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Everything posted by Avalon

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oorah_(Marines) I was watching a tv show - season finale of "The Purge" - and the expression OORAH was used and wondered what it's origin was.
  2. https://www.quora.com/How-much-is-a-Mike-a-military-phonetic I was watching an episode of "SEAL Team" and the expression "mike" was used. I was unfamiliar with it. It refers to time - minute. I know that "klick" refers to kilometer.
  3. I never have. I live in the middle of nowhere. Be impossible to hire someone for an hour or two. I'd need to hire for several days. Pay for a flight and then pay for a rental car and then for a motel. No hotels here. It would be too expensive.
  4. That was a storyline on the recent episode of "The Good Doctor", For me it's neither. I set the role on the top of the toilet tank lid.
  5. Today on Hulu I watched episodes of two shows "9-1-1" and "The Resident" and in each there was a scene in a bar with this song being done. Must be quite a popular karaoke song!
  6. My rent is quite good. I pay less than the other tenants in the fourplex. And my rent is lower than in the other units on the street. I've lived here for 27 years.
  7. I get shopping coupons from the grocery store which I give him.
  8. My landlord was just here. He brought my mail. I had two books and meds. The delivery speed was incredible. Last Thursday besides the Methyl Pro I called the company who sends me other meds. Two were okay but I was told my doctor would need to give new prescriptions for the others. But all the meds were there! Maybe because I'm unable to see my doctor he wants to make sure I stay up on my meds so maybe he expedited things on his end. I have meds and food for the month. My landlord took out the garbage. I should be okay for awhile.
  9. Thank-you! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Paul_Lynde_Halloween_Special
  10. It seems like almost all the programs I watch had a Halloween themed episode. Halloween is among my least favorite "holidays". I'm so behind in my tv viewing I'm still trying to catch up. And YES some are Halloween!
  11. One thing a diabetic suffers from is toe pain. I take an over the counter med called Methyl Pro which I order on the phone and it's mailed to me. I placed an order in early October but when my landlord brought my groceries and mail to me last Thursday it was not there. So I called and placed a new order. I called the rent mail box place yesterday and it had arrived. So I called my landlord and he was to bring my mail by this morning at 9AM. He is a substitute school teacher. He called me at 9:30AM and said that he was called in to teach and would come by after school. My phone is in the kitchen. It rings four times before the answering machine picks up. There is no way I can reach the phone in four rings. So my landlord calls me again. Since I didn't answer the phone he was worried about me and said that his wife was going to come by and check on me. She just left. Wasn't that nice! I can go days, weeks without talking to anyone. But see how I rambled on with this post. Even if I had someone to talk to who would want to bother listening to me prattle on!
  12. http://www.nationalnachosday.com/ A good way to watch the election results come in.
  13. In the recent episode there was a segment about an old gay couple. Through flashbacks we saw how they met during the disco era and finally their marriage. One died in an accident. The other said that they wanted to go together. He bent down to say good bye holding his hand. He died too. It was such a sweet story. It brought tears. The couple were played by Francis X McCarthy (Thomas) and Lawrence Pressman (Mitchell) https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0565133/?ref_=tt_cl_t14 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0696303/ Young Thomas & Mitchell https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3907255/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t27 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3631751/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t30
  14. I find escorting incredible! That I if I were in the right place and had the money that I could have sex with these beautiful young men! The world is a wonderful place. You who are able to enjoy their charms are so fortunate! I envy you!
  15. My stance is wider than the walker. Several times I have bumped my toes into one of the legs. And it hurt! That is a good sign. Diabetics often have feet problems. Last year I broke a toe and although the toe turned black I didn't feel any pain.
  16. Thanks! https://newtour.belamionline.com/models.aspx?ModelID=2803
  17. Could you share about David? Gay, straight, bi? Boyfriend, girlfriend? & etc..
  18. My bedtime is between 10PM and 10:30PM. With the time change I should be wanting to stay up later but it's just the opposite; I want to go to bed earlier.
  19. In the recent episode a Muslim girl and Jewish boy fall in love. They want to marry. We never see the boy's parents but the girl's father is against it. In the end he comes around. If the show stays around for a couple of years I'd like to see a follow up when they have children and how they resolve what religion the children will be raised in.
  20. It's on my list but I have so many regular network tv shows to watch first. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilling_Adventures_of_Sabrina_(TV_series) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pansexuality
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