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Juan Vancouver

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Posts posted by Juan Vancouver

  1. I know we've seen this image before, but worth contemplating again... Black Swan Butt




    Fuck, now I am complete. I can die happy.

  2. I'd like to give both the rapist and his father a good, swift kick in the nuts.


    Yes, I get how you feel, but there is actually something you can do to steer this crazy boat in the right direction.


    Click on the link that FTM_TWINK shared and let the judicial system how you feel.


    It's people being privately outraged at home what keeps this system going.


    Rage baby! RAGE!

  3. Sadly this is the first time I see his profile and of course I have not heard anything about him good or bad.

    Pictures say they were uploaded last year but I have never noticed them before.


    My guess is no bad news is some form of good news?

  4. Exactly this. I know I sound like a bleeding-heart liberal hippy, but I work with trauma victims regularly and men in privileged and protected positions--typically white & wealthy in America--often don't understand in a visceral gut-level way what being sexually assaulted is like for a woman.


    Not al all, you sound like an intelligent, well-informed, well-meaning man who has thought about this subject more than two minutes and who is not reacting to rape guided by the things your asshole uncle drunkenly barked at dinner.


    What a bizarre world this is in which an intelligent, healthy opinion might be attacked as a bleeding heart liberal reaction.

  5. At the risk of sounding like I'm minimizing the horrors of rape, which is not my intention, some of these statements (if indeed it was she who wrote them) are a bit over the top:





    gerund or present participle: minimizing

    1. reduce (something, especially something unwanted or unpleasant) to the smallest possible amount or degree.
      "the aim is to minimize costs"
      synonyms: keep down, keep at/to a minimum, reduce, decrease, cut down, lessen, curtail, diminish, prune;
      "the aim is to minimize costs"

    No, It doesn't sound like you are minimizing it. You ARE. You are literally saying that it is not as bad as she thinks it is.


    I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree. You are minimizing the horror of rape for this woman.




    Until our society truly tackles the reality of how common rape is in America--and boys and men are raped too--we will never have a just society and we will never have true sexual equality.


    Yes, and until we stop trying to tell the victims how to feel and tell them they didn't get it as bad as they think they did, rape will have the masses moral support.


    By telling a victim he/she should buck up and tone it down, what we are doing is (consciously or subconsciously) supporting the perpetrator.

  6. People are so incredibly sexist... it's so gross!


    “This was not a clear-cut case, and I hope the jury got it right,” commented one man on a local TV station’s coverage of the verdict. “Of course Turner made some terrible mistakes, but I will always wonder if consent happened or not."


    No douchebag, she was passed out so bad that it took her three hours to come back. She could not have given consent in that state.


    It is the most clear cut case you will ever see.


    “So his BAC was 2 times the legal limit, while hers was 3 times,” said another. “There are no winners here, but she is considered a victim while he goes [from] Stanford student and Olympic hopeful to registered sex offender for the rest of his life once he gets out of prison. Fair enough.”


    Yeah, douchebag, one person was passed out, the other wasn't. He IS a sex offender, I don't give a shit about his sportly feats. I hope he went directly from Stanford Olympic hopeful to jail pass around bitch bottom.


    And people say that the rape culture is only real in the inflammatory, hysteric minds of the feminist lobby.


    How sad.

  7. I don't send pictures of my face, but if anyone asked me to take specific pictures to appease them, I would pass without any further ado.


    I put a lot of effort in creating a clear image of who I am, supporting a strong positive presence and a long list of reviews. Personally, I am not much for jumping through hoops.


    Now, if you are about to hire an escort whose ad appears to be a scam, I guess thats an entirely different thing.

  8. Either this is some kind of abstract poetry or it's a particularly bad example of Google Translate's work.


    It's a very rare form of Zen Cinquain Koan Haiku. A five lined, haiku that is intended to challenge your grasp of reality.

    It is said that Zen warrior/monks would repeat poems like this in their quest to enlightenment.

