. Only put yourself in hands of loving people. Learn to weed out the ones that aren't.


    A lot of clients might try to convince you to force the escorts to accept you, to not disclose, equating disclosure with some kind of acceptance of shame. The argument has been made before that letting the escort know in advance is abusive to yourself, as if not confessing the fear will make you love yourself better. Don't let yourself be dragged into this conversation.


    You come first. Put yourself only in situations in which you will have better chances of being treated lovingly.

  16. Negative comments about our looks? o_O




    I am by no means the most beautiful man in the world, I am in the high thirties, have tons of flaws and if that were not enough, I am not white. To this day, I can't remember a single client making a negative comment about me to my face.


    People treat you the way you treat them. Give them kindness, warmth and respect and that is what you will receive from them... also, as a few disgruntled forum members can attest to, I don't meet assholes.


    "What do you mean you won't see me? Shut up and put me on your schedule, you'll get your money!" (Nope).


    On the other hand, I am incredibly aware of the fact that I am not (and don't want to be) everyone's cup of tea. I am a cup of tea, I am not the ocean. I am a single cup of tea and can only be drank by one (or seven) people at a time. I don't need to appeal to everyone, I only need to appeal to those few who will drink me today.


    Escorting should never be a source of pleasure, companionship and reassurance for escorts. This is our job, we are not here for the perks, we are here to do our job well, and at most, get professional satisfaction. The minute an escort tackles the profession looking for compliments he is fucked. He will constantly be wanting for something from his clients and will put himself in very uncomfortable situations that will never give him his desired ego boost.


    Still, I can’t help but think this kind of thing must have a psychological effect. Even people who would score well above average looking in any survey might still have body image/self esteem issues if they’re not in the top 1%.


    I think you are making a very common mistake that has most of us in pickle. You are conflating self esteem and self esteem issues with the amount of attention and reassurance we get from others. Those are two entirely different and grossly unrelated things that go in opposite directions.


    Self esteem and self esteem issues are about how I think about myself. Me. About myself. The way others perceive you have absolutely no effect on your self esteem. If other people's judgments happen to match your self assessment, then they will appear to be related, but there is no causation in this correlation.


    Reassurance, attention, desire, criticism are all going from the outside to the inside. Often when people's self esteems are not entirely healthy, this external input might have the ability to damage it over time, however, when self esteem is being cultivated and is healthy, no amount of praise or criticism will change the way you think about yourself.


    If an man starts escorting because external reassurance is important for him, he is in for a harsh awakening. This happens often and tends to be really damaging because they soon enough discover that not everyone wants them and they are not the universal appeal jewel they wished they were.


    If a man starts escorting with a healthy self esteem and not really interested in receiving reassurance, he will discover this is a fulfilling and fun profession when he can help others cultivate that sense of confidence he himself enjoys. While he will not appeal to everyone, he will be happy knowing that he will appeal to enough people to keep him busy.


    Also, if someone is that much of an asshole that he thinks he is entitled to be a dick, that immediately robs his opinion of every bit of validity.


    Life is too damned short.

  17. Imma speak for myself as a hooker. If someone asks for a specific G rated selfie I will do my best to do so. Really, how long does it takee to do a selfie and send it?




    I don't want to make assumptions as how often this happens to you, but would you feel the same if you received 30, 40 different daily requests from "clients" wanting to find their own personal technique to weed out a flake?


    Would you have that much time in your life?


    Would you still think it doesn't take too long?


    I personally think it is a slippery slope. Once you give into a personal whim of someone who in the end is not likely to hire you, you will be hard pressed to say no to every single future request. I much rather build a reputation, carefully maintain my brand and happily deal with those men who are aware of it and are excited to spend time with me.

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