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Posts posted by oldNbusted

  1. I've put a donation in the mail, I understand it may not arrive, so I wouldn't be admitted to The Cabana.


    For the truly paranoid (you know who you are and everyone else is a suspect ;)), be aware that the post office has implemented logging all mail sent through the service, so if you mark it down, your return address will be recorded in the system, if that matters to you.



  2. He has in the past; I think he'd be receptive to inquiries. ;)


    Sounds encouraging. I just realized you provided his first review here on the site, so your comments are not theoretical, which is good to know. :D


    It is my understanding that some guys will travel upon request, but most likely on terms I wouldn't extend to someone I've not met. I think there was a whole thread about this recently with some really helpful feedback from guys who have totally rational policies for such a request. But I decided a while back I would be a little more reserved, and only contact a guy if he posted he was coming to DC and I had already decided I wanted to meet him. So I added Roman to my RM buddy list and I'll get a notification if he posts travel plans.

  3. Realistically, it would be difficult for someone much over 40 to pull off the mid 20's to early 30's look that turns my head.


    I don't have an upper limit, but I can say that a 40+-something year old trying to perpetrate a 20-something look is not going to work for me. Usually it just looks ridiculous, but even when it doesn't, it causes me to question their judgement.

  4. Naw, he is not ready for the big game. Very cute guy, but he is coming from a tough moment. I did enjoy my time with him, he is beautiful and an eager pleaser.


    I hope he appreciates your kindness to him.

  5. "To be honest with you....."




    Intended for emphasis. Or to convey that someone's going to be frank, speak candidly.....


    I worked with a woman who, when people prefaced a comment with

    "Well, to be honest with you....."

    She'd interject, "aren't you always?"


    So, while I rarely do it... when someone prefaces a comment or opinion with, "well, to tell you the truth....."

    I'm often tempted to ask "don't you always?" or "when aren't you telling me the truth?"


    I do this, but what I should say is "to be frank" so it's clear that I'm stating something I might otherwise keep to myself.

  6. You also noticed, I was not crazy. The waiter was sitting with us, the dancers were jumping on us, I went to get drinks and when I came back I had to rescue him from a vulture patron. I love it when I have the one everyone else is wanting.


    I missed the vulture, I must have been busy with Gabriel upstairs. :cool:

  7. Last night I had my first date from my second SA season. We met at the stripers club. The guy is smoking hot, everyone was trying to hook up with him. We had some drinks and then came to my place. Excellent. Of course I pay the check list night, but there has been no mention of any "arrangement" so far. Let's see whether we have a second date.


    You could tell the dancers really liked him by the attention they were giving him, and that was fun to see.

  8. ... aware that I'm going wayyyy off OP.... I hope that these recent additions indicate interest in sports as well as the players.


    As a season-ticket holder, who genuinely loves pro-sports.... and who thought asking a guy to a game would be a great way to expand my social circle.... I've been disappointed and a surprised that the vast majority of gay guys I've asked to be my guest respond as if I've invited them to a hanging.


    Sometimes I wonder about the correlation between gay, childhood, closeted, sports, and teamplay.


    Ha ha, you are not alone! A few years ago, I briefly cohabitated with a friend who had known me for years and when I wanted to watch a Packers' game, he was all "When did you become a Packers football fan?" and I was like "Maybe when they won the championship in 1967, but for sure when they won it again the next year." :rolleyes:


    It wasn't a deliberate secret, but maybe I was in the gay sports fan closet.

  9. I created a profile.

    The autobots prompted me that if I posted my picture, I could read messages. That seems to have been a false marketing tactic.


    Would you mind clarifying, are you saying you did post your pic and could not read the messages?

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