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    + Seaninsf got a reaction from + Charlie in Are obituaries useful these days?   
    ... and there is also the element that @Beancounter just posted. I too enjoy researching family history, and obituaries can be a treasure trove of information.
  2. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from + Charlie in Are obituaries useful these days?   
    My siblings and I ended up enjoying the process of writing the obituary for my mother. Sounds weird, I know. Maybe enjoyed is the wrong word. But we absolutely laughed about some of the things we put in (my mother was very funny) and as each of us thought about important elements of her life that should be included, it did grow in size and was quite pricey. I don't know how many people benefited from finding her obituary in the paper or online, but the process was well worth it for my family.
  3. Like
    + Seaninsf reacted to Beancounter in Are obituaries useful these days?   
    I’m an avid genealogist and find obituaries to be extremely helpful in piecing together family histories. It’s a great way to document birth dates, marriage information, children, grandchildren, work history. Older obituaries written in the 1800s and early 1900s can be quite elaborately written. Writing styles have certainly changed.
  4. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from tennisjock in 411 on Colllegestud   
    Hiro has a very nice smile and the guy to the right is pretty damn hot too. I was OK spending one minute and 24 seconds looking at pretty things, @azdr0710
  5. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from + bashful in 411 on AndrewMaroc [Retired?]   
    What an incredibly conscientious act, @Andrew Maroc! Thanks for looking out for your clients. Hopefully the gesture will be returned.
  6. Like
    + Seaninsf reacted to + Socalguy in 411 How can I work with heavy clients without offending them?   
    Thank you Monarchy79 and @rocky, I am a heavy guy myself and go out of my way to be squeaky clean and smell nice. [uSER=20442]
    @bendable2019[/uSER] I am unclear if you only have issues with heavy people who aren't clean or, as suggested by the thread title, heavy guys period. If it's the former, I think what Monarchy79 and others suggested is good advice regarding taken a shower together. If it's heavy people in general, which I can't help but feel it might be, then maybe put something in your ads hinting at the fact that you're looking for guys who are in shape. As a heavy client, I am annoyed by those words in an ad but I'd be a lot more angry if I hired you and I could tell you weren't into it.
    Finally, a bit of unsolicited advice that was told to me by a very wise and very successful escort: The best escorts can find something attractive in every single client. It might be thier looks, it might be their personality or it might be a tiny little detail that they can concentrate on but they find something to make the client feel like the escort is really into it. If you can't do that, then it'll show, both in your reviews and in the number of repeat customers. Just my 2¢
  7. Like
    + Seaninsf reacted to adventurous old guy in AVOIDING FLAKES/FAKES/CANCELLATIONS   
    Don't think we're going to agree here. So, getting back on track...
    Alex the OP, I'm sorry you had that experience. As you can see, many here empathize. And I think you've earned some new friends and admirers. Let's all go out today and treat others the way we'd like to be treated.
  8. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from adventurous old guy in Strange encounter   
    @MidwestCoastal, you're a peach! What an incredibly kind thing to do for someone in a bind (even one of their own making).
    Agree wholeheartedly that this site has become my first point of reference when looking to engage the services of a gentleman I've not met before.
  9. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from SugarCub in it’s not personal – it’s just business.   
    You say that like it's a negative thing!
    Seriously, I think an important part of what makes for a great connection and a pleasurable encounter is the ability to let go for a bit and enjoy the experience. Allowing yourself to get lost in the moment is amongst the best outcomes from these engagements (for those of us who prefer a BFE) and I think it really does require both parties to "suspend disbelief" for a bit, like enjoying a great play.
    It sounds like you do a good job of enjoying your time to the fullest while remaining aware of the fact that you've engaged the gentleman for these services.
    And I agree with @Benjamin_Nicholas, there are absolutely providers who enjoy and appreciate these connections even though they occur within the parameters of a "transaction". I enjoy lots of people I encounter in my professional life.
  10. Like
    + Seaninsf reacted to + Keith30309 in it’s not personal – it’s just business.   
    I think this is spot-on. When you find that rare guy with whom you can sincerely connect it’s an awesome experience.
    Unfortunately there’s not many guys who are able to do this and many of my 2-hr meets feel mechanical and routine. It’s like an industrial process.
    When I started using Seekingarrangement the best thing about it was that 90% of the guys I met were not “professional” in any sense of the word... for them it was a unique experience and not routine or transactional in any way (even though the main reason most were there was ultimately financial.). Few of those guys had ever gone to a guys hotel room and the entire experience was new. And when I do my homework and pick guys with whom I have chemistry it is a terrific experience.
    I think the great escorts project that same feeling of a new, unique experience with every client.
  11. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from + Keith30309 in it’s not personal – it’s just business.   
    You say that like it's a negative thing!
    Seriously, I think an important part of what makes for a great connection and a pleasurable encounter is the ability to let go for a bit and enjoy the experience. Allowing yourself to get lost in the moment is amongst the best outcomes from these engagements (for those of us who prefer a BFE) and I think it really does require both parties to "suspend disbelief" for a bit, like enjoying a great play.
    It sounds like you do a good job of enjoying your time to the fullest while remaining aware of the fact that you've engaged the gentleman for these services.
    And I agree with @Benjamin_Nicholas, there are absolutely providers who enjoy and appreciate these connections even though they occur within the parameters of a "transaction". I enjoy lots of people I encounter in my professional life.
  12. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from BabyBoomer in it’s not personal – it’s just business.   
    You say that like it's a negative thing!
    Seriously, I think an important part of what makes for a great connection and a pleasurable encounter is the ability to let go for a bit and enjoy the experience. Allowing yourself to get lost in the moment is amongst the best outcomes from these engagements (for those of us who prefer a BFE) and I think it really does require both parties to "suspend disbelief" for a bit, like enjoying a great play.
