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Everything posted by MassageDrew

  1. Sorry about the horrible experience. I for one prefer to hire incall service because I’m not comfortable enough to invite strangers to my personal space. As for my wallet, it is always inside a zipped pocket. The only thing that’s easily accessible is his payment inside an envelope. It has his fee and including tip. During warmer weather I usually put my wallet inside my pocket and roll it up after I take them off so the pocket is not readily accessible. It’s not that I don’t trust those I hire but this is not the first time I’m hearing about this situation in this forum. You should seriously tell forum readers his name. It’s may be too late to save your $$$ but you might be saving others from facing the same bad experience.
  2. The hottest of all hot messes one could ever imagine. She’s just okay to me in the first place. Now, bye Felicia.
  3. It’s been a while since I had a massage with Victor but this other masseur, Javier https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/bighands24.shtml appears to share the same massage studio. I booked a massage with Javier a while ago and it’s the same place. Javier’s posted location looks a bit more west now than Victor’s
  4. I’ll book a massage with any of them lol
  5. Ugh this is the second time the pic link is not working https://goo.gl/images/E2dq3w
  6. He is so HOT! https://goo.gl/images/Rn3KiA
  7. Trying to erase the mental picture.
  8. The worst thing they can do is admit that they’re both tops HAHAHA
  9. Or tie him to the bed so he can’t get away as you f@$k his brains out
  10. Haha. It could be like “yes, yes, harder, harder” or it could be “bitch you’re doing it all wrong. Im outta here” LOL
  11. In bed and, if different, to hangout with.
  12. Not sure if that’s his therapeutic ad or an old one but this is his newer ad on Masseurfinder https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/victorchicago.shtml
  13. If you’re left to choose between Johnny Weir and Adam Rippon which one would you choose?
  14. I agree that nothing’s changed. The program component is still as subjective as before. Lesser known skaters will not get as much points in the grde of execution as opposed to someone well known. They can evaluate it all they want but there’s really no way of seeing who’s better than the other unless it becomes mandatory that they do similar programs - same music, same footwork and in-between moves, same number of jumps, and they make it mandatory that half of the jumps be done in the first half of the program. In the team event, the Russian girl wasn’t really that good of a skater. She earned a lot of points by doing all her jumps after the halfway mark to earn the 10% bonus.
  15. I’m so happy for Adam that’s he’s fianlly living up to his potential. The reality is, unfortunately, that he has little chance of even making it to the podium unless he gets a quad in his repertoire. As you witnessed a couple of days ago, two failed quads will still earn you more points than a perfect program without a quad. In a way, I’m happy that he won a bronze in the team event so he has a medal to show for all his hard work. Hanyu is back, Uno, Chen, the youngest American Zhou, Jin, Fernandez, and them some have loaded jumps that can surpass Adam’s technical scores anytime. They all have to have a disastrous program for Adam to make it to the podium.
  16. I was thinking at one point that she should’ve done a true Beilman spin or raised her arm in one of the jumps. I think Karen Chen is complete enough of a package to contend, if she doesn’t get knocked down for under rotation. The Japanese are a strong contender as well but they too have that under rotation issues. They should hire Russian coaches to help them with the jumps
  17. On the women’s side, I’m really hoping the Americans can keep it together. Of all skaters, they’re the ones who can really put up a challenge against the Russian women. I was hoping Yuna Kim would make a surprise come back just to drop the mic on the Russians but it’s probably not going to happen. I atill think she was robbed in Sochi.
  18. I’d hire Eric Radford if he was a masseur LOL
  19. Bonaly was robbed so many times but she would’ve won so many competition in this new scoring system which rewards technicality over artistry. But I think she was more artistic than some that were placed above her in my opinion.
  20. Comparing Adam with Nathan is like comparing apples and oranges. Frankly I prefer Nathan as he’s more masculine though I’m not really sure he’s gay. On the other hand, Adam doesn’t even have to move or open his mouth and I can tell right away. They’re both beautiful in their own rights. It’s just a matter of preference. I’m still deciding who’s more flamboyant- Adam or Johnny Weir?
  21. I heard it’s nice too. Haven’t had a chance to visit but most of my friends enjoy visiting Scottsdale, and they’re all gay. Most usually go to Scottsdale first then drive to Las Vegas after or vice versa. Honestly I don’t go south as often as my friends. I don’t do well in the heat so I prefer to stay north. But I did enjoy my stay in New Orleans
  22. There are some dicks currently on Rentmasseur, Rentmen, Masseurfinder and others that I don’t want now. I couldn’t imagine more of it.
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