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Everything posted by OCClient

  1. Watching US men's figure skating. Holy cr@p there are some cuties. Their compact strong buttocks!
  2. Gotta love those manly scooters they're handling like a boss.
  3. He really steals your heart in that role.
  4. Here is the entire song Ek Chaand from the movie. Few movies make me cry but this one did. But that's OK. So glad I saw it, twice now.
  5. Well put! My only complaint is his height, how there might not be enough room when he's trying to roll me around on the bed.
  6. He is known to be a good father. How would you know? Now you're just piling on for little reason. And bullying doesn't occur in academies. Really? Hammer is half Jewish right? So not sure how much attention I'll pay to your rant. He has admitted not being aligned with the right wing values that keep some of his relatives from seeing the movie.
  7. Yes it is brave! For example, Hammer discussed what his daughter might go through in school, especially with Ivory's initial plan for nudity, that the idea of bullying in school is so much in the forefront, and Hammer's concern how pictures will get downloaded and passed around at his daughter's school. It's not fair, but it's real, what actors might face playing this kind of part. Sucks that critics want to use him for target practice now. Serves little purpose.
  8. I also believe you should see it again. My take on the later scene with the father was an awareness of the affection that burned in Elio's heart, and not that the father assumed Elio self-identified as gay, just that the father admits how he himself and many other males experience that desire for a friend. But that gets into the idea of bisexuality which so many guys refuse to admit is real, including many on this forum. Aciman intended that it is real, that bisexual feelings should not be shut out. He has said so. He is a straight dude with 3 very nice looking sons. For me what was more important was the prior scene where the parents remind the clock is ticking and how Elio shouldn't waste time if he was looking to be friends with Oliver, and then punctuated it with if there is anything you want to talk about Elio you know you can always talk about anything with us. The father calls him Elly Belly then which paints such a loving picture, how they treasure their son above other things like stigma. Sure this all might seem unrealistic but after all, the book is a work of fiction, and is merely for entertainment, as is the movie. There likely has never been a young man like Elio Perlman. As far as Hammer not being dynamic enough, Oliver is supposed to be restrained as a character. It's Elio that is supposed to go for it, and Chalamet is pretty convincing with that. Check out the scene where Oliver kisses Elio's foot, the look in Chalamet's face. He is quite convincing. http://qqp9u102slh1hz2aq2e5ig91-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/CMBYN-best-scenes-part-1-2.1.jpg
  9. Not sure if he is all that rich based on some of his comments, although I used to assume he was. For sure Hammer will appear in the sequel to CMBYN. He is in the cast of a number of films coming out in the next year or two, The Ruth Bader Ginsburg movie looks interesting. Guadagnino liked Hammer well enough, and especially liked him in Social Network. His looks certainly help, but he is a smart guy for sure. Not just a pretty face.
  10. Thank you so much for the recommend. Such a good movie!
  11. The audiobook is a must have then, for you. Armie Hammer is great.
  12. I agree. And though it's rare, once in a while I've learned I was wrong about something. In response to some previous posts, I thought Laura Weedman's character Doris was crucial. Both dramatic and funny. **************SPOILER********************* In S1 Epi 1, on the bus, Richie was so innocent, sweet and engaging. After finishing S1, S2 and the movie, then, on my second viewing of the bus scene with Richie, I went....oh shit...this sweet guy's heart is gonna get so broken by this drama queen. You want to get on that bus and warn him! mais c'est la vie, o Así es la vida
  13. To me, what happens on the bus in S1 Epi 1 is definitely a foreshadowing of what is gonna happen for Richie. I thought it was really well done . I love Looking. It's about time to binge watch again. For those that enjoyed S1 and S2, the movie is great.
  14. Saw Fun Home national tour at the Ahmanson. Loved it. (Yeah we're easy to please out here. ) Saw Hedwig at the Pantages. Rock and Roll! D. Criss was mouthwatering. I think Criss' performance got the reviewer at the LA Times all wet, like she was in love. I will always remember the platform arising for WLT, Criss in just those short shorts. What a bod! The audience loved him. Looks like we don't get Wicked next year.
  15. I just read on another Site they've chosen the title for the sequel. It's............ OK, Now Call Me by Someone Else's Name Ba dump bump!!! (I'm here all week. ) But I do wonder what they'll come up with for the sequel title and mostly whether Ivory would pass this time after the production steered clear of the frontal nudity.
  16. IMO Oliver was in love with Elio by the things he said and the expressions on his face. "Do you know how glad I am we made love?" and "I could kiss you right now."
  17. That makes sense. Unless a director is trying to pull of something like Lars von Trier. in Nymphomaniac, when does a scene need to show boinking and why? The book really aligns with that, how it never actually describes a hard cock slipping inside somebody's hole, rather explains the feelings about that: Elio's fears, the longing, the regret, the anger and so on. If the book or the movie actually showed or described boinking it might miss the point, how this is a story of a young man's desire, and the vulnerability and pain that goes with that.
  18. Streaming of the parade by Cord and Tish should be required viewing for all gay men that like parades! Never laughed so much during the Rose Parade
  19. Anderson Cooper is popular with his viewers, for what it's worth. I don't watch him but tuned in tonight and caught their bitching about the cold, Anderson feeling hot in the middle and cold everywhere else, so Andy asked isn't that how it feels to be on heroin, and Anderson came back with a WTF are you talking about kind of response and then admitted how badly it's going so far. Then I turned to ABC and watched Ryan Seacrest fawning over Nick Jonas, even calling him a stud. Oh sheesh!
  20. "In the Kitchen with David" He is such a sweetheart. a lot of eating of tasty things each Sunday morning on QVC, at least it is morning he's on where I live.
  21. A ha! I thought she looked familiar, and yes, Constance Wu was in Eastsiders. Loved her character and her lines.
  22. Like how many times Oliver went down on Elio? Like the time when Elio grabbed his own stiffy through his jeans. Or how I wanted to see up Elio's so badly during the jack off scene but the damn bed post blocked all but an imaginative view of the dark, secret place beyond, up his lovely shorts.
  23. I doubt if Sony Classics would have picked it up if the film showed male frontal nudity in the love making, and also doubt whether Hammer and Chalamet would allow their junk in the final edit. In fact I read that both actors had clauses in their contracts about that, so that unless something changes, the sequel will also not show any of the frontal nude clips Guadagnino might have. I understand how this seems incongruous with hetero sex and affection shown in cinema, especially cinema filmed outside the US with non-American actors, that might show these nude scenes more honestly. Ivory has talked quite a bit about that, how decades ago, mail frontal nudity was shown in Maurice and A Room With a View, and in each case was so well done, IMO. Lovely films, by the way. Earlier this year Ivory gave an interview, I believe it was Variety, where he called out US cinema for the double standard concerning male frontal nudity, how narrow minded we are over here in the States. That said, I think the movie is fine as is. A agree with @TruHart1's conclusion about that.
  24. I LOVE this collection of CMBYN scenes set to Debussy. Check Chalamet's expression at 1:12. SPOILER, this shows most of the kissing and love making you'll find in the movie unless I'm forgetting something.
  25. I love his answers about the possibility of winning and Oscar this time, so clever and so apropos. He had some very interesting things to say on a Q&A DVD extra included on the Cohen Media 30th Anniversary re-release of Maurice. Ivory is an interesting fellow.
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