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Everything posted by MassageDrew

  1. I’m curious to hear what foreigners think about this and if they experience the same thing. I’m seeing a lot of comments that people get sleepy after a big meal which made me think about portion control. It’s no surprise that meal portions in the US is typically twice (or more) times larger. I live in the US but I’m always conscious about the portion. In fact I always ensure there are fruits and veggies incorporated in that portion. Maybe I don’t feel it as Tarte indicated but I’ve never felt sleepy after eating.
  2. Nikola the Mediterranean for sure is very good at what he does. Can’t say about Franz, the other link above. I may just give him a try to find out for myself.
  3. Yes, that cheap. I’ve never been with a masseur with a smaller frame than I but that’s him. The massage was so-so. If you book then book for the extras. Don’t expect a good massage. Like Trey, it got pretty sensual to erotic right away.
  4. I’ve been contacted by another member a while back asking for advice on the same issue and my mistake was giving him more than my two cents. The only advice I can give you at this point is to walk away. It’s never a good idea to fall for someone under your payroll. It’s time you find another masseur or an escort. You’ll always hear what you want to hear for the right price.
  5. Actually yes. This was not from any of these website most of us hire from. This happened from a reputable spa. So I do know where he works. I’ve tested since and still negative in case you’re curious.
  6. That is up to the masseur to make that decision. I was with a masseur where the session did turn out to be an all-out fucking session. He disclosed first that he’s negative so I mentioned that I’m negative as well. It was a nice hot session but I’m glad he said it first because I was ready to ask. I think ot makes it an even hotter session not having that in the back of your head. If the session is purely therapeutic then I don’t see why anybody needs to know. But if it does turn into something more intimate then it is a whole new ball game. If the masseur plans to use condoms then he may not have to. It’s an uncomfortable topic but an important one.
  7. He used to be called something else. He lived in Chicago and was known as Steven or that’s how he introduced himself to me when he was a go-go dancer at Lucky Horseshoe. Then he started massaging under a different name that he took from the Game of Thrones. Now he’s known as Paris? Hmm, interesting.
  8. Sorry about the bad experience. I just had my forst experience where the masseur didn’t provided me with the actual location until 5 minutes before the appointment. Won’t be booking with him for a while, or never. The massage was just okay. There is no excuse he can possibly use to explain why he didn't open the door, if it was his place. It was probably for the best. Sounds like trouble to me.
  9. Marrying into an institution as the monarchy can have its downsides but the perks are much better. Meghan will surely be dealing with snooty British aristocrats but she’s now higher in the ranks. She can make them bow for fun. And to be fucked by Harry day and night? That’s the biggest jackpot of all.
  10. The only Jesus I know is the Latino guy I met and fucked me years ago.
  11. Well Gio is regular dancer at Lucky Horseshoe. I haven’t been there since January but he’s been dancing there
  12. I may just have to at some point
  13. Either he’s dating this guy or they do 4-handed massages. I’ve seen a Craigslist ad with both of them together before the SESTA takedown. https://rentmen.eu/GioTwinkBoy
  14. Thanks for the suggestions. I may try one or both. I have to admit I’ve never done those 4-handed ones
  15. Thankfully I know enough legit clients here I can reach out via PMfor advice. But yes, it could be self-promotion or a newbie in the business trying to see what clients want so he could do the same.
  16. Any info on this one: https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/20043/ Thanks
  17. I don’t even go under the covers period. If he wants to cover me go ahead but I’m staying uncovered to give him full access LOL Also, I usually let out a sigh or slight moan as he massages me. It lets him know I’m enjoying his touch. And I’ve clenched my cheeks as he ran his hands in between to make him think I’m excited. Never fails. I was a little worried at my last massage cuz it was with a masseur I’ve seen before. This time he put a small towel over my ass. I was like “WTF??&&@&” But as it progressed the towel came off. I panicked for no reason LOL
  18. Hi guys, any suggestions for a 3-day weekend trip to Toronto? Daytime actuvities and especially nighttime. This is happening late summer to early fall season. Thanks
  19. I appreciate your review. Looking to go back to Montreal myself. Like you, I prefer Campus over Stock bar. Stock dancers look way too muscular for my taste. Never had a chance to go to Taboo not that there’s a reason after your experience.
  20. Thanks and I do remember that thread now. Hot mess LOL
  21. Any 411 on this dude? https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/19732/ I reached out to him to inquire and received a somewhat rude response.
  22. I get those emails or even texts from providers, but I’ve been getting them well before the crackdown.
  23. I’m a client and, honestly, I hire more from MF than other sites. Of course with the recent changes it is hard to actually tell the masseur that is purely therapeutic and he ones that provide more sensual offerings. As far as reviews, I don’t think we can post now at the site since the change.
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