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Everything posted by Smurof

  1. I've never heard of ordering milk in a bar, but if someone does, he or she should be asked for ID, even if they look like they're older than milk itself!
  2. Spanking an ass real hard and jumping on top of guys in a big pile doesn't seem like "straight" behavior, yet in sports people don't bat an eye when this happens. Truth be told, when I was younger I enjoyed doing well in sports because I WANTED my muscle ass to be touched (but thankfully I wasn't ever on a championship team, as I would get hurt in a pile-up).
  3. Only for the free taco, and even that's a stretch.
  4. Book the shortest time available always with someone new. That way, you can gage if they want to prolong time with you or not based on your up-front donation. My discovery has been if they like my gratuity, they will go over our allotted time a little if things vibe well. If the chemistry just isn't there, it's not uncommon on OUR side to end things early and chalk it up as a loss as well as a never repeat.
  5. It's illegal to discuss financial dealings off of the property, but all in all from people's experiences (most just once), you're better off just buying the person of your choice a car to keep, and then spend about four and a half non-stop days and nights with her or him, then never see her or him again. The only male brothel hire was let go eons ago due to lack of business (he would only see women).
  6. That's got to be a real challenge in life to have a cock so thick and perfect that you always have to convince people it's not superimposed. : ) BTW who is this?
  7. Ha Ha he was the first person I thought of when I saw this post, too! For $25, black Friday came especially early.
  8. I'm a little surprised this is national news, but I'm further perplexed that Ron Jeremy found his body, and Heidi Fleiss and Sherriff Arpaio were at a political campaign rally for him the previous day. Yahoo! played somber music with the story, which I feel should be reserved for things like boat drownings and hurricane destruction. At least if you're going to play music for a guy like him, some moaning sounds to go along with it seems fit.
  9. I put a piece of political junk mail in my shredder from the "Senate Leadership Fund" and it ruined it permanently a couple of days ago. I don't know what the hell material they made it out of, but where's that attorney's number?
  10. Other than COLT, it's not easy to find a fine collection of my favorite body part. This Australian guy has it going on behind him, and knows it. His Instagram is mainly a homage to his rump, which is fine by me. https://www.nathwyld.com/shop/2019-booty-calendar or if that doesn't work http://www.nathwyld.com
  11. If you watch 49 shows, I hope tv is your life / way of living. I watch about 9, and sometimes less if I fall too behind. I just finished watching U.S. Big Brother, even though it ended almost a month ago!
  12. Yesterday's porn shops are today's vaping stores, just like the shelf room for fruity drinks in the supermarket have been squeezed out by energy drinks. Give me Jeff Stryker in a peep show booth on my screen with a thick 8" cock through the circle in the neighboring cubicle being rubbed out while downing a pineapple Fanta. Man I miss the early 90s!
  13. Smurof

    Blocker King

    I was sifting through my dozens upon dozens of older private messages, and discovered that many people I have PMed have blockaded contact with me, even if I only contacted them once. Furthermore, I ran across very rare but rather hurtful hate messages I hadn't read, which I can either take as a wake up call, or go about my way I always do things, with sarcasm and interior loneliness.
  14. http://www.hourboy.com/Lovely Photos either of somebody familiar that's not him, or he goes by multiple names. Beautiful body though. Anyone seem him?
  15. HP Printer, HP home computer. The computer does "updates" before shutting down one night, and now any time I try to print, it just goes into storage and doesn't physically print. I've tried all Internet site recommendations and nothing seems to work. It sucks because my printer is pretty new, and HP told me over the phone they can help me...for $150! Geek Squad does not offer assistance to devices plugged in to the computer. I'm sure it's an easy fix, but I don't know what to do. Help, please.
  16. I would love to make this a screensaver for my boss on my (next to) last day of work!
  17. Yes, it's quite simple. Dolt's like myself make an inward look of disgust and horror, as the handsome man in photos is clearly not who answers the door - but I've already traveled to him as part of my day so I relent. I've only had this happen to me once, but scam artists with one time dolt visits can make lots of money. I've also learned the hard way you can even be scammed by people who ARE the same as their picture, so tread carefully and don't be a dolt.
  18. https://www.denniscoveyart.com/sculpture/chris_darby_torso.html I've been lusting over this guy's nude pics recently, coming across a couple of hard-on pics. He hasn't been discussed before because he's a personal trainer, not a massage therapist or escort to my knowledge. (Chris the subject, not Dennis the artist just to clarify).
  19. I've seen AlexxSmith many times and enjoy the experience, changing it up in length and type.
  20. I would miss it if it went away, just like I still miss rentboy and men4rentnow, but life carries on. I can also be forever thankful I'm not a lipstick user, as that demographic seems to lose their favorite more often than anything else!
  21. From the first list, I only watch Young Sheldon. It makes me laugh a few times an episode, which for me is not easy. I'm looking forward to the Michael Moore series, but neither he nor the channel it's on is promoting it yet as far as date and time. Game Show Network for now got rid of Card Sharks re-runs, so no more eye candy with the Chippendales dancers or bodybuilders episodes.
  22. I do find it amusing with the recent years of "cage free" food choices. I presume they cost more to consume because we had to run around longer with the cadaver to catch up to them.
  23. 16 years with me being the older. An appointment with horrible chemistry could have been 23 years age difference, but when he is older and more mature I'd like to try again.
  24. The way this is worded, if that's what he wants to give me to get in my still un-bought equestrian get-up, I'm all for it.
  25. Probably uncut, as the mushroom head outline would take additional time...
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