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Posts posted by solacesoul

  1. 5 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    I've witnessed a gunfight between two rival gangs in Ipanema about 7p on Farme de Amoeda.

    You were there, too? This occurred on one of my longterm stays. Everyone ran for cover into whatever building or store front was still open.

    A few years ago, there was a huge favela crime-related fight on Copacabana Beach that ended in the entire crowd being dispersed with tear gas. A year or so later, there was a similar one on Ipanema Beach.

  2. You can watch this short film from 2018 on Vimeo for about $4 USD. Here’s the synopsis:

    Thirty-year-old Ursinho (Teddy Bear), an introverted mulatto who lives with his disabled father in a favela, drags his excess weight around like a burden. He likes to hang out in Point 202, a gay sauna in Rio where taxi boys (garotos de programa) strictly reserve themselves for wealthy clients. While cleaning the apartment of an elderly man in Copacabana, he discovers a beautiful young man who is fast asleep. He can't get the vision of this alabaster body out of his mind.
    Subtitles in English.





  3. 11 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    is this true ?

    I have zero reason to believe that four independent board members — three of which are long-time, well-respected members with extensive travel history and imparted knowledge on the boards — would make up the same / similar story about him. One of them is arguably one of the most respected, storied, and universally well-liked members / travelers on these boards. So... they’re ALL lying and just out to get this poor old harmless sap?

    At this point, the only person who is gaslighting and saying it didn't happen, “so who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?”, is the accused with multiple independent accusers.

    And as we all know, this is the very same person who, in spite of clear, well-established mounting evidence that he posts across the gay sex tourism / pay sex forum-verse under at least three different usernames, he denies it is he.

    Everything I say can be backed up with documentation and correspondence. Remember, he wouldn’t have run to mods at that other place to shut down a case of mistaken identity. 

  4. 1 hour ago, SirBillybob said:

    More manipulation. Do you actually socialize in real life?

    I have not been privy to CV details, authentic or bogus, beyond any poster’s public message board extant representation of professional status and institutional context already submitted.

    I don’t socialize based on ‘hierarchical’ status. 

    So now it was acceptable to talk shop with two Brazilian physicians that happened to be seated with me on two separate recent flights, one of which culminated in a family dinner with a view of 6-foot snowbanks, but the content of some 1,400 text exchanges with a fellow ‘sex tourist’ is restricted to trade playbook content? That      is       insane. 

    Content and good will dynamics that would have made it easy early on to wiggle out of a misrepresentation and carry on friending? 

    Moreover, it is not lost on me that casting me and my fellow queer sex tourists in such a restricted circumscribed way simply further calls into question and explains the inconstancy and apparent illegitimacy of their various impressions, as manipulatively described by you within your bonkers conceptualization of the intersect of trade interest and human interactional normalcy.

    These trite dust-ups can be as simple as squabbles about who is hot. 😂

    What I am entitled to is the proclamation that you are a compete nut. 

    What is in common among your tiny paltry dream team of evidentiary character witnesses is the notion that those sex tourists positioning selves as a cut above simply need to be cut down to size. I’ll discuss it over drinks with one next winter. 

    Ripcord. Out. Pizza (well, not actually). As much as you are trying but failing to make my day with Succession out of the frame and Yellowjackets on hiatus. 

    Date with recent recipient of USA passport and he is just as nice as my bio American cousins.

    Bye bye, toxicity. That includes bottomless SOTheB bargain basement butt-ins never seeing the light of day at auction, or … not never. 

    You keep focusing on ONE young man that you feel you can easily malign.

    Now, explain away the others you doxxed and made inappropriate contact with.

    Maybe you forgot because you do it so often. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, SirBillybob said:

    By the latter I take it you are referencing contrasts to self-appointed judges and non-bogus surgeons, both categories needing to puff themselves up and live in the board baseboards rather than attend to loftier tasks within either faux or genuine status. 

    Genuine question:

    Even if what you’re saying was correct — which again, is highly doubtful considering your warped perception skills over your posting years —  why would anyone owe you their curriculum vitae, if all you’re doing is discussing the joys of hiring for sex and then possibly meeting at a sex work establishment, maybe even a meal before or after? Why would you feel this somehow entitles you to know anything at all about their personal lives, including but not limited to their educational or employment history?

  6. On these types of boards and in saunas over the years, there have been (verifiably) posters / members who in real life are: federally elected politicians, appointed judges, famous fashion designers, (legitimate, non-porn) film directors and producers, award-winning journalists, airline pilots, plastic surgeons, US attorneys, music business executives, college professors, and the list goes on.

