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Everything posted by GregM

  1. GregM

    Greg Chicago

    Cuba or Uruguay. I'm working on Argentina next July for my bday and go skiing. Hugs, Greg
  2. @glennnn you're missed! Come back so I can give you a birthday bj! Hugs, Greg
  3. GregM

    Greg Chicago

    The wallet one, isn't that only good for Canada and or Mexico? Hugs, Greg
  4. GregM

    Greg Chicago

    Not really big news cause everyhooker should have one but for those outside of Murikas borders I now have my passport in my possession. I know I know I shoulda had it a long time ago but I never needed it. But I feel that now is the time. So for those that are international I am available! Hugs, Greg
  5. Yes I drink bottled water. The tap water in my hood is fine but the tap water at work is just plain nasty. At work I'll get a pitcher full of ice and take water from the espresso machine and fill my water bottle when it gets low and if needed top it off at the gym which is filtered. The water from the espresso machine is triple filtered. I do reuse my bottles but sometimes I forget it at home or work. Hugs, Greg
  6. I have never pnp and absolutely never will! I've seen too many people go down that path and never come back. I've had potential clients tell me that they pnp and I have turned down every one of their offers. Like mentioned above I dont want to run the legal risk of being around it nor the health risk if one has a medical issue cause of it. The hassel of dealing with someone who can't get it up or get off cause they're too cracked out is not fun. And not to mention they aren't in the moment nor present. Hugs, Greg
  7. Yes, I always associate grinder as being hot. Hugs, Greg
  8. Would you rather the baby scream its head off? I would rather see a baby sucking tit then screaming and crying. The breast was meant to feed baby not oogle at. Hugs, Greg
  9. Dont tempt me on both suggestions sir. Hugs, Greg
  10. And his movies today would never he picked up by a major studio. Sadly the whole theater would be up in arms for the lack of pcness. Hugs, Greg
  11. Tourism is down 1%. Not a huge number but still down is down. The real money maker hotels and casinos right now are over in China. They better make all they can over there cause when that bubble pops it's gonna hurt a lot more than ours. I barely gamble and I'm getting discounted rooms and free show tickets from MGM properties. It's a good thing I am a distance from Vegas. Hugs, Greg
  12. Did you even look at the link or are you talking out of your ass? This ain't no Megabus or Greyhound service. Hugs, Greg
  13. Oh heavens YAAAASSSSS! She is the princess of pop! In fact shes going to be at NYC pride this year. Wish I hadn't nearly over booked my trips this year so I could go Hugs, Greg
  14. In my rocking chair, listening to Madonna, shot gun at my side and shaking my fist in the air. Hugs, Greg
  15. GregM

    Daddyhunt App

    Hold your horses! You can easily pass for your early 40s. You need to spill the beans on how you look so young! Hugs, Greg
  16. You just wait till I get a house with an acre or two. Lol Hugs, Greg
  17. Yesterday is a great song. One of the first rock n roll songs I learned and one of my faves was Yellow Submarine. My stepdad would play it on guitar and I would get soooo excited lol. He was a huge Beatles fanboy lol. Happy memories. Hugs, Greg
  18. Haven't written a check since 1996. Everything is pretty much done online or I use Samsung Pay on my phone when I buy from a merchant. I'm almost considering doing away with accepting g cash when working. Do it digital either fiat or crypto. Trying to get to an ATM can be a pain sometimes. Try as one might, in 8-10 yrs cash will be no more. Hugs, Greg
  19. I had an experience at a record store where there were two girls. One knew The Beatles the other didnt. I gave the girl who didnt know a dirty look, a tounge lashing and told the other girl she better educate her friend on rock n roll. Hugs, Greg
  20. That's very sweet. Gifts that are made by the presenter is always the best. It means there was thought and love put into it. Even if it isn't "perfect" I'll take it over store bought. Hugs Greg
  21. I'm probably a rarity but I prefer the client being up front with what he wants and likes from the get go. That way there are no surprises and a possibility of me saying no sorry after a handful of emails. As they say, time is money and I dont want to waste yours or mine. Hugs, Greg
  22. The US Gov doesnt like competition when it comes to drug smuggling. Hugs, Greg
  23. If you or someone else doesnt like what I say (I tend to speak my mind) then you have a couple options. One, hit the ignore button and you went see my posts. It works. I've done it to a couple people. Or two, hit the road.
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