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Posts posted by youngboldone

  1. My husband's and my sexual paths have definitely diverged as time as gone on. We never did have what I'd call a robust sex life. I foolishly thought when we got married that our sex life would improve and get better with time and eventually peak. It never did. We have now been in a sexless marriage for the last 11 of our 18 years together. Other than the sexual component, the rest of our marriage is great, so it's not like I want a divorce. But he's almost 60 and done with sex. I'm only 44 and just now coming into my prime, if my raging libido is any indication. So I finally had a frank convo with him and told him I wasn't ready to be celibate for the rest of my life. We now have an open marriage, and I have his permission to get my sexual needs fulfilled elsewhere.

  2. Anyone have any experience with this masseur? I have booked an appointment with him tomorrow evening, but when I spoke with him over the phone there was something "off" about the conversation. When he answered and I asked, "Is this Neo?", there was an awkward pause before he spoke and said, "Uh, yeah, that's me." That and the fact that he has no reviews are making me a bit paranoid.


    If anyone has actually seen this guy, I'd appreciate some feedback. Thanks.



  3. Yeah, there was no way that was going to be a successful encounter. I briefly thought about at least messaging him back to let him know I'd decided not to engage him, but my silence will speak for itself. This guy is truly in the wrong business. I got that vibe when I read his ad yet tried to look past it and assume circumstances would be otherwise. Why don't I ever learn the lesson to follow my instincts?

  4. UPDATE: After telling me not to text him back, I was trying to decide what I wanted to do, when he texted me back to give me an update on his schedule for Sunday. So I then texted him back and frankly told him that because of my lack of experience and general anxiety about hiring, his previous text made me feel chastised and uncomfortable. I explained my approach to hiring and my rationale of vetting before making an appointment versus making an appointment, vetting, and then canceling on a person. After an hour passes, he then calls me. I was running errands and driving at the time so couldn't take the call. During this whole time I was thinking maybe I'd been to quick to misinterpret, that I should give him the benefit of the doubt, and that I would book something with him if the call went okay.


    Once I got home and could call, I did, and it went straight to VM. I asked him to text me a definitive time this evening when I could call so we didn't play phone tag back and forth. Heard nothing for the next 3 hours. Then I notice a message in my RM inbox, a message from the escort that said this:


    "It's been a stressful week for me. I've had an obscene amount of guys message me one or two times and then I've messaged and called them back LOTS of times with absolutely no response. I had a guy make an appt with me and when I went to confirm our appt the day before he informed me that his flight got changed and he forget to tell me. Two guys were messaging me only to meet at that exact time...it makes me wonder what kind of drugs their on.

    Since I called you and messaged you a bunch of times today with no response I blocked all six clients that weren't responding to my texts...it was giving me far too much stress. I couldn't deal with it. Was it unprofessional? Perhaps. But did it help me get rid of all of that stress? Absolutely.

    My point is: I blocked your number. After I blocked your number your voicemail somehow still came through to my phone.

    So if you still want to get together you will either have to message me here or directly through my email. If you don't want to meet anymore it's absolutely understandable.

    I hope you're having a weekend that is far more relaxing that mine."


    Now what am I supposed to do with that? This guy seems very high maintenance and not worth the trouble, and yet, part of me is still considering reaching out again. I mean, if I just want an orgasm, I can achieve that at home for free. The point (to me) of going through all this is to have some genuine human affection, a genuine interaction, even if it is only for a couple of hours. Thus...the reason I want to vet thoroughly. At this point, I'm wondering even if we did get together, whether there's too much baggage to even have a good time with this guy no matter how hot he is.

  5. My viewpoint is that it's less intrusive and less offensive to the escort to establish compatibility before making an appointment that I'm then 100% certain to keep rather than commit to someone I know nothing about, then engage in a back and forth, and then cancel an already established appointment. How does that approach make any more sense than just figuring out if a meeting should happen before you commit? I still say my way is better. Plus, the whole notion of hiring someone makes me anxious from the get go. I'm not someone who lets his guard down easily when it comes to sex anyway, let alone having sex with someone who is, for all intents and purposes, a stranger. So, the initial back and forth, question and answer, getting to know you phase is very important for me. If someone isn't willing to even invest a few minutes in you upfront, how generous a lover are they going to be when you finally meet? The session will be all about them. They've already demonstrated that they aren't client focused.

  6. I reached out to an escort who is visiting my city. Initially sent him an email through RM. He responded pleasantly enough and gave me his phone number, signaling to me that he wanted to continue the conversation via text. So, I texted him asking him about availability. He said he couldn't meet me on the day I suggested. He suggested an alternate day. I told him I already had some obligations that day but would look into moving some things around to make a session happen. He sent me several sexy pics of himself that really got my motor running. So far, so good, right?


    I then send him another text (probably my 4th to him during the entire conversation) telling him what I was into and asking if he thought we'd be compatible and if he had any other questions for me. He responds by saying, "Please limit messaging me until you are 100% sure you can meet. Otherwise we'll end up chatting a lot and never meeting. I hope you understand ;-)"


    I'm sorry, but I was under the impression that as a paying client I get to try and ascertain whether my money is going to be well spent on you. How do I know that if I'm not even permitted to ask you questions about what you're into? And why is it that escorts (at least the ones I've contacted) never seem at all interested in finding out what makes me tick and what I'm interested in? I'm the one who has to volunteer that information. I'm truly perplexed. Isn't this supposed to be their business? Yet they make it seem like you're bothering them by trying to communicate! Seems like a lot of guys are in this business who don't really want to be.


    I'm conflicted because I'm horny, this guy ticks all my boxes in all the right ways....yet this tone is really off putting. What would you do? Book anyway? Or say "Bye, Felicia"?

  7. I definitely agree with you. I am most definitely average. I could really relate to your initial post about not ever being chosen and having all the pickups, tricks, and sexual romps my friends did. People just don't gravitate to me like that. Never have. Hell, most of the time I couldn't give it away.

    Thank you for the compliment. I really meant that average is great and that men shouldn't beat themselves up if they find that they are average. Most folks are.
  8. Jake has amazing body, nice guy, and great massage and allowed mutual touching....but didn't know he goes all the way?? Saw him many years ago when he moved to SF so he may have changed since then


    He definitely went all the way with me. Let me top him and was willing to top me, too, but for some reason I didn't. I've been kicking myself for passing up that opportunity ever since! IMHO, Jake is the sexiest man alive. Just thinking about when I saw him last March has me hard.

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