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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. Wait!! Don't strain yourself... Let me hold that cattle prod for you!!! I don't know for SURE that he is a vile little wanker, but he certainly comes across as one.
  2. The forum has multiple sections. Massage related questions are best posted in the "Spa" section (https://www.companyofmen.org/forums/the-spa.34/). You should have more luck there. The Deli section is focused on escorting.
  3. You have Spectrum? I am sorry to hear that. The pain must be unbearable!! lol Switch it off, count to ten, switch it back on!
  4. This was in the USA Today this morning. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2018/05/29/fbi-asks-americans-reboot-their-routers-stop-vpnfilter-malware/650867002/ A good reminder to routinely update your router software, change password from default and reboot... http://www.alltop9.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Top-Funny-Cool-Wi-Fi-Router-Names-1.png
  5. So you've met my family then? They are an...*interesting* bunch!
  6. Now I am going to have to go to A4A and check out the Pro section for NYC! I am curious: 1. do you ask if the pictures posted are accurate when you set up the appointment? Do they flat-out lie? That is pretty ballsy. 2. do you think that it is more prevalent for incall vs outcall? 3. is there any way to post a review on A4A? Thanks for indulging me!
  7. Yes. Taylor Reign had a Rentmen profile (now expired). Adam Ramzi has an active profile, so does Skyy Knox. (Easy to find, just search for their last names.)
  8. Indeed, "I am because.... I am young and handsome" is hardly a platform to build a happy, passionate and purposeful life.
  9. Daddy's is a separate site - it is still accepting reviews. Please review the Terms and Rules on the menu at the top of the page.
  10. I believe this is the same guy: https://friendboy.pro/boys/Hotamerican_twink A rate is included in this ad - higher than I expected but not outrageous.
  11. I have had plenty of good experiences with G4P. Even a few repeats that surprised the heck out of me!!
  12. I don't know...the idea of being worth more dead than alive bothers me for some reason, especially if you interject a third party. Do you plan to start sleeping with your one eye open? How would you structure the agreement...the escort gets paid only if you die from old age perhaps, but not if you slip in the shower or fall down a flight of stairs where foul play could be involved? If I had the policy paid up, and wanted to utilize some of it today, I would rather consider a life settlement of some sort (assuming the settlement is larger than the cash buyout). Then I would invest the money and just pull cash out as I need it to pay an escort (or three) if and when the need arises. If you do find an escort that stick with you to the end, you can always leave the remaining money to him by assigning him as your beneficiary for the account (payable on death account). Honestly, 'pay as you go' is probably the only way to go.
  13. I've never owned a pair of white jeans. How the heck do you keep them clean??? The slightest smudge would annoy me constantly... (just a little OCD). I love my Levi jeans, don't wear any other brand (you can keep your fancy Diesels and whatchamacallit brand, I'm good!)
  14. Largest I've seen, and can personally vouch for is Santiago (https://rent.men/santidepr) It's a thing of beauty!
  15. He is pretty responsive when he travels, When he is at home base, it is a different story...
  16. I found this quite interesting. It was mentioned in a separate post earlier this month. I didn't know it was "a thing". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyGOYA-U_uc What are your thoughts?
  17. A few years ago I had a partner who insisted on me choking him - he said it was hot. He was quite submissive but would move my hands to his throat and squeeze to encourage me. I did not enjoy it and never really 'committed'. Not my thing.
  18. I considered him, but got no response when I reached out. Also read his profile carefully, there are a number of things listed in "I am into"...but also a few things missing that I would expect to see from somebody with a written profile similar to his.
  19. A little off topic, but I only discovered "Doing Time On Maple Drive" late in its life - 15 years after release date. Enjoyed it immensely. Not your typical Jim Carrey movie, that's for sure!
  20. Agreed, but it is probably a small chance if you follow the rules. He does also say that everything he is into is listed on the site, and it is under "I am into". But as always, make sure you agree on expectations when you set up an appointment. If you want the top bunk, claim it!
  21. I've seen similar language before. I read its meaning to be: "You are not paying me for sex. Your paying me for my time. Whatever happens during that time is between two (or more) consenting adults."
  22. In a previous thread, @marylander1940 mentioned one of the guys from the porn site https://gayhoopla.com/. (https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/chaosmen-guys.131457/page-3). This made me wonder - and I know it is not common due to contractual restrictions - are there any of the GayHoopla men doing some work on the side???
  23. I appreciate your post - sharing your experience. Just my luck, it came a tad too late to save me from a no show. Pity, looked very promising... Oh well, moving on.
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