  9. In my personal experience there are two ways in which this happens.


    The first and most common way, is after a shared intimacy, after a passionate session or few years of getting to know one another, he looks at you with a glint in his eye, says "I fucking love you, man" slaps your ass, smiling and moves unto something else. In my experience, when a session goes the way I want it to go, I fall in love a little, I feel butterflies a little, I cherish that special moment looking into each other's eyes, which makes it very easy for me to imagine he will also feel that.


    There is no promise, no contract, no attachment, no exchange of vows, and more importantly, no benefiting from the other's vulnerability. There is only love, encounter, tenderness, passion, all lived powerfully in a magic moment, then forgotten, till next time.


    The other way is when after one or many sessions you notice the client suffering, tentative, demanding a lot of attention, constantly trying to break the pre agreed privacy boundaries, asking for reassurance, information, promises, or a lot of time outside of the time you spend together. Sooner or later when together, he will break down and in a very emotional way he will say something like: "I have not been doing well, I am suffering so much because of my feelings for you... I love you so much that I _______". You get my drift.


    In this case, I listen attentively and compassionately and explain that under these circumstances I am unable to continue seeing him because that would only be damaging to him. I clarify that because of my professional ethical rules I will never -under any circumstance- start an emotional partnership with a client because I believe the power imbalances and mutual transferences and expectations will make the relationship unhealthy from the very beginning. I then strongly encourage him to look for professional help, someone with whom he can talk about this. Not another escort, who might potentially take advantage of his vulnerability, but a psychologist who might be better equipped to help him through that.


    I tend to prefer not to wait till all this happens and look for the signs of emotional attachment before they further develop.


    I have no problem with having a passionate, romantic boyfriend experience. Love traveling to romantic places with dear old clients of mine, with whom I can allow myself to be vulnerable and absolutely available because they understand, respect and celebrate the boundaries and nature of our relationship. What I won't do under any circumstance is keep seeing a client and charging him even if I know well that I will never be able to give him what he believes he wants. Making money out of heartbreak, to me, is just not an ethical thing.


    To me love and vulnerability have never been a problem. They are the goal.


    Attachement, expectations, blurred boundaries and emotional exploitation are an absolute no no. As soon as they show up, I will end the relationship.

  10. Yes it has happened. From the small, dainty hints of poo to the full catastrophic Richter scale 10 events.


    We are sticking our dicks in an ass, so we know the risks. If it happens, one tries as hard as one can to be light about it, and relaxed.


    You contain the issue as best as possible. You clean yourself up, ask the bottom to clean himself. If it was only a tiny hint sometimes it is possible to continue playing after a little shower. If it is a full contingency, I recommend the bottom evacuates, showers thoroughly and then we continue doing other things.


    If there is actual damage in the room I think it is wise to call it a day. There is no way to continue feeling sexy if walls, beds and furniture are smeared. (NO, this is not an exaggeration. People, learn to douche. It's a life saver!)


    Shit happens. Bottoming can be dirty biz. Stop, wash up redouche and if the mood isn't totally killed restart.


    I would one hundred percent recommend against this. Never re-douche during a session. The ass has little corners where water hides and if you don't let water be absorbed for at least half an hour, the water WILL come out, now in a different color and texture if you stick anything in there.


    The grossest accidents have ever happened when someone douches and jumps into playing. I can't warn you passionately enough.



  11. Fat, fine. Lift me with your dick, sorry no can do. Seems clear. Seems straight forward. Seems right thinking and honest.


    You were clear in you representation but I am really perplexed at the reception you have had. If a client wanted their body twisted as much as your words were twisted here...


    Hey man,


    Thank you. Sadly I am more than used to people twisting what I write in the "evil ho witch hunt" McCarthy style. Historically this has happened here anytime any escort veers away from the beloved "I'll do anything to anyone and you can demand everything from me at anytime because that's my job" narrative.


    I guess it boils down again to: want a robot who will repeat the publicity verbatim and obey you like a slave? do not contact me, you won't like me at all. But if you want a man who will be honest, will respect you and treat you like a human being, I'll be delighted to meet you.


    You sound fun, by the way. =)

  12. In your example, where the extremely heavy guy expected you to carry him around, you're right: that's unrealistic. But the problem isn't that he failed to disclose his weight ahead of time, the problem is that he's expecting the impossible. He should be able to figure out that his expectation is unrealistic without you telling him.


