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Posts posted by VictorPowers

  1. Again, thank you all for the copious amounts of responses. I enjoyed @ncc1701d post regarding cancellation reasons. I'm a very understanding and accommodating guy, so reason is important to me. A lot can be read between the lines with sincerity and true apologies as well. I carry myself in a professional manner, and ask clients do the same if a cancellation absolutely needs to happen. This recent occurrence happened from a busy work schedule and him taking on my appointment when he couldn't confidently guarantee a clear schedule. The disregard for my time irks me, and the apologies were non existent. All of your insight leads me to want to drop him altogether, but I'm too much of a nice guy to do that I suppose.

  2. I am a freelancer who sees people by the hour too, altho in a different line of work. I have a 24 hour cancellation policy, and generally enforce it unless the client is so regular and never cancels, then I will usually let them off. It is more to discourage those who are inclined to be flakey. I know in your line of work it is harder to enforce this rule, as your clients can be sparse/sporadic. My usual rule is to let them off the first time, but second time I would say they have to pay you, chances are they won't but then you don't see them or accept their booking next time. For the odd hour you may lose it will be worth it in the end to avoid endless flaking and last minute rescheduling.

    Thank you for your response. The hourly cancels I can live with. It is the ONs and extended dates that can really damage a schedule.

  3. I agree and now you're making me re-think my decision to offer one hour appointments again at all. Why even offer less than my best?

    Keep your hours. I see those as a buffer in between longer appointments and ONs. Also, the small hour appointments can take a trip with small profit, to a sizeable one.


    I offer additional hour discounts, and this discussion is making me think I should post that in my ad. I too enjoy the 2-4 hour appointment range. I feel there isn't a sense of being rushed on either end. Plus, both parties gain more of a connection with the longer appointment.

  4. Is this a Salt Lake City complaint ... VP ... haha

    I was ready to reply even before reading your comment! SLC is a ghost town for clients! I have my travel down pretty solid to where I'm home for a 2-3 week stretch, then I'm traveling again. I suppose your odds are about 60-75% that I'll be in my home town, and schedules match.


    In response to OP, the market in my city is very thin. I create more opportunity for myself in my travels. Ask @tristanbaldwin I'm pretty sure he lives in his home 30% of the time. He's a busy man indeed!

  5. Essentially Pepsi marketed Crystal Pepsi back in 1992 as a clear Cola. They discontinued it a couple years later. Fast forward to 2017 where they made another run temporarily to appease the fans that loved it. It's a unique drink and pretty interesting. I'm not a big soda drinker in general, but it's nice to indulge.

  6. I tend to schedule my travels around requests/anchor appointments.


    Other times I do road trips, so in those cases I'll list ads in the cities along the way and stop at the ones getting appointments. If I don't get any requests, I can keep going until the next city. Great way to visit places most people fly over.

    That's a great idea. I'm sure you see clients in cities that others pass on. Then there is the added benefit of having a car to use on Out calls

  7. I keep seeing Sydney for @ $800 RT from LA. I set airline agents on Tripadvisor and Justfly to watch for cheap flights to places I want to go. $800 is like, 2 hours for you VP LOL? PS there's plenty there - hard to imagine working it ALL off :rolleyes:

    Well then. Australia here I come! It's on my list to visit someday. Keep in mind I'm based in UT. RT is double the LAX cost. It'd be cheaper if I book 2 separate RT flights SLC-LAX and LAX-SYD. Increase the price you found to north of $1k and the hassle of paying 2x for baggage given neither of the cheap options is Delta(My frequent flyer program of choice). In short, it'd be either a logistical nightmare or expensive to make it there.


    @mike carey Its difficult to vacation and sprinkle in appointments. I tend to not be in "work mode" when I'm relaxing in vacation. Maybe I'll give it a few more tries. I love international travel, and attempting to work in another country definitely would be an adventurers its own.

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