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Everything posted by MassageDrew

  1. I met a guy at a friend’s party couple of years back. We had the best conversation and pretty much hung out with each other all night during the party. I knew we liked each other but I kept wondering why he wasn’t asking me out or whether I had to initiate it. I asked him and he said he felt the same way, but he was upfront about his size. My response was “So?” Frankly I was almost disappointed that he assumed I only wanted sex. We had the best time in and out of bed. He lived out of stste though so that was pretty much it.
  2. Miami is probably your best bet. It might still be cold and wintery the further north you go. I day go to New Orleans
  3. I don’t worry too much about sizes anymore. I go to a sauna/spa where I see varying sizes. Most often the tiny kind surprisingly. I can work with any size LOL
  4. Good to know, keep seeing his ad but not quite sure whether to try or not. Definitely not.
  5. I guess it depends on the facility. They may bear the Hilton brand but it may still be managed by the employees that were kept when it was acquired by Hilton. I’ve stayed at Hilton hotels before and jave never experienced issues like GregM’s. Same goes for United Airlines. Neary everyone I kmow hates United but it’s the only airline I use. At least 90% of the time. My flights always left and arrived early or on time. And I’ve only visited bigger cities where you’d expect issues while traveling. I’ve traveled with Delta and that was a mistake.
  6. From the time the escort walks in. However long it takes you to get in the mood you’re still using the escort’s time.
  7. That’s what I heard as well. I hangout with a friend who tried him and he like him a lot. But he also like Vince a lot https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/persian_steel.shtml He showed me Viince’s photos that they took together during the appointment. Vince’s phot on his ad don’t do him any justice. He is hot as f#*%. He only does outcalls though
  8. I too came once while the guy I was with fucked me. He was behind me and actually had his arms almost pinning my arms down. We both got so into it and that “oh shit, I’m gonna cum” moment came over me. So he pushed harder and I shot my load. Then he came all over my back. He said he’s never seen that before. So did I til it happened to me. Never been able to do it again though. I think it’s more about the mood and whether I like the guy enough or not. It’s definitely not the size because I’ve been with guys bigger than him without any hands-free success.
  9. I totally agree. It can affect you socially. But now that I’m clear I have gained more of that confidence. In my 40s and I still get compliments about how good my skin is. It helps being Asian I guess which helps keep me looking younger. I had to change my diet and keep a pretty good bedtime regimen to keep my face clear.
  10. Hahaha. It’s normal to get zits. Some just have it worse than others. Guys with regular zits are okay I think. It’s those big, pus-filled ones that scares the heck out of me. I arrived at the gym yesterday and headed to the locker room to change. Look and behold, my favorite staff was changing too. He said hi and I did the same. While he looked great face-wise I noticed that he has those big, red pimples on his back. Not a lot but noticeable by their sheer size. I still think he’s hot. I felt torn in deciding whether to suggest trying my remedy or not. I wasn’t sure how he’d take suggestions like that. Some will probably appreciate but he might feel more self-conscious about it. I just walked away. For someone with his cuteness and physique, I can forget a pimple or two...or a few in his case. LOL
  11. You are correct. I still use tea tree oil and it works like magic if you apply early enough. As for food, definitely. I finally narrowed it down to peanuts. Maybe it’s a different form of allergy but I do breakout after eating peanuts, particularly on my back. I usually get one or two on my face but a handful on my back. I have avoided peanuts and have remained clear thus far. I can eat tree nuts like almonds though just fine.
  12. I suffered at one point from mild to moderate acne. My treatment was quite simple - tea tree oil. I just use one or maybe two drops and mix it with my facial moisturizer at night and it helps clear my face. It’s especially effective when you start dabbing it at site where the pimple is growing. It’s an $8 to $10 solution from your local Walgreens or CVS. Your facial moisturizer is extra of course lol
  13. Oak Park is beautiful indeed especially around Taylor Park where I play tennis.
  14. I like it when they just focus on the massage and stop yapping. I’d meet him at a coffee shop if I wanted a conversation
  15. Just came across their ads as well. I’d pick Adam over the first one. Too hipster for my taste
  16. Yeap, and the fact that it’s steps away from the Red Line train so I can still take the train and go to Boystown or Andersonville if needed
  17. His parents have a lot to do with it as well. His mom in particular. If they didn’t want him to win so hard and kept their mouth shut them maybe fans would’ve warmed up to him. He won his first slam title I think when the mom started yapping about it’s Novak’s turn now. It didn’t quite worked out that way LOL
  18. As a Rafa fan, can’t say I’m sad. But I have met Djokovic at the US Open in New York few years back.
  19. I actually just scored a night stay at the Palmer House for $110. I’ve signed up for a couple of 5K runs (one is actually 8K) this year and I’d rather stay in a hotel than worry about driving in first thing in the morning and worry about looking for parking. So why not spend the night and stay literally across the street from where the run begins/ends. Gives me the option of hiring someone to help me relax as well LOL
  20. Even for purely therapeutic I still use the site because I can see their profile and pictures. Most local spas and sites don’t provide that so it’s like a box of chocolates. You never know who you’re going to get.
  21. Therapeutic massages are your typical massage-only service. Sensual or erotic massages involve a lot more sensuality or eroticism hence the name. It usually doesn’t invlove full-on sex. You need an escort for that rather than a masseur. But things happen so it could end up that way
  22. Another one that’s back: https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/enriquesantana.shtml Any info? Thanks
  23. Grigor is so hot I would ride him on the tennis court. LOL
  24. I’ve actually hung out with one member from this forum but not in a sexual sense. We’ve gone on field trips as in he’s been showing me the saunas/spas in Chicago. It’s actually fun and I enjoy it very much.
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