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Posts posted by Avalon

  1. I don't think so. That Greek love idea was between an older man and a younger man. Alexander and Hephaestion were about the same age. What they had I think today would be called a bromance. And regarding Bagoas I don't think sex with a eunuch makes one gay.


    Alexander had two wives one of whom bore him a son and a mistress who bore him a son.

  2. Justin is Daddy's Reviews Coverboy for today. (10/13/17).







    Here is his schedule


    Dec 01 - Dec 13 Ryad, Saudi Arabia

    Nov 22 - Nov 29 Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Nov 01 - Nov 08 Copenhagen, Denmark

    Nov 16 - Nov 22 Milano, Italy

    Nov 16 - Nov 22 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Oct 27 - Nov 01 Beijing, China



    So he's going to be in Kuala Lumpur and Milan at the same time.


    And he's going to Saudi Arabia where homosexuality is illegal and are executed???

  3. Maybe is my lack of mastery of the English language, but "rimming" is not enough for me, if I understand what involves. I prefer "eating". Do not misunderstand me, I like rimming, licking and kissing around, but what I really like is French kissing it, digging my tongue as deep as possible, sucking it like I want to devour it. Rimming is like a good appetizer. A very good one.


    I've heard rimming referred to as "Frenching butt". Like in "I could have Frenched his butt for hours". Read that in a story once.

  4. There was a "crossover" episode of ST:TNG, where Picard et. al., including Worf, go back to The Trouble with Tribbles episode. The Officers find the difference in the appearance of the Klingons to be striking. [Addendum: In ST:TOS, the Klingons were much more humanoid in appearance, with just a little skull change.]


    I believe it was Dr. Crusher who said, "Worf! What happened?"

    His reponse: "We do not like to speak of it."


    But since these Klingons are at a time before Kirk I'd think they'd look more like those in TOS.

  5. There's one female on the bridge that has implants like 7 of 9 yet the Federation will not encounter the Borg until years later.




    Those are strange looking Klingons!




    I've always been a Trekkie, have never cared for Star Wars but right now I'm preferring "The Orville" to "Discovery".

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