    This original post is called "Would you rather overweight clients warn you about their size and expectations before meeting?" It's not called "Are you disgusted with fat people and should people warn you because you think they are gross". In this specific case, for my client, his weight was the reason for which his expectation could not be fulfilled.


    He was unaware of that. No, he didn't realize his expectation was unrealistic without me telling him. As a matter of fact he had tried many escorts and was disgusted with the whole thing because nobody could give him what he had seen on a porn flick.


    If you read my post carefully I was having the time of my life. He was a handsome, fun man. This had absolutely nothing to do with me having to be warned about his weight because it's gross, but I would have love to know he wanted to be carried by my cock all over the room. I would have not taken his money had I known in advance.


    However, once a client has made a first impression of low self esteem, it probably can't be undone, and several people here seem to agree with me that self confidence is sexy, and conversely, low self esteem is a turn-off.


    I don't need you to lure me with your bravado. The whole point of being with an escort who understands his therapeutic presence in your life is that you can entirely leave the posturing out of the equation. I don't need you to come with airs, I don't need you to exude self confidence and matador style elegance. Just be on time, be clean, be respectful, honour our agreements and be yourself. Believe me, if you do this, you will leave knowing what true self confidence feels like because you will give someone the chance to see you naked, vulnerable and still be appreciated and seen.


    It's impossible to see, like or appreciate someone trying to put on airs of something he doesn't feel.


    No need to pep yourself up before a session. No need to steel yourself up. No need to having to charm, lure, or make the escort fall in love... that's our job. Just be yourself. That's all we ask for.


    I think that your point about the risk of being rejected at the escort's door is an interesting one, too. Maybe I'm higher than I realize on the self-confidence scale, but if that happened to me, I'd be frustrated and somewhat disgusted by the escort's unprofessionalism, but I think I would blame them for their inappropriate judgementalism rather than take it personally.


    Props to you. I beg you to put yourself in the shoes of all the inexperienced clients who may suffer from crippling self doubt and would be destroyed if not even a hooker will touch them. Having an escort not answering an email is one thing, having an escort closing the door on you or worse, taking your money and treat you like shit would leave a terrible mark.


    Good on you for having confidence. Not good on you for pushing your own opinion without thinking how this might impact other people.


    If an escort wants to refuse clients based on their size, age, race, hair color, etc., I'd rather they put that upfront in their ad.


    Yeah, and I want escorts to be kind and loving and sweet and respectful and I want them to be mindful of their clients' privacy... I want so many things!


    Most escorts don't.


    My advise to inexperienced clients when dealing with escorts is not relevant to when they are dealing with the ten best escorts of the world. No advise needed then. My advise is for when they are dealing with all the rest.


    Do I need my clients to hide their money when I visit? No. Would I advise them to hide it when an escort is visiting? YES! EVERY TIME!


    Would I want escorts not to steal? Who gives a shit what I want. Some do, some don't. The advise I give is in case you are meeting with the ones that do.

  13. But if you think a 350 pound man should have to disclose his weight to you, or a bald man should have to disclose he has no hair to you, or that a red head needs to tell you he is a ginger, or etc. etc. needs to disclose this to you in hopes of getting a simple hug or kiss from you, you are not half the man or escort I EVER thought you to be and frankly I am just sickened thinking about it.


    I would learn a lot about myself if you show me where I wrote that I need any of those people to "warn" me in order to see them or not, to kiss them or not.


    That is pure fabrication.


    To me it sounds as if you are reacting to some other instance we don't know anything about, protecting it to my half digested post. No need to be sickened. You just need to read what I wrote.


    Yes, give all information specially when it can possibly affect your expectations. (Like the case I mentioned).


    Tell me about you and tell me about what you are hoping to experience.


    Lastly, and this concerning clients, not me, personally, tell your escort -every single time- in case he is a dud and you can avoid him. If you are wanting to avoid a bad experience, disclose. It is in your own interest.


    If this makes you feel sickened, then you are right, the conversation is over.


