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Everything posted by GregM

  1. Unless one shares. Hugs, Greg
  2. I hate hate H A T E when I say thank you and someone says, no problem. WRONG answer! :mad::mad: Hugs, Greg
  3. Neither side is wrong and neither side is right. Do what is best for you. Do you. I give no fucks if someone dislikes what or how I do something if it doesn't affect them directly. Don't like if I wrap? No fucks. Don't like that I go raw? No fucks. Duces! Hugs, Greg
  4. I am always at least 45 mins early for work. I am very rarely late for work. My last job I was there almost 2 years and probably late two times. Current job, never late. Now as for the sales guy not answering his phone, he's probably having his calls sent to vm and he will get to you when he has time. I rarely get the person I'm calling at work. It's always vm first and then wait for the call back. Email and text is best communication I've found. Hugs, Greg
  5. How many cycles of chemo do you have? If theres anything I can do please let me know. Feel free to text or pvt me here on the board. Hugs, Greg
  6. Plain and simple, people are ass holes. Not everyone mind you but enough are to make situations unfun. I can't speak for others but whether it's a paid engagement or otherwise I give no fucks what race someone is. It's a non issue with me plain and simple. You can choose to let others bother you and let it eat you up or you can say fuck it and just dance. I understand we are human we all have feelings and yes rejection hurts. Not being part of the A crowd in any form I know. But I would rather have one person love me for me rather than have 10 people pretend. If that makes sense. Fuck the haters and do you. Hugs, Greg
  7. What is this writing project that Daddy speaks of? Hugs, Greg
  8. Are you allowed to have the naughty pics as locked pics or does the site still crop them? Hugs, Greg
  9. He was great with kids cause he talk to them, not down to them. If we could clone him thatd be awesome. Hugs, Greg
  10. Anyone here a member? Thoughts? I'm considering joining. There's a facility kinda on my way home that's open 24/7 which is nice since a few nights a week I'm not off till 10pm. Hugs, Greg
  11. Back on topic though. I don't think I would let him venture out on his own if he kept nodding off. If he was driving that would be a recipe for a bad day. I think I would encourage him to call someone to pick him up or offer him an Uber. But that's just me. Hugs, Greg
  12. I don't drive. It's safer for everyone if I don't lol. Hugs, Greg
  13. I think that might have been Moulin Rouge. B7t maybe both? Hugs, Greg
  14. I'm still around. Been busy with the day job mostly and other stuff. I wish I could do PS but I have plans of being in Vegas Memorial day weekend. Unfort I can't do both Hugs, Greg
  15. Oh as for privacy your on the interwebz, and your probably on social media and you most likely have a smart phone. The sites, Google/Apple etc know you better than you know yourself. Hugs, Greg
  16. Would AC be more Vegas or Reno feel? Hugs, Greg
  17. No I wouldn't see someone if I didn't like them. Acquaintance is ok but it sounds kind of distant. Hugs, Greg
  18. Love avas! Love them in guac, salad, civeche and by itself with a lil salt and pepper and Italian dressing. The idea of watermelon and ava sounds good. Maybe do a mint, ava, watermelon and cheese combo? Mmmmm And that ava ice cream has been on my list to make and try for a while. Hugs, Greg
  19. I wonder if she's been hitting the meth pipe again. The lil bit of video I could stand it sounded horrid. I don't subscribe to the whole fuck yeah murika and how dare you disrespect the flag/national anthem. I give zero fucks about it/them. But her going by her performance, it was awful and shoulda had her mic unplugged. Hugs, Greg
  20. Escort or hooker I'm fine with and I've often used the term hooker. Both mean the same thing. First meeting I will probably refer to someone as a client. But anything more than a couple meetings it's moved beyond client. I'm not quite sure what to refer to someone who've I've seen mire than a couple times. Because after a couple times it feels more than I'm just a hole or cock (I'm ok if I am though lol) or a transaction. Idk I'll think of something. Hugs, Greg
  21. I just read that the Tropicana is now a hot spot for gambeling and eating. Just 10 yrs ago maybe a lil less it was almost shut down due to very very poor mgt. Hugs, Greg
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