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Everything posted by escortrod

  1. Both partners change, physically and mentally. Unless both of their tastes happen to constantly coincide with who their other half becomes, there's a good chance the sex will wane.
  2. I don't know. At the rates I've gotten in NY and LV I'd say it's fairly easy money.
  3. More likely to be tea and scones. Though I do enjoy a nice crumpet.
  4. He looks like Tom Daley in 10-15 years.
  5. If I remember correctly the Guinness Book of World Records has stopped certifying food eating records, in order to stop promoting gluttony.
  6. I got an original oil painting for two sessions with one client. Otherwise it has been hard cash all the way.
  7. Interesting. I assume Shawn Morales was using saline in that pic.
  8. I would nonetheless be reticent to infer anything about somebody’s personality from a couple of anonymous forum posts. More importantly I disagree with your assertion that egocentricity is demonstrated by @youngboldone because he wanted some information about the escort’s preferences. But maybe you have some expertise in psychologically profiling people online, in which case I will defer to your judgement.
  9. I was just being sarcastic in response to your unnecessary judgement of a fellow forum member, based on the scantest evidence. It wasn't a serious argument.
  10. Next thing you'll be expecting your barista to serve you the coffee you order and not what (s)he feels like, or nothing at all. It's just you, you, you. Baristas have feelings too!
  11. I can generally keep my balance in that manner too, but unexpected things happen (emergency braking, etc). I wouldn’t elbow a kitten, but a grown man who gets too close on public transport... I’d be tempted.
  12. It's probably safer to carry hand sanitiser than rely on your fellow passengers to help you keep your balance. If you did that to me I think you'd have gotten a sharp elbow to whatever part of your person was at elbow height at the time.
  13. It would depend on the precise circumstances. For example, I wouldn't be comfortable going to somebody's home without them knowing about it ahead of time (especially in the US). Done the right way I'd be up for it.
  14. I suppose. One might reasonably suspect that a sex toy has been used, however, and I don't think it's unreasonable that some may find that objectionable. Especially in the case of a cleaner, who might be expected to touch it.
  15. escortrod

    Baby Driver

    I enjoyed the movie a great deal. *** SPOILER *** For me the best part was Kevin Spacey's character being eviscerated by bullets, given that I saw it the day after his mealy mouthed response to the sexual assault allegation initially made against him.
  16. "Surveys show that 5% of men are liars."
  17. Boston is my favourite American city, thus far at least. I will have to plan my return.
  18. That reminds me of a painting I once got in lieu of payment. Not a gift exactly, but it was worth a lot more than my fee.
  19. Laurent Perrier Rose. My favourite champagne at the time.
  20. I think my favourite was when a longstanding client had a boxed bottle of LPR sent to my office. Otherwise most of the gifts have been underwear, harnesses, and the like.
  21. I've owned lots of robot vacuums, and my Roomba was the worst of the lot. I can't speak highly enough of Neato, though.
  22. I suspect Will is too anal retentive for any of the above.
  23. I know of a couple in London, but I think it's more of a distraction than motivation to their clients.
  24. The saddest part is that Dhruv Ganesh, who played Sahil, died from TB shortly before the film's release. He was 29.
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