    Wishing you many fulfilling, exciting encounters.

  14. Of course they would, as they would "rather" know about anything to allow them to interject any prejudices they have without having to suffer any fallout or consequences for truth or bluntness in advertising that might turn potential clients off. It is my 100% belief that any escort that has a performance issue with a client for whatever reason, that burden of disclosure should 100% fall on the escort and not the client. That's right, put it in your ad. No gingers. No fatties. No baldies. No bears. No minorities. No whatever the hell you have a problem with. That's right, own it, wear your "preferences" as you like to call them as a badge of honor, and stop blaming the clients for your performance issues or forcing them to take ultra critical looks at themselves and develop as Mr. Corndog put so eloquently self-confidence issues just to make you feel better about your own prejudices aka "preferences". And you clients, do as Mr. Corndog says, walk in there and meet your escort, with your head held high, and full of self-confidence and hope you picked a winner like JD Daniels that is going to treat you like a king no matter what you look like! You owe THAT to yourself!


    My man, respectfully, your reading comprehension skills are incredibly lacking. This is not an issue of the escorts' preferences, but of the emotional wellbeing of clients who might already have a tenuous self confidence.


    Yes, by all means, if you are going to the mall, or a party or the office, hold your head as high as you can, celebrate who you are and give no explanations about your physical state.


    If you are going to meet an escort, however, if you are going to put yourself in someone else's hands and be vulnerable, if you are planning to be in the incredibly dangerous position in which a prejudiced, dumb or inexperienced guy might actually bruise you instead of handle you with love and tenderness, then it is incredibly important that you weed out the bad ones before meeting as often as you can.

    Going to meet an escort "hoping that you picked a winner that treats you like a king" is an abusive suggestion because you know there are not many out there. Leaving it to luck is a very self hating way to go about it. There is a much better way to know in advance if you picked a winner: let him know everything there is to know.


    And the other part of the question... expectations. If you are one of those people who think escorts are sexbots who can and will do any sex trick for you every time, then I know you are also one of those men who are always disappointed. If someone tells me that I must cum once in his mouth, another time in his ass and another time on his chest, I will have to turn down the appointment. If someone tells me that he must absolutely enjoy anal sex, which has to this point been elusive, I will clearly manage his expectations and tell him that I cannot promise that. If a 400 pound person expects me to fuck carry him around the room like he saw in the movies, I will have to explain why this is not possible.


    It's not a matter of preferences or performance, as you call it. It's simple physics.


    Having good, loving intentions is completely different to selling "One syrup heals all" snake oil.

  15. Would you rather overweight clients warn you about their size and expectations before meeting?




    Every time.


    It's not whether I am a saint or not or whether a good escort should like everyone. It's not that I need to be "warned", I just need all necessary information.


    When I say yes attraction has nothing to do with my answer. Yes, you should always share your expectations before meeting and yes, you should always share information about you that might hinder the fulfillment of those expectations.


    There's tons of wonderfully fun things one can do with a lover who is even morbidly obese and clean, but because of simple physics there are things that are just not possible.


    I was once hired by a guy who weighed possibly two and a half times my weight. He was really handsome and I thought the session was going well. At some point, after adjusting heights and angles, finally I was able to fuck him. As soon as I was inside him, he jerked at my arms frantically demanding that I lifted him with my dick and fucked him against the wall the way he had seen in a porn movie.


    This is not an exaggeration. And as much as this case was extreme, it is quite common for people not in touch with their bodies to demand things are -because of the size and condition of their bodies- simply impossible.


    You are three hundred pounds and you want me to lift you like you were a tiny young man? I am sorry, it sounds as if I am not the man for you. I don't think I can fulfill your expectation.


    I will not go see someone who I think I might disappoint. If someone wants something that I am not confident I can provide, I will be clear about it and will suggest I am not the right man for the job. I will explain my point and I will offer options, but I will be very happy not to have brought into a situation where the only outcome is failure.


    Now... let's not talk about me. Let's not talk about those other escorts who will be thrilled about seeing anyone. Let's talk about the other ones...


