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Posts posted by oldNbusted

  1. Hold on to your horses boys and girls. Per the SA website, here is their Lifestyle Expectation scale:



    Lifestyle expectation is the amount this member expects of you to spend on a monthly basis to maintain this lifestyle.


    NEGOTIABLE I don't have a set expectation

    MINIMAL Up to $ 1,000 monthly

    PRACTICAL Up to $ 3,000 monthly

    MODERATE Up to $ 5,000 monthly

    SUBSTANTIAL Up to $ 10,000 monthly

    HIGH More than $ 10,000 monthly


    Well, to be fair, these numbers seem meaningless without any context. I'll give extreme examples. In DC, the median house price is near half million dollars, the mortgage on that can be around $3,000 month, and if you add in all the other costs, you could easily be spending $5K a month to maintain a household with all the modcons.


    So if you offer to add an SB to your household, what counts towards the expectation? The total cost of the household, $5K? Perhaps just the marginal cost, which is to say, how much extra you will be paying to add one person to the household, for arguments' sake, let say $500?


    Either way, this is a very different number than writing a $5.5K a month check to a SB.


    So to me the universe of what SDs have to offer and what SBs wish to have would contain an almost infinite number of combinations, since it's all very subjective.

  2. He made me a very generous offer that would make him come to DC, but even being extremely generous it is beyond my poor budget. :(


    Esp considering the timing? I mean, you have big plans in July! As do I, I think it's for the best he's not visiting at the same time...


    Speaking of plans, are we going to have a get together at Rock Hard DC on Sunday, July 2?

  3. The website is called seeking arrangements and even has a section of how much an allowance a sugardaddy can give a month, yet no one wanted to talk about that ever lol. Plus I've noticed the website has a high amount of guys looking for white guys only. Had loads of guys saying your handsome but looking for white guys only. On the other hand had a lot of guys wanting me to move in with them and be a houseboy. I could have done that but ehh prefer just escorting and having some form of independence.


    Maybe they should put up a new slogan: "It only takes one (at a time)!" ;)

  4. Bowie was sui generis, it's unfair to everyone else to have to compete with him, so I would say leave him aside, and ask who else?


    For me, I'm torn between XTC and Fishbone. They were a major part of the soundtrack of my life and it's hard to separate their journeys from my own. Fishbone still tours, but both have effectively stopped producing anything new. Early Talking Heads was a big deal for me, but I kinda lost interest when it turned into the David Byrne Band for the last couple of releases.


    Honorable Mention has to go to Pet Shop Boys. I really resisted them for a long time, but when Behaviour came out, it really spoke to me and since they are still producing new music, they are still part of my personal soundtrack.

  5. My elemetary school teachers taught us not to use the same word too often in any writing. They introduced us to the thesaurus.


    A graduate school instructor once told me I wrote well, but I had a tendency to sound like I swallowed and threw up a thesaurus.


    As an adult, I make an effort to overcome, or edit, to avoid the excessive communications habit instilled in childhood.


    Im better with the word-choices. Still, not so much, with the brevity. :D


    I too fear brevity will never come naturally, but I try to "omit needless words".

  6. I want to say thanks to @niceandthick for helping to advance this discussion. It wasn't clear before that @Tysonmass was a real person actually offering services, and now it is. I respect the autonomy of someone to run a business as they like. But this thread is a good example of how being evasive will generate skepticism. Nothing personal, it's business. Having said that, I do like massages and am intrigued by what the massage style is...

  7. I met an escort who said he was bisexual, but when I asked if he had ever had sex with a lady, he said not yet. He was over 30 then.


    That's just delusional. The most common answer I get from self-described bi guys is not since school, so basically their adult sex life is gay gay gay.


    Funny story. A young escort that I know originally advertised as bisexual as a marketing thing -- until he was actually contacted by a female. After some very uncomfortable messaging with this lady, he changed his orientation to gay. :)



    There is little doubt the bisexual label has been abused by many guys. There is a line in Torch Song Trilogy that sums up the attitude of a lot of gay guys I've talked to: “Just once I’d like to see a bi-sexual that lives with a man and sneaks out to see his girlfriend on the side.”


    I do believe bisexual people exist, but practicing bisexuals seem to be very rare.

  8. In fact, straight guys in the know are extra flattered by attention from gay men because they realize that we have higher standards of appearance.


    Part of me wondered if this guy could be straight, but free of hate, and he decided to give an old man a thrill. :cool:

  9. I love shorties, but sometimes I am in the mood of escalating the Everest. I remember when I hired Rio (from dawgpoundusa), I was expecting a tall guy but he is shorter than I am, and I felt disappointed. It lasted for 5 minutes, he was amazing in the sack and is one of the kinkiest kissers I ever tried.


    And for me, it's usually the other way around, I think they are a typical height and when they turn out to be shorter, I'm thrilled. It also means when someone adds an inch or two to their profile height, it doesn't bother me when we meet up.

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