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Everything posted by FrankR

  1. I heard the same thing. Really enjoyed him in the movie Shelter.
  2. I enjoyed the first two books in the series. Now reading Amy Lane’s Johnnies series. 😁
  3. I’m so confused. I didnt post any links or mention his appearance. Chiseled or not. Find it hard to reconcile your suggested age of 60 with the pictures - looks like a regular “40-something” guy. If that is “60”, I look forward to it. Havent met the guy so cant speak to actual appearance and witholding judgement. The comment (“this link leads you to some old, bald guy who looks like a trailer trash meth-head”) makes you sound like a 19 year old sorority girl gossiping.
  4. “God level” you say! Lol I remember when it was the fashionable thing for masseurs to do youtube verification videos, years ago before the whole Rentboy/Backpages/Fosta thing. Some of the masseurs gave you a good look! You can still find some of them on Youtube. Search for: masseurfinder nyc 😉
  5. I have decided to do away with all my DVDs - if anyone wants my selection of Vista Videos please send me a direct message. Will happily send them to you. Please do consult your physician before watching them tho - your eyes may fall out and you may experience light-headedness as blood rushes to other, expanding, heavy-headed, parts of the body! https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Y2cGpvKjjYg/StybO9vhQjI/AAAAAAAAeeg/qP6fgrlpU-M/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/33.jpg
  6. I dont use any of them. Find it creepy that you have this machine listening to you 24/7. And probably storing much of what it hears, including information I would consider private. If I need information, I just google it. 🤷‍♂️
  7. Disney is still struggling. The PE ratio speaks for itself. Rumors of Apple potentially looking to buy Disney does sound interesting.
  8. FrankR


    Are you aware of any bathhouses worth exploring in Lisbon. Like the famous Thermas in Barcelona… Since many of the Brazilians I know enjoy that scene, speak the local language and visit frequently - could be a fun spot…
  9. I have recommended Mistr before and continue to be happy with the convenience and service.
  10. FrankR

    411 Jakexl

    Look again. His rentmen profile states HIV negative. (Not that you should believe everything you read in profiles)
  11. I dont think anyone is saying you cant give a professional (doctor/lawyer) a bad review. But it is not a good comparison. And context is important. A doctor/lawyer can have a bad day and still provide adequate service - it is rather different when it comes to…getting it up. Keep in mind professional standards differ between various professions, lets first agree on what professional standards should look like for eecorts before we judge. No doctor would want to be judged by lawyer standards, nor would an escort want lawyer standards (though both are arguably hired to screw someone!) 🤭
  12. Two sticks of dynamite - $20 Box of matches - $0.50 Glad extra strong garbage bags - $4 The look on your neighbors’ faces when they realize exactly how you got rid of that tree…priceless!! 😆
  13. I have gotten calls from banks, the IRS and Amazon - all scams. My standard advice to friends, clients and my parents: don’t talk to anyone that calls you or email you. Dead stop. Call the number on the back of your card or the number on your statement. Have them do a proper authentication before you discuss any details.
  14. My recommendation: 😆 (Sorry, couldnt resist!)
  15. They dont even try to defend it - in some cases you dont find out about these fees until you check in. Happened to me in Washington DC at a Marriott.
  16. FrankR

    Boy Erased

    Now on Netflix - comes across as a little superficial (mainly due to the contribution of the “parents”). Well worth watching. 💔
  17. You are trying to be funny - I get that. It’s not coming across as funny. Telling other forum members to “now sit down” as if they are children on the school grounds is condescending. Instead of being snarky - consider exercising the discipline to follow your own threads so polite discourse can take place. That is, I assume, what you were aiming for when you creates the thread?
  18. You may find this interesting… https://fortune.com/2023/07/05/jeremy-grantham-billionaire-investor-gmo-predicts-stock-crash/
  19. ⬆️ They are surprisingly hard to find. Flat fee is not nearly as lucrative.
  20. If you do decide to pay a deposit - which I do NOT recommend - at least take precautions. Insist on Paypal where you can file a claim and get your money back when you get defrauded. Dont use Venmo, Zelle, Cashapp or their website.
  21. There is a young, blond guy in NYC doing the same thing on Grindr. Buyer beware.
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