    It sounds like you do a good job of enjoying your time to the fullest while remaining aware of the fact that you've engaged the gentleman for these services.
    And I agree with @Benjamin_Nicholas, there are absolutely providers who enjoy and appreciate these connections even though they occur within the parameters of a "transaction". I enjoy lots of people I encounter in my professional life.
  13. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from beachboy in it’s not personal – it’s just business.   
    You say that like it's a negative thing!
    Seriously, I think an important part of what makes for a great connection and a pleasurable encounter is the ability to let go for a bit and enjoy the experience. Allowing yourself to get lost in the moment is amongst the best outcomes from these engagements (for those of us who prefer a BFE) and I think it really does require both parties to "suspend disbelief" for a bit, like enjoying a great play.
    It sounds like you do a good job of enjoying your time to the fullest while remaining aware of the fact that you've engaged the gentleman for these services.
    And I agree with @Benjamin_Nicholas, there are absolutely providers who enjoy and appreciate these connections even though they occur within the parameters of a "transaction". I enjoy lots of people I encounter in my professional life.
  14. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from + TheBigO in it’s not personal – it’s just business.   
    You say that like it's a negative thing!
    Seriously, I think an important part of what makes for a great connection and a pleasurable encounter is the ability to let go for a bit and enjoy the experience. Allowing yourself to get lost in the moment is amongst the best outcomes from these engagements (for those of us who prefer a BFE) and I think it really does require both parties to "suspend disbelief" for a bit, like enjoying a great play.
    It sounds like you do a good job of enjoying your time to the fullest while remaining aware of the fact that you've engaged the gentleman for these services.
    And I agree with @Benjamin_Nicholas, there are absolutely providers who enjoy and appreciate these connections even though they occur within the parameters of a "transaction". I enjoy lots of people I encounter in my professional life.
  15. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from + kov78 in Would any of your hire an overweight 50 year old escort   
    Is it possible this is a joke? If not, I give the guy credit for having confidence to put himself out there. That being said, he really should have someone edit the text in his ad.
  16. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from marylander1940 in Would any of your hire an overweight 50 year old escort   
    Is it possible this is a joke? If not, I give the guy credit for having confidence to put himself out there. That being said, he really should have someone edit the text in his ad.
  17. Like
    + Seaninsf reacted to Kyle Clinton in Lust   
    Agree with much of the above. If the personal connection doesn't manifest itself, no amount of physical beauty can make up for the lack of mental and emotional substance. I only return again and again when there is a human connection that is genuine and fun to be with. It's about being "with" more than being "next to" or "around" that is the best part of the human experience sexually and otherwise.
  18. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from rhicks408 in 411 on PaulMitchell visiting SF?   
    Update - found him in the forum. He was formerly PaulNY with both RM and Rentmasseur ads. Looks like @Oaktown met him and was less than dazzled (if that's a fair interpretation).
  19. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from Dmitri in Gerrard in SF & DC   
    I'm pretty sure one would call this a pre-view, not a review
  20. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from Ichabod in 411 Karl Kang in SF   
    I had an amazing experience with Karl yesterday. I can echo everything that has been said here - great balance of technical skill with truly sensual elements sprinkled throughout. He is adorable to look at and his body is rock hard. Loved admiring his beautiful abs But he also seems like a kind and thoughtful soul. His spa experience is evident in that he takes care with small little touches that one doesn't often encounter when visiting these solo practitioners. When I arrived, he had a basket and towel set up on the table. He explained I should place my clothes in the basket and the towel was for me to use when I showered after the massage. Post massage, I came out of the shower to find Karl folding my clothes and laying each item on the massage table for me. I was charmed, obviously.
    I also wanted to comment, or rather thank you guys for making this forum so valuable. I've used Daddy's reviews for years to vet escorts and usually been happy with the results. I never ventured over to this forum section and have found a treasure trove, which in some ways, seems more helpful than the reviews section (with all due respect).
    You guys are great! Thank you!
  21. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from GTMike in What the hell is going on in Phoenix?   
    The profile for Romaromantic was just in SF a few weeks ago and discussed on this forum. There were several other profiles at the same time, all with similar stats and stunning pictures (although, not these exact profiles).
    It does seem that whoever is behind these profiles might cause less suspicion if they didn't have a habit of posting multiple, similar profiles in the same city at the same time.... at least that's how I'd go about it!
  22. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from Gadfly22 in Get it together guys!   
    I completely agree with you @Gadfly22. I think it's particularly important given example #3 in the original post sounds as if the "well reviewed guy" never returned the money he was fronted as a deposit.
    If someone rips one of us off, we should definitely use this forum to make others aware. I wouldn't want someone like example #3 to have my business.
  23. Sad
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from marylander1940 in WeHo Politician Allegedly Luring Young Black Sex Workers to Their Deaths   
    Sadly, I think you're correct @E.T.Bass, he's not in jail because they were gay and black and their deaths involved drugs and (maybe more importantly) he has money and is well connected.
    The story did get a good bit of coverage (NYTimes, etc.) when it broke around the first of the year, but I've heard nothing in the last month or so.
  24. Like
    + Seaninsf reacted to Mike Smith 2 in 411 on Tobias from men.com   
    That’s my point. I’m a very simple direct person. I don’t engage in “chatter”. I was to the point a specific and he decided to have a lot of requirements for his “safety”. I’m here describing my experience so that others can evaluate their decision on hiring this specific provider.
  25. Like
    + Seaninsf got a reaction from + glutes in 411 on Cacao visiting SF soon   
    Thanks for the recon, @Oaktown!
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