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Everything posted by OCClient

  1. Some theaters have adults only movies. Not adult movies. Just no kids allowed. Seems like a good idea, although there are plenty of adults that acts like children themselves.
  2. I won a dinner with an Indie movie director, which was hella fun. Sounds like this is not really the same kind of experience but still such a worthy cause. I'm in!
  3. Chen has a nice look. Best of luck to all the skaters.
  4. He seems like a sweetheart!
  5. I saw someone use it years ago on the news to explain how public opinion would move on gay rights. Definitely a nicer way of saying it.
  6. Just watched another movie with C. Cook Jr. , called Gook, a Korean American story during the LA riots. I understand it was a hit at Sundance. Watched it on Netflix DVD. Pretty good.
  7. Good point @TruHart1, how these references added context, the era of the story. There was even a bit on the TV about Bettino Craxi, unless I'm mistaken. I suppose the Mussolini placard was a reminder that not everyone from the fascist period had transitioned out of the population yet. Oh, and now that I think about it, the book did cover war references, though mostly as a metaphor, such as the Maginot Line, these were sort of political elements. Yeah, I'm convinced not to be too concerned after all what Luca is up to. I'll let Luca figure out the sequel by himself.
  8. Regarding the sequel comments, the book didn't touch on politics at all. The only faint idea of politics was that Anchise was kicked out of the Army for some reason. Gay? He was much younger in the book. Anyway, since politics was not a theme of the book, I hope Luca doesn't dwell too much on Berlusconi in the sequel, or if he does, he uses a deft touch. Hopefully Aciman will serve as an effective reality check for Luca, that fans may react to pushing political opinions that might land with a thud inside of our beloved story of these characters.
  9. I admit I just let my eyes read his handsome looks.
  10. Not that it makes sense to me as far as movie quality, but the justification for Crash winning best picture was that it won best cast in a motion picture at the SAG awards. So that logic would point to 3BOEM, although that outcome does not result every year, just often. I still haven't seen 3B, but I've read reviews that align with your impression. I'm still keeping fingers crossed Sufjan will show up wearing metallic balloons or something of that sort.
  11. First time I heard was on Scrubs. This one by The Blanks is nicely done.
  12. I was really struck by The Post. A classically good movie, (whatever that means) compared to how modern indie movies are treading such new ground, which I'm not complaining about. The trailer for The Shape of Water blew me away, but I've learned not to invest too much in trailers. I must see that one though!
  13. In the book, I'm convinced Oliver was concerned about a broken heart, Elio's and even his own. He admitted his fear was that Elio was up to some fun and games (even though Elio probably didn't think so) but for Oliver, it was something much deeper he was still trying to understand. The thing that gets me about "perviness" is the world has celebrated many movies and songs where the characters were opposite sex, with one of the couple being underage. To me it's clearly a double standard how Oliver/Elio is pervy, that even the gay community will acquiesce to the idea. Not me though. I remember being 17 and desiring this teacher just out of college. I would have gone Elio on that sweet man and let him have his way with me. Desire is not dirty just because it's gay desire. Movies like Summer of 42 and Dirty Dancing. Songs by Elvis and Billy Idol. And so on.
  14. Hope this isn't violating protocol but I recently had a reaction to a zinc oxide type sunscreen product, so I'm suddenly sensitive to these kind of skin issues! Back on point, I'm lucky so far never reacting to any massage skin products.
  15. Thanks for sharing that TruHart1. Glad to hear these acclamations because CMBYN deserves it. Award shows are such an enigma, so in that context our beloved movie might be left in the dust at the Oscars. The sequel will not let it be forgotten though!
  16. A.H. returned to Twitter. Here a line from the book/movie. A dance party ensued.
  17. He used some kind of scalp scratcher thing which I didn't care for. Perhaps he doesn't use that anymore. He is a sweet guy.
  18. Someone Like You does get me a bit verklempt. Cryptococcus gives you 4 C's and a coc!
  19. The audio book is worth the spend IMO. Armie Hammer is great!
  20. Vanity Fair continues to show the love for the movie. Here is an interview with Sufjan, about his involvement, including of course his comments about the music. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2018/01/sufjan-stevens-on-call-me-by-your-name#intcid=dt-recirc-cral1 I got to see him last summer, the Planetarium tour, where he did Somewhere Over the Rainbow as an encore. His Carrie and Lowell album was considered one of the best albums of the year. Going way back, his Illinois album here is his fantastic dream about summer camp, proclaiming love for his friend. [MEDIA=vimeo]2654773[/MEDIA]
  21. @Benjamin_Nicholas I found this set list on BANDSTOURS.NET, for her 2017/2018 tour. Is this pretty much what she sang at 54 Below? 1. Not Gonna Fall This Time 2. I Will Wait for You 3. Blue Skies 4. Someone Like You 5. Good Bye 6. Ordinary People 7. Falling Slowly 8. Charade 9. Bridge Over Troubled Water 10. Mad Hatter 11. A Women in His Arms 12. The Heat of the Night 13. Vienna
  22. Love the idea of A.H. and T.C. as Batman and Robin directed by Luca, though I realize that they realize it is far fetched, A.H. and especially T.C. seemed to enjoy imagining such a possibility. T.C. is so refreshing. Hope they continue on to interviews in France and entendre Timothée parler français.
  23. OCClient

    Naz and Maalik

    I try to attend OutFest screenings that deal with LGBT Muslim experiences but sometimes one can't see everything. Naz and Maalik is one that I missed but had a chance to stream it today on Netflix. The young couple's relationship was sweet and poignant. I especially liked Curtiss Cook. The Brooklyn setting and the plot were interesting to me, although how the movie ended didn't quite convince me like it could have. I'm still glad I watched it. http://www.trbimg.com/img-54ef2e2f/turbine/hc-rizzo-ticker-0301-20150301
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