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Everything posted by GregM

  1. If you or someone else doesnt like what I say (I tend to speak my mind) then you have a couple options. One, hit the ignore button and you went see my posts. It works. I've done it to a couple people. Or two, hit the road.
  2. Plain and simple his rational for raising rates is stupid. I'm not going to argue. But good luck to him. I guarantee he won't be gaining anything from it. But his biz his problem. Not mine.
  3. The market will pay what it can afford. NYC is a different market than Milwaukee. Since when was $500 an hour low end? I know I was gone for a bit but seriously?!?! My unprofessional opinion is the OP is on bad crack and should seek help. Hugs, Greg
  4. All I said is I prefer his answer No. You're being an ass.
  5. Individual groups have their own flags and that's fine. I have no issue with that but adding to the original is just silly. He's a typical pnw I need to feel special fag who probably didnt get a pony growing up and he's still bitter. Hugs, Greg
  6. What crawled up your ass and bit you? Yup I read it. Go get fucked.
  7. I like Kevin's short, simple and to the point No. Hugs, Greg
  8. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag I would never fly his garbage. Hes just looking for attention. Hugs, Greg
  9. I'm going to be in Puerto Rico for New Years. I haven't booked lodging yet. Debating between San Juan or Poncé. I get in Dec 31 and leave Jan 7. ¡WEPA! Hugs, Greg
  10. The female queen is an evil vile creature and should hang. Fuck her. Hugs, Greg
  11. I think the angle of the pic makes my nose look big lol. Hugs, Greg
  12. I could make an exception if they're in the medical field. Hugs, Greg
  13. Not I. When I'm with a gentleman caller he has my full and undivided attention. Theres only been once I've had to reach for my phone and it was my fault. I forgot to turn off my alarm from the previous days nap. I apologized profusely for the alarm and having to read for the phone. Luckily he's a regular and knows me well and was very understanding. Hugs, Greg
  14. So while we are the subject of poo pooing tattoos heres one for ya. What if someone had breast cancer and they wish to tattoo nipples? Is that wrong? Is that defiling the body? Hugs, Greg
  15. It's been $80 for Chicago for a while I think. I just recently renewed mine and cried a lil. Hugs, Greg
  16. You can ask any question till the cows come home. As for STI's at the time of question the escort might be free of them as far as he knows. But if you book days in advance he might pick something up along the way and not realize it till a week or few days later. And if he got syphilis he might never know till he gets tested for STI's. As for having a higher chance of getting an STI cause a hooker goes bare is dumb imo. How many of you hookers and clients wear a rubber for sucking dick? How many use a dental dam when you eat ass? The op really needs to pull his head out of his ass and go talk to a Dr. Hell, maybe one of our medical guys on here can chime in? Hugs, Greg
  17. I prefer dt too. The hotels and casinos are so much easier to maneuver in and you can see outside depending where one is sitting. That won't happen on the strip. Hugs, Greg
  18. I love Chef Ramsey. But his American shows are so over the top it's hard to watch. He really does have a passion for food and I respect and admire that. He's much better on his UK and new YouTube shows. And it doesn't hurt that he's super hot. Hugs, Greg
  19. Post-preppie? Does that mean I have to pop the collar on my polos? Hugs, Greg
  20. LOL that's cute. I think I saw another one with the same couple with a similar topic. Hugs, Greg
  21. I will not wear white pants or shoes till Memorial Day. I guess I am old fashioned and out of step but that's me. Hugs, Greg
  22. I saw some place in NY lower Manhattan I think 5$ a gallon! Fuck that shit! The owners of that station can choke on pussy! Hugs, Greg
  23. I just posted some pics of the Cleo room in the pyramid at Luxor. It's not super fancy but it is nice and the bed and pillows are comfy. The pics are in my IG link below. Hugs, Greg
  24. You'd look quite hot in that lil number. Hugs, Greg
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