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Posts posted by youngboldone

  1. Hey guys. Just wanting to hear others' opinions on whether to become a premium member on Rentmen? I'm always wary of subscription services where payments auto renew, specifically just how easy and convenient it really is to cancel once you're committed. And then there's the matter of privacy and potential legal ramifications should something happen with the site similar to what happened with rentboy. I don't like the fact that my IP address is recorded. I'm on the fence about it because it would be convenient to watch escort's videos. That could tell me a lot about whether I should hire someone. Any feedback appreciated.

  2. Okay, so an update on my session. I'll try to recap without it bleeding into review territory. We started by talking for about 40 minutes. That really put me at ease. The rest of the session was very satisfying. I stuck to safe activities - frottage, rimming, deep kissing, and oral. I really was amazed I was able to let go of my anxiety in the moment and truly enjoy myself with him. But ever since I drove home on Monday, I've been freaking out a little bit. The only moment I keep coming back to was me giving him oral, which only lasted a few minutes. He was pre-cumming, though, and now I'm paranoid that I may have ingested some of it. Based on all the research I've done, this doesn't put me at risk. But I'm a worrier by nature, and I'm starting to obsess about it. I'm overreacting, right?

  3. Well, I've been fretting about this all morning. I expressed my concerns and fears again to the escort when he texted to confirm our appointment this afternoon. I hate to be the last-minute guy who cancels. It's not right to do that to people, so I'm going. If nothing else, maybe it will help me wrestle with some of these issues. I'm not going to do much, if anything at all, with him. Maybe all we'll do is talk. Yes, it will be the most expensive conversation I've ever had, but at least I'll leave the session with peace of mind that I've done nothing to endanger my health. I feel pretty confident that kissing and oral are 100% safe, but I still have nagging doubts. Yes, this is too much drama, I agree. Really sucks to be so horny and have to deal with all of this.


    Thanks again to those who have weighed in with their thoughts. The different perspectives have helped me process this.

  4. Thanks guys for all the feedback and advice. He knows about my fears and has assured me that he won't let us do anything that could put me at risk. I took it as a sign that the fact that he even told me (he didn't have to do that) means he's genuinely honest and nice. He strips at a local bar I frequent, so I've gone out to see him at his shows a couple of times and interacted with him there.


    I also started following him on Twitter, and what's giving me pause is that he was recently in Florida shooting for a bareback porn studio. There were quite a few pics and videos of him engaging in bb with a variety of guys. So now I'm not sure whether his undetectable status is even valid.


    Sigh....I really don't want to be "that" client who sets up appointments and then cancels them. But I also don't want to throw away my hard-earned money on an encounter that I won't even enjoy because I'm so frozen with fear.


    I really wish this hobby were more fun and not fraught with so many complex decisions. Maybe I'm just not carefree enough to truly enjoy it? God knows I'm horny enough! The irony is that, had he not told me, I would be going into this completely unaware. And I bottomed for my last hire not knowing his status. He wore a condom, but for all I know, he could be HIV +, too. Emotions aren't rational, indeed.

  5. Good afternoon, guys. I have my third hire tomorrow with a guy who is truly my type - a sexy muscle daddy bear who has a genuinely sweet personality. During our initial conversations, he disclosed that he is HIV positive but undetectable. At first, I balked at setting up an appointment. He noticed my reticence and patiently asked if I had any questions for him and then sent me an informative NBC news link about the recent CDC study done about the low to non-existent risk of contracting HIV if having safe sex with someone who is undetectable. At no time has he pressured me to set up an appointment. I have been trying to educate myself so that I am not letting ignorance or fear dictate my decision making.


    Now that I'm a day away from meeting him, I admit to being a little anxious about it, so I'm looking for honest advice and answers to my questions. I always assume a hire is HIV positive and play safe anyway, but for some reason, actually knowing he is makes me feel more nervous. Based on my research so far, it seems that there is zero risk of contracting HIV from him from kissing, mutual oral, or mutual rimming. Is this correct?


    I am not planning to bottom, but I may top him. Topping with a condom poses no risk as well, correct? (I would pull out before cumming, even though I have a condom on.)


    I am assuming he's telling the truth when he says he's undetectable, but I've considered that may not be the case. So, worst case scenario, he is not actually undetectable....how much does the risk factor increase for these various activities?


    One more relevant bit of information is that I am not on PrEP.


    Am I nuts to consider doing this? I would feel bad canceling on him, but my health is more important that someone's hurt feelings. Or is line of thinking draconian and fear-based, and I really have nothing to worry about?


    I really could use some feedback. Thanks guys!

  6. It hasn't happened to me, although I've only hired now a couple of times. If it ever did happen, it would be offputting to me. I would not tip, and I would not hire the provider again. It would taint the entire session for me because asking for money upfront starts things off with a sense of distrust, and I would not be able to fully get comfortable and enjoy myself knowing the escort distrusted me from the start. This is why I think vetting (on both sides) is important - to get to know a little bit about each other's personality via a short phone call and establish a small foundation of trust before you meet face to face.

  7. Several years ago, I used to notice that Zeb Atlas ads included landing in Columbus once or twice each year (for either a club gig or competition gig of some kind)....did you ever indulge yourself with his services (if he is/was your "type" & if you were in Columbus in those days) ???

    Not a cheap date but on a couple of hires in LV, I look back on him as time & $$$$ well spent with no regrets.


    OMG, I so wish I had been in to this hobby then. I would have paid just about anything for a few hours with Zeb Atlas!! He is my dream man. I hope he comes back to Columbus sometime now that I'm looking.

  8. I'm considering a trip sponsorship for The Dude, has anyone tried this and how did it go? Seems like a pretty straightforward arrangement, he hasn't been to Boston for awhile....and since he has been on my radar.


    I am considering this as well and am also curious about others' experience doing it. My only hangup is wouldn't the person paying for the room be liable for anything untoward that would occur during the time that person isn't spending in it with the escort? Not saying that Eric would be doing anything untoward, but you would have no control over what others who are coming to meet him might do. It seems quite risky to me.

  9. I will continue to be patient and also keep trying. Based on the amount of praise he has received, he seems to be the holy grail of escorts. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, and of course he's insanely hot! He is coming to Cleveland for two days next March, which is only two hours up the highway from me. I'm trying to convince him to come to Columbus for a day or two. I'll be so bummed if he's that close, and I can't make a meet happen.

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