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  1. Like
    NuSingle reacted to + Funguy in What Advice Would You Give To A Guy With A Small Dick?   
    I think the fact that he is modeling it for all of us to see tells me he is not cock-centric!
  2. Like
    NuSingle reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    Another delayed update, inspired by your birthday wishes. Thanks giving was good, relaxed all around, the twins absolutely inseparable. My oldest left on Friday to visit his girlfriend and her family in Boston- when we dropped him at the airport, the twins erupted in speculation over how serious they are.
    There is a big update to come, though. This week, my late wife's brother, who's been openly gay since college. comes to DC on business and will stay with me. As was suggested earlier in this thread, I'm going to open up to him about myself. I've waffled over when and how to talk to the boys, in part because of the school transitions, etc, but I feel it's right to talk to my brother-in-law now. He's a good man and has been supportive throughout my marriage and loss. I don't know if he's ever suspected anything or not, and I don't know how he'll react, but I know he'll be a sympathetic ear.
    And now that I've posted about it I'll have to do it!
  3. Like
    NuSingle reacted to + sync in Please, just don't   
    My condolences.

  4. Like
    NuSingle reacted to + GregM in Please, just don't   
    I found out today that a friend since high school committed suicide. Things can sometimes suck. The present might be dark. But there are always brighter days ahead. There is always at least one person who cares and will listen. I've had a few dark moments and yes I have thought about ending it but some how I always dug deep deeper than I thought I could and carried on. If you're in pain and need someone to talk to I will always lend an ear. ❤
  5. Like
    NuSingle reacted to + HornyRetiree in HOW TO SHAVE YOUR JUNK!   
    I like natural men -- as they were born to be! IF hairy, then be hairy - that is hot and beautiful -- IF NATURALLY smooth, that is fine too - you will still have hair under your arms, pubes and a treasure trail.
    I just dislike it when men shave any part of their body -- other than their face. HATE a bald, cock and balls that make them look like they haven't hit puberty yet!
  6. Like
    NuSingle reacted to Kenny in Are You . . . And Why?   
    And with good reason: The “gay lifestyle” is a political fiction created by right wing homophobes as a tool of oppression. It’s just like any stereotype.
    It’s not uncommon for gay people to assume it’s real, partly because it is publicly debated while silence surrounds the ordinary lives of gay people. But it’s as phony as the “straight lifestyle.”
    A primary difference between straight people and gay people: Straight people mostly don’t have to deal with homophobia.
  7. Like
    NuSingle reacted to Chuckball in DEMENTIA   
    This is why escort fees should be covered by health insurance.
  8. Like
    NuSingle reacted to Kenny in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    Yes, very true. And to which an observant adult could have said, "Let's talk," rather than "Here, let me lie down on top of you."
  9. Like
    NuSingle reacted to Kenny in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    Many comments in this thread show very clearly why a lot of sexual assault victims (maybe most) never, ever come forward.
  10. Like
    NuSingle reacted to + WilliamM in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    I know it's unfair to just point to critical twitter comments, but not much else yet:
    * Dan Savage: ''There's no amount of drunk or closeted that excuses or explains away assaulting a 14-year-old child.''
    * Billy Eichner: ''Kevin Spacey has just invented something that has never existed before: a bad time to come out.''
    * Frank Rich: ''This is changing the subject. Rapp's charge is pedophilia.''
    * Ben Shapiro: "Sure, I may have tried to rape a 14-year-old boy when I was 26, but I'm gay!" is a pretty horrible defense.
  11. Like
    NuSingle reacted to Whitman in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    "I am sorry that Kevin only saw fit to acknowledge his truth when he thought it would serve him -- just as his denial served him for so many years."

    -- Zachary Quinto
  12. Like
    NuSingle reacted to marylander1940 in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    or maybe now that we're talking about this subject Rapp and so many other women decided it was time to "come-out" and talk about it.
    Let's give folks the benefit of the doubt, as you did on your statement.
  13. Like
    NuSingle reacted to Whitman in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    Nothing I have written this morning about Kevin Spacey comes close to making him look as bad as he has made himself look.
  14. Like
    NuSingle reacted to Whitman in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    Amen to that!

    Seriously!!?? What a lot to expect of Anthony Rapp. And why? To "protect" Spacey from something he has no reason to want to protect him from? And at what risk? Perhaps to expose himself to the suggestion that he wanted to blackmail Spacey?

    Good to hear, because you've sure given that impression.
  15. Like
    NuSingle reacted to Whitman in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    And you, krkwood, don't be so dismissive ...
    Again: no denial from Spacey ... instead, the age-old excuse: "inappropriate drunken behavior."

    Is it all hysteria? Or just this particular accusation?
  16. Like
    NuSingle reacted to Whitman in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    Are you suggesting that there should be a statute of limitations on speech?
    Or that we should disregard the many accusations against Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein that happened beyond the scope of any legal statute of limitations?

