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Everything posted by MassageDrew

  1. Oh yeah, I remember him now. He used to dance as a go-go boy at Lucky Horseshoe
  2. Just saw his ad as well. A little too twinkish for my taste.
  3. I’ve met him and he knows me from Atmosphere where he used to danced as a go-go dancer. Nice body and very nice package. Very friendly personality as well. I’m reluctant to book cuz I don’t want to come across as a stalker. Plus he only does outcalls so maybe when he starts offering incall then I’d book a session
  4. Sounds like King Spa in Chicago to me http://www.kingspa.com/chicago/ It’s a nce facility but no action. They’re very strict. The men-only section is full nude but but sometimes dads bring their kids there too. One time I was able to sort of play with a young hipster on his way to the airport but the most fun we can do is jack each other off. I sucked him but briefly. The guards are always on the lookout.
  5. Would be interested who this masseur/escort is. I hope it turns out good.
  6. No guarantees in the business. I still think that chemistry plays a role. I’ve had some amazing experiences. I’m always nude and always lay down on top of the covers. When the masseur asks that I go out under the sheets I just tell him that I get warmed up pretty quickly so I prefer to stay uncovered. I always keep my hands to the edge too. Most masseurs tend to give me the signal by brushing their cocks against my hand. The breathing plays a role too. I tend to react when he hits the right spots but I just fake it for the ones that give a so-so massage. I’ll take control and send the session to a different direction. I’m not gonna enjoy the massage so I might as well have fun. And it’s always been fun with most masseurs. And I’ve hired different types of guys some I really wouldn’t even consider my type but it turned out great. There are a couple though the really didn’t work out so well. One even asked why I wanted to touch him, even after discussing that mutual touching was okay before we met. I figured I’m not their type. There’s no chemistry so they never got hard and the interest was lacking.
  7. I didn’t get to see his underwear collection cuz he was fully nude before I was done taking my clothes off
  8. I tried Caleb a couple of weeks ago and it was very playful
  9. And that’s sort of a situation I find myself in at the moment. While they recognize the work that I do I’m forced to work with lazy, incompetent assholes. Not to mention one twat, as you ut it, who is always complaining and feels the world revolves around her.
  10. I’m torn because people say they love me all the time. One even claimed that others love me but they don’t know me. They think I’m mysterious. I do try to keep my work and personal life separate. In any case, staying is not the question. There are lots of reasons to stay but what if those no longer matter? I don’t think there’s that much bureaucracy with the company but it does exist within my department. My manager and a few others have this thing going on that I and one of the guy that was let go were really the outsiders in a sense. He know he can’t touch me because his manager likes me so when he had to choose it was the other guy for sure. I felt bad because the decision was a mistake. They let go of a very capable, competent guy. I was grooming him as sort of a backup because nothing else gets done when I take time off. Instead, the manager kept a mentally unstable person who is near a nervous breakdown because of his personal issues outside of work. He was kept mainly because he’s related to one of the guys within their circle. It’s a shame really. They’re willing to lose good employees just so they can be buddy-buddies. Then again, you’ll find that in every workplace.
  11. So I saw Caleb this afternoon and it was a good experience. His massage skills were good. I think because he’s only 5’7” that it’s not as easy for him to reach compared to someone who is 6’0” or taller. I did ask for deep pressure and he was able to deliver that on my body parts closer to him but medium on the other parts. Not that it’s a bad thing. And he was easy to talk to, very friendly guy.
  12. And that’s the thing. I have lost interest probably because of the politics in the office. Otherwise I’m still their most productive staff, the reliable one, the everything one could ask for from an employee. I guess I should’ve mentioned that I have stepped away once. I gave my resignation letter sometime last year to my manager, my director, amd HR. My director campaigned hard for me to stay. I told him that I needed a break and approved my leave. I went to Europe for 3 weeks. It was still my decision whether or not I’d actually return. I was hoping things would be different. It really hasn’t. It was sort of ok for a week or two then it started again. I’m atthis point mentally checked out. I just do the routine of doing my work day in, day out.
  13. Not too long. Nearly 3 years. I’ve worked longer elsewhere
  14. I’m definitely searching for new ones while I stay with this current one. I’m in a position where it’s no longer about the money. It’s more about the culture of the business now and whether it fits me or not. Back then it’s definitely about $$$.
  15. Thanks guys, yeah I’m staying for now and will evaluate as a things unfold. It’s just defeating to not look forward to coming to the office though I do love what I do
  16. What should you do when you’ve lost interest at work? There was a mass layoff the other day but I’m in one of the somewhat secure position so I’m safe. I know I’ll have the job regardless of the direction the company goes. It’s still a good company and somewhat rewarding. With that said, I feel like I’d rather be elsewhere at this point. Do I pick job security over what I’m feeling? What would you guys do?
  17. MassageDrew


    It really depends on the date of your visit. You can visit Lincoln Square and visit Germantown. There’s Chinatown as well
  18. I would hire him as a masseur and turn it into a sexual session
  19. They just need to overhaul the whole ladies and pairs skating programs period. They should train like their next meal depended on it. The US team’s motivation is slightly misplaced or misguided almost. I still think they should look outside the country for coaching. Most of the US coaches are too old and coach as if it’s still the old scoring system. I’m looking at some of the newer coaches and I recognize them as former skater who haven’t won a single event. They don’t know how to win or what it feels like to win.
  20. I’ve never experienced where I was asked to pay upfront but I can understand masseurs asking for it upfront if they happened to get screwed over by a client in the past. I would give him the base fee upfront then possibly the extra tip after if needed.
  21. Saw it last night - it was good and funny too
  22. No infi but hot, hot, hot
  23. New listing - Brent in Chicago https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/relaxwithbrent.shtml I haven’t seen him dance at @tmosphere in a while but he’s a go-go boy there. Nice cock. Any info on his massage skills...and any other skills?
  24. @ontheroad I agree completely. I do enjoy mutual interaction but I do still hire for a legitimate massage
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