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    TopTierTop reacted to + Lance_Navarro in How To Clean Your Ass - Best Instructional I've Seen   
    This is by far the most honest and thorough instruction manual for anal douching that I have ever seen. Loving the use of cartoons to make it accessible and to dampen the "yuck factor". Because this is a subject that is always coming up, I thought many could benefit. I will absolutely be sharing this with clients that are new to anal sex. Check it out and share your thoughts.
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    TopTierTop got a reaction from john777 in Why Do So Many Escorts Label Themselves Bisexual?   
    Never considered bisexuality, never had sex with a woman, would never entertain the idea of a female client. I also never bottom. But only because being the dom top feels more natural to me... totally gay, totally top, but do love a talented tongue between my cheeks.
  3. Like
    TopTierTop got a reaction from + Gar1eth in Why Do So Many Escorts Label Themselves Bisexual?   
    Hmmm... actually no. Let me change it to "enthusiastic." That does make a difference!
  4. Like
    TopTierTop got a reaction from mike carey in Why Do So Many Escorts Label Themselves Bisexual?   
    Hmmm... actually no. Let me change it to "enthusiastic." That does make a difference!
  5. Like
    TopTierTop got a reaction from BaronArtz in Why Do So Many Escorts Label Themselves Bisexual?   
    Thank you!
  6. Like
    TopTierTop got a reaction from Mydavid in Why Do So Many Escorts Label Themselves Bisexual?   
    Never considered bisexuality, never had sex with a woman, would never entertain the idea of a female client. I also never bottom. But only because being the dom top feels more natural to me... totally gay, totally top, but do love a talented tongue between my cheeks.
  7. Like
    TopTierTop reacted to BaronArtz in Why Do So Many Escorts Label Themselves Bisexual?   
    Can we stop talking about vaj**J** please? I am gay and the very thought of anything related to va***a totally grosses me out. Thank you.
  8. Like
    TopTierTop got a reaction from Ryan Roman in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    Ridiculous! Any escort who would say that is one to run away from fast. He has no idea of the importance of relationship building with clients. When he starts asking for extra money for things that are generally part of a sexual encounter, in my view, he is not respecting the client.
  9. Like
    TopTierTop got a reaction from m.yi in Who would you hire for $500 for 1 hour?   
    Why would anyone pay $500 when they can get the best (me) for $300?
  10. Like
    TopTierTop got a reaction from Becket in Who would you hire for $500 for 1 hour?   
    Why would anyone pay $500 when they can get the best (me) for $300?
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    TopTierTop got a reaction from JuniorNYC in Getting Ripped Off By A Client   
    I totally agree with what is being said about not adjusting your business model based on one (or even a few) bad apples. I would be upset at first too, if it happened to me. But I try to look at the net benefit I enjoy from this enterprise, and if I am getting what I want out of it or seeing the overall results I am hoping for, I would consider that type of occurance just a cost of doing business.
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    TopTierTop reacted to JuniorNYC in Getting Ripped Off By A Client   
    LOL - thanks. I sent him a couple text messages, and it's been about 2 hours now with not response. You are right about it evening out - but I still feel shitty that someone would do that.

    <3 That brought a big smile to my face. Meh - shit happens. Too many amazing encounters to be grateful for. I think I'm officially over it and officially going to sleep! Thanks!
  13. Like
    TopTierTop reacted to mike carey in Getting Ripped Off By A Client   
    Junior, it's sad and disappointing that this has happened to you. As this is the first time anything like it has happened in over a year of escorting, the incident is about this client, not about your business model. I won't say move on, because even one such incident can leave a bad taste in your mouth. As Smurof suggested, the client may not have realised that he shorted you, but that's likely giving him too much credit (and he did screw you around in the lead-up to the meeting). All that, and the fact that the meeting seemed like hard work, seems to be telling you he's not a client you would want to repeat. Accentuate the positive!
  14. Like
    TopTierTop reacted to + Kufrol in Getting Ripped Off By A Client   
    At the risk of sounding cavalier, karma will eventually catch up to him. Venting is healthy, especially in a forum such as this one.
