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Everything posted by escortrod

  1. I have enjoyed the show for the most part, but I don't think it's one of Netflix's (or should that be Neflix'?) greatest achievements. Martin Sheen is so awkward in his role, and Lily Tomlin has had so much work done that I can't really focus on her excellent acting. I showed my parents-in-law the show, because I thought they would enjoy seeing their peers on screen, but they found it a little too close to the bone in terms of its references to nearing the end of life, illness, etc. Still, I'm excited to see a third season. Mostly because Coyote is hot.
  2. Love that he matched the jock to the shoes.
  3. Oh, yeah, looks tasty to me too.
  4. Seth Fornea. Somebody posted a picture of him in one of the long pic threads on here the other day. Let's not put private information out.
  5. Nor allowed back to many hotels one would imagine.
  6. Hi all, I'm looking for another escort in NYC who's into bondage, preferably with some rope skills. Any recommendations? Rod
  7. Yesterday. Decided to see if it would pique any more interest in my RM profile. Just a little experiment.
  8. As are the majority of forum members, presumably.
  9. Maybe the colour is off on my screen, but he looks like a brunette to me. Darker hair than I have, in fact.
  10. I don't think that the equivalence you imply between forced vaginal or anal penetration and lack of payment is reasonable. In the first instance the nature of the act has not been consented to, where as it has in the latter instance. I.e. the victim in the first instance did not consent to be vaginally or anally penetrated at all. In the latter case the victim did consent to the sexual act(s), but the perpetrator failed to fulfil the terms of their bargain. The legal position in the UK is that in the latter situation the victim's consent was valid because (s)he understood the nature of, and assented to, the act(s) in question. That's not to say that a wrong was not perpetrated, but it doesn't qualify as rape. The consequences of categorising the latter situation as rape are fairly obvious, I think. If it is accepted that consent can be vitiated by a failure of the other party to fulfil obligations, whether express or implied, then it is difficult to know where the line should be drawn. Should it only apply where there is a contract? If so, why, and what qualifies as a contract (e.g. would the terms of a marriage be relevant?) If non-contractual obligations were to be taken into account, the range of situations where somebody could legitimately claim they were raped are almost endless. Say that my boss strongly implied that I would be promoted if I slept with him. I might have a reasonable expectation of a promotion, but in the event that it was not forthcoming, a claim of rape seems inappropriate. Sexual harassment is more fitting.
  11. The whole point of leather seats is that they're wipe clean.
  12. I promise I will stop promoting this stuff at some point, but get Pure for Men. It should mean you don't have to go through the full cleaning ritual. www.pureformen.com I would expect it to be fine for you to sleep in the same bed, but all of the questions you are asking come down to the comfort level of the escort. Personally I am grumpy if I don't sleep well, so I wouldn't appreciate being fondled during the night.
  13. In many cases there isn't really a definitive diagnosis either. The PSA test is notoriously unreliable for diagnosis.
  14. Incidentally, should you be publishing the image on the right? It doesn't sound like it was necessarily intended for public consumption.
  15. No need to shout dear. Noses and ears don't change in that manner naturally. Maybe he had some work done.
  16. I'm confused. Those do not look like the same guys. If nothing else the guy on the right has a much wider nose than the guy on the left. The guy on the left has attached earlobes, and the guy on the right doesn't. And so on...
  17. My understanding was in line with Sync's. Maybe you could restate your point to help us slow learners understand properly.
  18. Oooo, Seth Fornea. I've never seen his cock before. It looks like he might have had enlargement surgery. The glans is proportionately way too small.
  19. @Oaktown I would be surprised if they were doing that. They seem to be pretty focussed on heterosexual users.
  20. That's the only 'full-fat' Coke that guy has had in his life!
  21. So having queried Wikipedia chiropractic doctors are a thing in the US (amongst other countries). I remain confused.
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