    If I am insecure about the way I look, whether it is justified or not, if I feel ashamed that I am fat, for example and I show up at an escort's door just to have that escort close the door on my face because I am fat, or worse, have the escort take my money while he does absolutely nothing for me... that would make me so much unhappier and more insecure.


    Why not give the escort every chance to reject me beforehand to avoid the much harsher possibility of being rejected in person or being taken for a ride?


    ALWAYS GIVE THE NECESSARY INFORMATION. Not for your escort. For yourself.


    You deserve to be treated well. You deserve to be treated with respect, and you deserve to have someone who understands your expectations clearly.

  16. Maybe I should schedule a trip to Vancouver for some lessons first?


    Knowledge is power!


    More than happy to lend you my training wheels. =) Then you can write your final test on my partner Thor.


    A carefully crafted learning experience!


    Well comparison with the other dick pic would make the first seem photoshopped, the second pic looks more realistic


    I am a photographer and believe me, photographing a dick is very very difficult. Angles, light angles, focal distance, everything has the ability to alter the appearance of the dick. To this day I still can't seem to take a realistic faithful pic of Thor's dick, which is fine; people are always pleasantly (or terrifiedly) surprised when they see the real thing.


    Photoshop, unless performed by a highly skilled technician always leaves tell tell signs of picture manipulation. They are always easy to spot to a trained eye.


  17. Whispering "You can cum in my ass" during the session is not clear enough. It sounds a little like hot talk to me. It sounds like an endearment you say while making love.


    Saying "If you are going to cum during the session and if you can cum while fucking me with a condom, that would be my absolute preference. That turns me on immensely." before the session is a much more efficient way of making it more likely.


    In the end, of course, escorts are people. Sometimes they might be able to cum like this, sometimes they won't. It has absolutely nothing to do with your worth as a bottom.


    Also, if it is not talked beforehand, the escort might just be protecting you, thinking about your safety or thinking you might thoroughly enjoy seeing him cum the way people cum in porn, you pull out and shoot where it can be seen. However, wondering why past escorts haven't done it is not useful. The only useful thing would be starting to communicate clearly and effectively before the session.



    It may be a little unrelated, but it cracks me up sometimes how some clients are a little distanced from the physical reality of sex. Maybe out of a lack of experience, they regard the escort's body as a machine that can perform things on demand. This is always very evident when it comes to the escort orgasming. To give a few examples:


    Client receives a massage for an hour, then turns over, touches the escort's leg and then says: "Cum on my chest now".


    Client takes 25 minutes to open up, and when finally the cock goes in, after two really slow pumps says: "Cum now, I won't be able to take it longer".


    Client tries to suck cock but deems it too big to go into his mouth, instead says: "Cum now, but come inside my throat".


    In my case in order for me to cum while fucking someone it only happens after a LOOOONG time fucking in a very barbaric way. Very, very few bottoms can take it and if a bottom is not relaxed and experienced trying to cum inside him would only be incredibly hurtful.


    It's not for everyone.


    However if someone tells me during the hiring process that I must cum in his ass or else, I am very likely to pass on the session. I don't negotiate or promise sex acts or fluids. Not only that is illegal in my country, it is also de-humanizing and I find that it destroys the natural flow of intimacy and fun.


    As with every other lover with whom I might have sex, I will pay great attention to your limits, suggestions and fantasies but will abandon myself to the natural flow of the passion. So far I have found it works really well for me and people that are compatible with me.

  18. Tonsil raping is great if the connection is very passionate, to the extent that both partners want to eat each other alive. But those experiences are singular. So, for the most part, it's off the table. If somebody wanted to start that way, it would be totally obnoxious.


    Let me clarify. If both partners want to eat each other alive, that is just called kissing. And yes, it's pretty hot, and pretty rare.


    Tonsil raping is when one partner, without warm up, without care and without reciprocation seems intent in pushing his tongue as deep into his protesting partner's mouth as he can. One attacks, the other tries to squirm away.


    Tonsil raping is a one way street. And sadly, it is terribly common. A couple clients in this forum have written that the way to ensure an escort "kisses" is to thrust their tongues as deep into their mouths as they can as soon as the escort walks through the door. "If he doesn't like that, send him his way", was their advise.


