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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. I've heard good things about Olde Tyme Barbers 117 E 41st Street, close by Grand Central Station. If you want something more specialized, perhaps check out the local Art of Shaving location on Madison Avenue. Have not been to either of these, my go to guy is in Queens.
  2. Good news - thank you for making us aware!! I am too old, of course, but will certainly pass this along to the spring chickens!!!
  3. Had my 2nd sessions with Max on Thursday. Nice guy; polite, personable, educated, speaks fluent English and certainly easy on the eyes. Elsewhere on this forum it was said that eastern european men are cold/sullen, not Max. He only does outcalls, so working on a bed is not optimal; this young man does not know his own strength! He does go really deep (almost without realizing it!) - I don't think he has formal training, but the experience was good for me as I enjoy a deep, hard massage. If you want a light rub, he is not your guy. Stats on rentmasseur are correct and pictures are accurate but the erotic aspects are oversold in his description. An ending was not requested (implied by the description of his massage was my thinking) but it was not offered on either occasions. Had hoped that on the 2nd visit he would be more relaxed and that things would progress towards the erotic, sadly no. I really like him, he is a nice guy; get the sense that I would enjoy sitting down with him for a beer just to chat, but as a masseur, don't think I will call on him again.
  4. Same guy, perhaps? https://rentmasseur.com/stevenharry Map me shows him in Manhattan.
  5. The phrase "customer experience" is two words for a reason: what the customer brings to the table (usually an attitude!) and the experience that you as a provider aim to deliver. Despite what you may have heard, the customer isn't always right... I am sure my comments here are influenced by my serious dislike of bullies. Good on you for standing up for yourself and your health!
  6. I don't think that is necessarily true - you can still find a fun companion for $200 to $250 in NYC. (I speak from experience - most of my regulars fall in this category).
  7. Aiden looked like he could be a lot of fun. He would be my choice for favorite.
  8. Previously discussed here: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-davide-philly.135956/ If you search for "davide" you will see a few more threads to read.
  9. This may be helpful: https://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-sheets/
  10. Right there with you, man! Not seeing any Cher or Madonna listed yet...
  11. http://l56spuxk1t14k3seci6s2bja-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/funny-pictures/Funny---Slut.jpg
  12. I had to google the term "hat trick" - not very commonly used in the USA. But, congratulations... I think! A hat-trick or hat trick is the achievement of a positive feat three times in a game, or another achievement based on the number three.
  13. Was discussed here on the site last year, in the Spa section - I think it is the same guy: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/dany-in-nyc.124637/
  14. Absolutely - it is very silly, make sure you know what is being offered. An alternative to asking is to tell him what you enjoy and if he is cool with going along with it (boils down to the same thing really). For example, "I enjoy kissing, lots of body contact, being rimmed, being sucked and I am a top - does that work for you?"
  15. lol We need a separate thread for "weirdly unexpected things I found on a wishlist!" Not that I am judging, weird can be good... I recall once a guy stopped by my hotel room - good looking bloke, masculine and built like an adonis; he knocked over his bag looking for "supplies" and pair of large, cherry red high heeled shoes dropped out. He modeled them for me!
  16. Okay, I did not see that coming! I would consider upgrading him to Brawny! lol
  17. I have to confess...whenever I review an escort or masseur's profile and they have a wishlist, I can't help myself: I have to see what they have on their list!! It feels a little like snooping, but hey, it's in the public domain, right... Have you ever done the same thing? Did it feel like snooping? And did you like it?
  18. I am not an escort, but since you have not received a reply today, I am jumping in. In short: ask 10 forum members and you will get 10 different answers... I choose to tip moderately when I receive what I believe is superior service. Others object against the practice for various reasons. Do whatever feels right for you. Treat others as you would want to be treated, with kindness...and moderation. Don't go overboard! lol
  19. Here is an example for your amusement: https://friendboy.pro/boys/CollegeDL
  20. The review mentioned above is dated May 30, 2018...
  21. Interesting; I am not sure the screen was facing the sun. Can't recall now. I do have a black cover on it which may absorb the heat even when the screen is facing away from the sun... Will keep it in mind - thank you!
  22. I am quite fond of "Doing Time on Maple Drive". Not very well known, but there is a raw honesty to it that appealed to me when I came across it the first time.
  23. I respectfully disagree. That may be the intention, but in reality that is not what I am seeing. when I pull up NYC. One of the gentlemen at the top of the page for New York City has a note that states "Last online: 2 months ago". The other two in that row are listed as last online 12 days ago. If I scroll down I see guys that are "Available Now" or "Last online: 21 hours"... I do agree that Haydenn is active - noted as online 1 day ago.
  24. So he doesn't pitch or catch? I'm sorry, but if I am going to spend time with a hot pornstar, he's going to have to be willing to "go all the way". I'd rather hang out with https://rent.men/DAN_stud Same attributes, great kisser, sweet, funny and easy to be around.
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