  15. Like
    TopTierTop reacted to Whitman in Getting Ripped Off By A Client   
    Junior, I'm sorry you encountered that man, but don't let a year-and-a-half's worth of positive experience be undone by one loser.
    Sad to say, I'm sure almost all of us -- whatever business we're in -- have lost revenue to dishonest and disrespectful clients. It happens no matter how hard you try, no matter how fair-minded and accommodating you are. The important thing is to never ever let those experiences compromise your own ethics or values. That loser has to live with being him. You can feel good about who you are.
    It speaks well of you that you are grounded enough to vent and then, pretty quickly thereafter, post again and say, "I think I'm officially over it and officially going to sleep."
    P.S. I'm glad there's another current thread in which you've been singled out for high praise. It's a nice offset to this bad experience to know that you are seriously appreciated. All the best to you!
  16. Like
    TopTierTop reacted to down_to_business in Getting Ripped Off By A Client   
    Let me be clear, it sucks what happened to you. You obviously have to do whatever works best for you and protect yourself. However, I would caution that one bad experience does not necessarily dictate changing your business practices and that you should never make such important decisions when you are possibly still emotional from the effects of such a show of disrespect and theft. Consider also that you are likely to lose a lot more than $60 in business from clients who will not hire escorts who demand payment upfront (some from their own experiences of being ripped off) or from lost gratuities. Other methods, such as counting payments from first time clients with payments after service, might be a more workable option.. but again proceed on making changes to what has been working for you for so long based on one bad experience with caution.
  17. Like
    TopTierTop reacted to Andy2 in Getting Ripped Off By A Client   
    Junior, what the client did was deeply unjust. If he has not texted you back, it seems likely he shorted you out of spite (he was unhappy with you or the session), but that is no excuse if you look like your pix and made a good effort. (We all have experiences where the chemistry does not work well, but the client should still make full payment, so long as the escort is not misrepresenting himself.)
    You might be tempted to demand payment upfront, but please avoid that: Clients (like me) consider that a big red flag, and many legitimate clients will avoid you. It is also awkward to count the money in front of the client, but if you can do so discreetly (client is washing up) or right after he leaves that gives you some protection, yes?
    Sympathetically, Andy2
  18. Like
    TopTierTop reacted to + Eric Hassan in Getting Ripped Off By A Client   
    Like @mike carey said, this incident is about the client and not you. You don't have to take it personally. I have a friend who says that sometimes, you literally pay for your life lessons. Think of this as a $60 lesson that sometimes you'll get stiffed and that you don't need to see this client again. You don't need to do anything differently moving forward but now you know it could happen. Big hugs to you!
  19. Like
    TopTierTop got a reaction from Zman in Have you (Escorts) hooked up with other Escorts?   
    I have not. I have turned down more than a couple of offers of two escorts/one client though. Doesn't really interest me. But I am interested in making a video with the right escort that we could both use in our profiles. Just haven't found the right match for that yet. And if I met a colleague who became a friend with benefits, I wouldn't be opposed to that either.
  20. Like
    TopTierTop reacted to kewtex in "Will and Grace" is back   
    @purplekow, what are you, some kind of curmudgeon?
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    TopTierTop reacted to + deej in "Will and Grace" is back   
    NBC made it official today.
    They're getting a 10-episode arc.
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    TopTierTop got a reaction from LivingnLA in Have you (Escorts) hooked up with other Escorts?   
    I have not. I have turned down more than a couple of offers of two escorts/one client though. Doesn't really interest me. But I am interested in making a video with the right escort that we could both use in our profiles. Just haven't found the right match for that yet. And if I met a colleague who became a friend with benefits, I wouldn't be opposed to that either.
  23. Like
    TopTierTop reacted to notforme in Tommy Regan In-Calls in DC Today   
    mmm in live in Washington
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    TopTierTop reacted to Frequentflier in Tommy Regan In-Calls in DC Today   
    A+ for that response. Hope his attitude is contagious.
  25. Like
    TopTierTop reacted to DDad4ynger in Tommy Regan In-Calls in DC Today   
    Sounds like a stand up kind of guy! PayPal can be a mess at times
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