    No one knows (and very few care) because these posters / members aren’t so obnoxious, and they aren’t violating other members / clients’ personal space and right to privacy.

  7. 3 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    every single point made is negated by the simple fact that you think nobody gets the aliases, meanwhile anyone paying attention does understand the aliases, yet you continue down that path 

    using multiple aliases online is hardly new & expected to a degree - the odd thing here is that it’s soooooooo obvious 


    It’s so bizarre how he doubles down on this — when a simple, “yeah, it’s me, so what?”  would’ve worked. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, SirBillybob said:

    Why would you in particular require a heads up about me?

    “This is who he is. This is what he looks like. This is what he did to me. Here is our correspondence. Be warned.”

    I hope that answers your question.

    Trust me. I certainly did not go looking for it. I leave the USA to get away from pasty old stuffy white guys. I am certainly not looking for them (or to hang out with them) when abroad.



  9. Just now, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    it’s possible - only 3 aliases are known 

    I mean, seriously. He wants to pretend as if multiple, independent sources don’t already know who he is offline.

    (And before he starts freaking out and running to moderators at this site too, rest assured: no one cares enough about you to reveal your actual name / photo. Honestly, you’re not even that remotely interesting.)

  10. 2 hours ago, José Soplanucas said:

    Although I am not a Karen

    Here’s an OP related tale, Pre-Karen term:

    First visit to Apolo Sauna in Santo Domingo (maybe 2009-2010?), an obviously gay white American wanted a full refund for his “unproductive” sauna visit. The owner (a Cuban now living in the DR) refused. White American Gay Karen immediately says: “if you don’t give me a refund, I’m going to write a VERY negative review on Trip Advisor about your establishment! And ALL the American and European tourists will see it!”

  11. 2 hours ago, SirBillybob said:

    Do you really think somebody was centring out another for shits and giggles, not for stimulating the trickling in of puzzle pieces, even today, for an RCMP report on missing national and provincial government documentation ostensibly lifted during a toilet break during lunch with a co-member imposter while at his lodgings, a sociopathic misanthrope recently allegedly defaulting on payday loans, the consequence of said pilfering requiring cash payment of Metro return home fare on March 5th, 2020? Is it really such a mystery that a DM would be sent exclusively to an apparent arch-nemesis shortly thereafter, aiming for empathic attunement from the absolute least likely candidate, from somebody notoriously known for blind overreactivity and emotional volatility, but not for the chance of subsequent arch-nemesis posted subtext for the relevantly involved to tune into?


    You keep harping on this one younger guy, the one you fished around for information on, but there are 4 separate, unrelated posters / board members / travelers. The one that you keep posting about thinking it’s (only) him is not even the main one who, after having direct contact with you, made the grave warning about you. You can try to malign all of their character all you wish in your attempt at self-defense, but it won’t work. At least two are highly-respected, longterm posters who have no reason to trash anyone, and quite frankly, in all of their years of contributions to boards and travel, it’s never been part of their displayed character. In fact, other than you, I’ve never really seen or heard them say anything untoward about anyone. And when it was said about you, it wasn’t mean-spirited, vicious or catty, it was just matter-of-factly, in a “this is what transpired between us and this is why I recommend maintaining distance.”

    So, maybe, just maybe, Bobert, it isn’t them. Maybe it’s you. 


    Circling back to the original subject: taking accountability of one’s own actions. 

  12. 38 minutes ago, SirBillybob said:

    No. You do comprehend and you grasp the nuances but pretend not to in the interests of contrarianism, kissing cousin of … well, you get the drift … just as I understand you at the required analytical threshold to handle, following a mere single-digit quantity of exchanges. Why would I bother to debate with the thing that would be a legend of divine omniscience in his own mind. image.gif.05fed9d3a5d93d3711863d7c4ee4f6fc.gif

    Oh, Bobert. We all know that your own various threads through the forum-verse get very little traffic and responses, but please… try to keep your projection down to a minimum.

    I am really beginning to think your twisted end game is just to get posters that you don’t like or who call you out banned, and if you have to go down with the ship, then you’re fine and dandy with it.

    I am not interested in playing out publicly here (in a thread not even on that topic) what was already perfectly stated at another forum where you also post. I am not going to play that silly game with you, So, if you have something to say that is unrelated to the original post here, then take it in private DM or start another of your own threads. 

  13. 22 minutes ago, SirBillybob said:

    Apart from the DC car detailing, terms such as “treated different”, and “real entitled” for that matter, seem to reflect Americanisms. Not to criticize the shortcut use of substitutions within speech patterns, eh, just to offer that one would likely not witness this so much elsewhere, certainly not the UK. 