    So gross in so many ways.


    But I feel a bit... weird that I like kissing deep with tongue so much now. :oops:


    Don't feel weird. You are entitled to like whatever you like. That's awesome. Just make sure to avoid the temptation to think that because you are paying someone to spend time with you, your way of intimacy has to be obeyed. Intimacy is a two way street, otherwise it's just rape. Propose, listen, respect, negotiate, enjoy.


    There are clients and escorts, however, who believe the escort is just a machine that has to fake enjoyment doing things he abhors. As long as the escort fakes well, the client is happy. That is not intimacy, though. All you have to do is chose which camp you want to live in.


    Even if the client is attractive, I doubt that kissing is going to lead to the escort falling in love with the client.


    In that, when it comes to me, at least, you are wrong. But it doesn't have anything to do with the client being hot, or beautiful. If the client is clean, respectful, present, considerate and is treating me like a human being, if he is listening to my kissing and is abandoning into his own, it is really hard NOT to fall in love a little... In the height of the passion there is this delicious abandon that has to take place and my heart breaks a little and it makes it bigger and stronger. If I don't fall in love a little during the session, I feel the session didn't take off.


    In order to never compromise my clients' feelings, it is my duty, as a responsible escort to to get that little infatuation filed in a secret place in my heart and move on, grateful, happy, fulfilled.


    Mutual kissing is where it's at!

  19. I can't speak on behalf of all escorts, but I am like your friend.


    I can't imagine sex without kissing. The spring that makes my dick hard is hidden somewhere in my lips. I kiss because I love it and if we meet I will want to kiss you. As my reviews can attest I am a great kisser and do it with gusto... unless, of course, you have bad breath.


    Onions, coffee, garlic, any kind of food, cheeses, gastrointestinal problems, dental problems, badly affixed dental prosthesis, sinus and other infections. The reasons for bad breath are many, they sometimes are in our blind spot, which means that we may not even be able to think about correcting them. We don't know that we don't know that which we ignore, and therefore we have absolutely no desire to fix it.


    And of course, the rule number one about bad breath is:


    He who has bad breath (or bad overall hygiene) is always adamant he is fresh, clean, minty and delicious. You never know when you have bad breath.


    If you are with me and I am not kissing you, you have bad breath. There is no mystery there. I will let you know, I will ask you to brush your teeth, I will give you mints. If you pretend to brush your teeth and come back and I still don't kiss you, it's because you have bad breath.


    Believe me, I so wish you didn't, because the session would be so much more fun! It would be hotter and more exciting. I am not lying to avoid kissing you.. I WANT to kiss you. If I am not kissing you... you have bad breath.


    A cut dick will be clean 95% of the times. Unless you have incredibly bad hygiene and haven't showered at all, sucking dick is an incredibly safer bet than kissing. It's not because it's more intimate, it's just less stinky.


    Also, a dick will not force its tongue out, trying to stick it as wet and deep into your tonsils, as some people do. If you try to rape my tonsils, if you try to pass on gobs of saliva into my mouth, I will actually let you know that doesn't do it for me. If after ten attempts you keep trying to rape my throat while attempting to push back my face into yours, I will forget about "kissing" and will focus on your dick, or ass.


    If you are an adult having sex, then you should have a support system. Find a friend to whom you can ask whether your breath smells often. Ask your dentist. Learn proper dental hygiene. Avoid bad breath causing foods and habits, especially before having sex. If you have a beard or moustache, trim it to human proportions and make sure it's impeccably clean, shampoo it carefully to erase smells, brush it to make sure theres nothing on it, Ask your partner if you notice hesitation on his part, and LISTEN to what he says. Don't slobber all over his face, thinking it sexy. Don't rape his throat. Don't force his face in place. Remember kissing is a two way language that requires listening, proposing, and negotiating. Notice when he recoils in horror, notice when he moans with pleasure.


    If you do all this, I assure you, all good kissers will want to kiss you and won't be able to hold back.


    And all of those who don't kiss... who gives a shit about them? Who cares!

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