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Posts posted by OCClient

  1. I also agree the movie was not utterly fantastic.....the cinematography and music were the best part with Ledger's acting very close behind.....otherwise, the movie was just a classic tragic love story that's been done a million times before......no significant plot twists or revelations.....that it was two guys in a mainstream movie is a healthy step forward, but, otherwise, not cutting-edge moviemaking


    however, as @rustyrex said, the ending, of course, was excruciatingly sad.....with Ledger's acting, the music, and Jack and Ennis's history combining to create quite a finish


    In that clip, Jack's shirt hung inside Ennis's, the reverse of how Ennis found them at the ranch. That was Heath Ledger's idea. My impression is Ledger was extremely devoted to the characters, which isn't surprising, actors embracing their craft.


    I don't argue with all the luke warm comments towards the film. We all have our taste. Me, I can't stand the recent Borat movie. I love Brokeback Mountain.


    I love Ang Lee's work. The scene where Ann Hathaway talks on the phone to Ennis afterwards.....wow.

    The scenes at the ranch. To name just a few. Great cinema. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2KF7DAlM4E:29


  2. He is such a luscious, charming, intelligent, twink-hunk, and his voice is the voice I would love to hear first thing in the morning. ?

    Hearing his voice deep in the night wouldn't suck either. ?

    He sure has grown into quite a young stud though. ❤

  3. I payed $20 to watch Minari on line at the A24 website. You get an intro, the film, and a nicely done Q&A previously recorded.


    Nomadland deals with life and loss, so yeah, it has sadness. One can see how Zhao loves the wide open spaces of the American West.


    Yes, Minari is 100% American.

  4. The story reminded me of an acquaintance, what some call a rice queen, that was dating this beautiful, young Thai who ultimately moved away to the east coast to attend medical school. Not long after that, my acquaintance reported that his Thai friend dumped him for some hottie in med school, and so was terribly distraught. He was literally in tears each time we had coffee talk, which was sad, losing at love with a beautiful Thai guy. Some of us know this feeling. But curiously, he then decided to out his Thai friend to his family. He didn't have to, but he did it.


    One could say this outcome goes with the territory. A risk you take being in the closet and dating a "loose cannon".


    In the end, in this case and with the OP, it takes forgiveness to free yourself completely. Perhaps that is all one should hope for.


    As far as knowing about criminal activity, if the OP is somehow complicit with that piece, that's a whole other can of worms. Sounds like there was at least ongoing knowledge of it and a messy way to live.

  5. This weekend I watched both

    Lee Isaac Chung's Minari


    Chloé Zhao's Nomadland.


    Both are poignant, mostly quiet movies. I enjoyed them.


    Nomadland is a bigger budget film with a big name star.


    Minari doesn't have a Frances Mcdormand, but the grandmother and grandson characters are so well performed. Loved them.


    Minari is a nuanced and low key film set in rural Arkansas. That works for me.


    Nomadland is both melancholy and sublime. I enjoyed how the film travels onward to each panoramic location. Could win best picture.c1fff4c0a4211c62d705fc2374d6f29bf3-nomadland.jpg

  6. Saw a musical in San Diego years ago starring and produced by one of the big names from the British invasion. All I remember was a scene where Shirley McClaine materialized, arriving on a large sleigh. Back then she was thought of as "out there," so the scene was funny. Wasn't really her, just looked like her. Anyway the show was forgettable. I can't find any record of it on the interwebs. Bless his heart he tried, but one could almost see the look in his eyes, putting a brave face on a painfully mediocre show.

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