    At one of a post-pandemic thumbless handful of 202 checkouts, I briefly stalled the process to scrutinize the onscreen itemization. This typically takes a few seconds. One other customer, African American within the younger percentile of typical clientele age and quite good-looking, was the sole customer in queue behind me. He said “I’ve got you”, to which I quickly replied it was unnecessary, but thanks. I don’t think he could actually view my total. He quickly paid, as another attendant with another device had stepped up, and bolted down the stairs.

    For anybody offering that, irrespective of background and situational context, I would typically think one part impatience, one part sensitivity in picking up on a potential awkward dynamic at point of pay, one part gracious generosity. But I would not calculate it as zero sum and the net take and response, giving him the benefit of the doubt and his props, is “Bless his heart”, as opposed to “Stereotype me? How very daaaare you?!” 😌


    Contrary to Gueirra’s POV it appears that Barbosa is quite open to having a particular kind of word with Blacks. 😏

    What this particular customer did for you doesn’t require much scrutiny at all. It was called kindness, or in modern generational American circles, it’s referred to as “paying it forward”. He may have been considering that time is greater than money in his case, but instead of shouting you or “the help” down, or being a “Karen”, he chose to pay your way. 

    I don’t understand what stereotype you think would come into play in this instance. Are you suggesting that older male Canucks receive harsh racial discrimination of some sort? 

  14. Back to the original post’s topic:

    As has been suggested by other forum members here, this Google Review might have some hint of truth to it, or it could simply be another case of intent vs. impact (I.e., the offenders aren’t meaning to come across as racist, but the impacted party receives it as such). OR, it could just be a maladjusted cliente feeling slighted, ignored or ripped off, using online reviews as his source of revenge.

    Using hyperbolic terms such as “Blacks should avoid this establishment if they care anything about their life” doesn’t really help his case, though. First of all, there aren’t too many actual Black people who use the term “blacks”. That’s very reminiscent of Trump’s infamous comment, “The blacks”. And combining that with “Queer”, another uncommonly used term (though it has gained usage in some younger black LGBTQ+ circles) might suggest that the reviewer might not even be Black himself. Maybe he posted it for a traveling friend? And secondly, hyperbolically making it seem like a bad sauna experience with staff was life-threatening seems a bit absurd — especially when there are far more actual life-threatening racist situations in the USA right now, involving guns, supermarkets, malls, schools and police. 

    Also, as mentioned before, some traveling gringos (in Brazil, anyone not Brazilian, no matter the race, color or nationality, may be referred to as a “gringo”) act like real entitled assholes. USAmericans and Russians probably have the worst reps for this, although assholery can span the globe. But I especially hate to witness it from Americans when abroad, and even more especially for me, black and brown Americans, because believe it it not, it leaves a lasting global imprint.

    As just one example, last year, I was checking out at Point 202, and there was a small group (3) of Black American travelers in front of me and a few others. None of them spoke any Portuguese, but that didn’t stop one of them from raising his voice and arguing with the front desk attendants about their bill. Now, we all here have had “issues” at one sauna or another with an incorrect bill at checkout, so disagreement or pushback about the bill is not really the problem here. What made this one so problematic was the underlying fact pattern  — the group seemed to have had a table near the stage and they hosted several garotos at the table who ordered food and drinks from a waiter while at the table with the clients, and at the end, the clients thought they shouldn’t have to pay for the garotos’ food and drink, since they ordered it! Yes, this is what these clowns were so outraged about — that they were responsible for the ordered food and drinks at their table consumed by the working boys that they had seated at their table with them! They tried every Americanism in the book — being loud, argumentative, aggressive, threatening to call the police for robbery (??), making sure they let everyone in earshot know how much supposed money they supposedly make and how supposedly influential they are with the US Embassy, demanding to speak to the manager / owner, blah blah blah. They read the American Obnoxiousness Handbook and studied it well! In the end, Junior came out and after arguing with him too, they ended up paying all of the bill, and they left in a huff, calling everyone in the place “crooks part of a scam”. This held up the entire checkout line for about 10-15 minutes, and everyone in line behind them — about 5 deep — including me, waited patiently.

    When they finally left, Junior just shook his head and said, “Gringos”.

    This is just one story of many in the book of “Clients Behaving Badly”. I’m not proclaiming that all garotos and sauna workers are perfect little angels either, but some of us in more privileged situations really do need to take accountability of our own behavior.


  15. 36 minutes ago, SirBillybob said:

    FWIW, a good counter to the suspect review could be wordsmithed from various sections of the original commentary.

    For the third time, I’m not interested in responding to someone else’s bad experience, as they perceive it. I only posted this here for discussion’s sake, not to defend or attack the original reviewer’s position.  

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