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P Gren

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Everything posted by P Gren

  1. Smoking is one of the health indicators of poverty. A much higher percentage of poor people smoke than higher income groups (I'm sure its related to the on-going stress of being poor and survival). Seems inconsistent with tipping.
  2. Only the ones you. Alaska King etc.
  3. Any photos of the hats? Apparently in the early days of Pride parades in Canada, the police worn latex gloves (AIDS panic). The parade goers apparently chanted "your shoes don't match your gloves" at the police.
  4. There's a lot of ageism perpetuated by older guys, as Tarte Gogo said in a later post.
  5. Have you tried dating guys your own age?
  6. I didn't hear about the police investigation of Donald Trump's predatory behavior. And this is a distraction. I think people are more concerned about his incompetence and narcissism - which would be a different thread for you to start.
  7. Why would you think it makes a difference if its a Republican or a Democrat? Wrong is wrong. No one has excused predatory behavior because of politics. This is a red herring of a post, trying to goad someone into an argument that would be a waste of time. It's about predatory behavior. That's all.
  8. I thought men on here were paying for time spent together.
  9. Really? This post comes across more as your fantasy - and SO off point. Maybe stick to those coming forward about predators, rather than speculation/titillation about predation.
  10. Not that I know you or anything, but sounds like a good decision. You have an interesting life ahead of you post-escort
  11. He said something at the time - he went to the press later. Why do people keep saying he said nothing for decades?
  12. I must have missed what happened to Halperin? He comes across very measured and well researched in his opinions.
  13. If 30 year old claims were not heard the abuses within the Catholic Church would never have come to light. Is that what you are suggesting?
  14. And what is your point with that? Are you denying that men are by and large the perpetrators of sexual assault. Let's accept that as a fact first, then discuss the small percentage perpetrated by women.
  15. Sorry this is just a gut reaction to your post - you don't have kids do you?
  16. And the guessing starts ...
  17. Too bad that you left with a bad taste of the Stock Bar. The manager seems to monitor this site, I expect you will get a private PM from him. The dancer you mention isn't on the webpage of the club so I have no idea who he is. A couple of the guys there seem very nice (I know 'nice' is a lame description).
  18. That's important information to remind us all of, thanks for that. And further elaborates the point I was making.
  19. True. I value honest communication. In the spirit of curiosity, you can PM me about where it is you think that I misconstrued what you said. I don't want to take up other people's time.
  20. Nope. I responded directly and clearly to your direct and clear statement. We may just have to agree to disagree and move on.
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