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P Gren

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Everything posted by P Gren

  1. P Gren


    http://cdn.images.dailystar.co.uk/dynamic/33/photos/772000/fat-man-393772.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/05/01/01/3397613D00000578-3567693-image-a-29_1462063888172.jpg http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/V1bFr2SWP1I/hqdefault.jpg
  2. Does Stock Bar have a 2018 Calendar?
  3. Sorry, a digression from the thread, but since you brought up Leonard Cohen, Montreal has murals of him on new construction: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/leonard-cohen-crescent-mural-1.4392449
  4. With the violence in the USA would he be more than a blip on the news today?
  5. The British imperial penchant for drawing lines on maps has caused innumerable post-colonial problems, in South Asia (as mentioned the partition of India/Pakistan) but also in the Middle East (Palestine for one) and in Africa.
  6. In Canada we generally refer to people as either East Asian or South Asian, the same way we'd generalize with say, Northern European or Southern European.
  7. We demonstrate that fat bias on here. In the gallery there are threads on gingers, African-Americans, Asians, tattooed guys, hairy guys, smooth guys, bears (only if they're muscular), skinny guys ... no forum member (overweight or skinny) has posted a thread of pics on overweight guys.
  8. I don't run into this ever, I understand why you do. Have a good weekend.
  9. I understand why you chose the quote under your signature. You get what you put out. Have a good weekend.
  10. Not this time. This time you seemed to have listened. That's very good of you. Have a good weekend.
  11. Nope. You're making stuff up, and don't seem to know you behavior is insulting here. Have a good weekend.
  12. Yes, I am consistent and clear. I heard you had a good time there - which is great - glad that you did. For some reason, that I no longer care about, you can't seem to hear other people (myself included) were ripped off. And I'm done with your hamster wheel of parsing. Have a great weekend.
  13. I;m not going to feed your obsession. Have a good weekend. Get outside, I hope it's nice where ever you are from.
  14. You should change your name to 'dogwithabone.' Have a nice weekend.
  15. Was the legislation introduced? What's the local update?
  16. Are you going for New Years Eve?
  17. It's too bad it had to go to a referendum and law makers didn't just get on with doing their jobs and pass legislation. One off referendums are usually divisive and counter productive. And ... congratulations - every state, that's great. I guess you've seen the film on the Irish referendum: the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Queen_of_Ireland
  18. Other people get to a different opinion than you. What is your obsession with answering any and all criticism of Rockhard? It's not your bar ... is it?
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