    Did you hear Spacey suggest that he had been libeled or slandered? Or even deny the accusation?
  17. Like
    NuSingle reacted to Whitman in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    Yep. And how unfortunate that they -- and the rest of us -- didn't get the official word from Spacey under different circumstances.
    Because if he was going to come out from under his own rock, it would have been so much better to have the headline be about a two-time Oscar winner proudly sharing the fact that he is also a gay man.
    But instead ...
    Spacey makes a statement that plays right into the thinking of homophobes and to their long history of raising the specters of pedophilia or predation whenever gay men get a little too "tolerated" for their comfort.
    So, this morning, some idiot who thinks less of you or me because we're gay, can turn to some other idiot and say, "You see, our kids aren't safe around them."
  18. Like
    NuSingle reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    Thank you for asking! I can't believe it's been so long since I posted, but I've been purposely keeping very busy, and trying to get into a routine without the boys.
    Let's see. My oldest is turning out to be the social coordinator of the family, keeping us in touch and setting up group skype sessions now and then. And he very plainly checks in on me regularly far more than in the past. Despite his having been away at school for the past two years, I think he's aware of how different home life might be from now on. I think he and his girlfriend are getting very serious.
    Plebe twin I see at home football games, and on Columbus Day I brought Chinese food to him and his roommates. It's hard, and he doesn't like one of his teachers at all, but he's doing fine. His homesick roommate is also doing well. He, interestingly, asked how I'm doing on my own, since part of his problem has been worrying about his parents, who are a good deal older than me. Plebe twin is playing intramural basketball, which is played on company teams. The upperclass in a company are usually hard on all the Plebes, but he's played well enough that the upperclass on his team have gotten friendly, easing up on him a little.
    Once Plebe summer is over they can grow their hair out a bit, but he decided to go back to a close-cropped buzzcut. The next day he skyped with his twin, only to discover he had virtually the same haircut. Spooky. He can only skype on Saturday afternoons this semester.
    DePaul twin seems to be loving everything. He and his roommate have become fast friends, likes his classes, likes Chicago. Although he and his gf were less sure about trying a long-distance thing, they are still taking on the phone a lot, so we'll see.
    And me. Well, doing okay but still adjusting. I found myself staying late at work for no reason, basically just to avoid going home, and as I mentioned, I spend a lot of time at the gym or pool. But it gets easier all the time, with one exception-- I hate waking up to an empty, quiet house. I've gotten so I eat breakfast near my office to get out of the house faster.
    And I'll share that I had a very bad day about a month into the solitude, although I can't say why. I was missing them and went into the twins' room, where most of Plebe's stuff still is, since he can't have civilian clothes or many possessions. I opened the closet and, looked at his clothes, and the fewer pieces of DePaul twins gear, and I could smell them-- I don't mean in a bad way, a clean smell I associate with them. And I lost it, I sat on one of the beds and had a good long ugly cry, about them ,about my wife, you name it. Probably a little bit about my sexual confusion, too. And after I pulled myself together, I felt much better, and have since.
    Speaking of sexual confusion, I have dipped my toes in the water of the LGBT social scene with some ups and a couple of minor downs. That story to come...
  19. Like
    NuSingle reacted to marylander1940 in His Hairy Chest   
  20. Like
    NuSingle got a reaction from + TylerandAce in "Only Fans". Am I the Only One Not Joining?   
    It's certainly cluttered my Twitter Feed...
  21. Like
    NuSingle got a reaction from Nvr2Thick in "Only Fans". Am I the Only One Not Joining?   
    It's certainly cluttered my Twitter Feed...
  22. Like
    NuSingle got a reaction from LongIslandGuy in "Only Fans". Am I the Only One Not Joining?   
    It's certainly cluttered my Twitter Feed...
  23. Like
    NuSingle got a reaction from RyanDean in "Only Fans". Am I the Only One Not Joining?   
    It's certainly cluttered my Twitter Feed...
  24. Like
    NuSingle reacted to mike carey in Two Down, One To Go   
    I haven't seen organic milk in the shops here, so I must look for it. I use milk in my tea and coffee so I tend to use it before it passes its use-by date which is usually about 2 weeks out from date of purchase (depends on the shop and its turnover). I usually buy 2 litre bottles although they do sell smaller ones if I were slower to use it. If it looks like running out of time I will make a white sauce (béchamel, cheese, parsley et al) and freeze it if I can't use it for a meal right away. [Putting a meat sauce into penne, or similar pasta, topping it with a cheese sauce, then grated cheese mixed with coarse breadcrumbs in a ramekin and freezing it is a good standby meal. Thaw and heat in the oven.]
  25. Like
    NuSingle got a reaction from gallahadesquire in Two Down, One To Go   
    When I first started living alone I had an added activity I did not anticipate. Throwing out expired milk. I started buying organic (the shelf life/expiration date was shocking to me). It costs a bit more, but I've not thrown out milk since, so it's actually quite the money saver.
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