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Posts posted by escortrod

  1. It is just something I've noticed over the years. I had not heard it referred to as "zig-zag technique". Thanks!

    I took that from Wikipedia. Supposedly the technique I use (fork always in the left hand when a knife is necessary, but transferred to the right hand if needed as a scoop) is becoming more common in America now. The more you know...


    Sorry for derailing the thread into utensil etiquette. :)

  2. Right, since most people are right handed in America most hold the fork in the right hand while eating. If something needs to be cut up they will switch the fork to the left hand and use the knife in the right hand but then to resume eating will put the fork back in the right hand.


    I've noticed that most Brits keep the fork in the left hand while eating.

    We do, and most of us are right handed too, so I don't think it follows that being right handed dictates that one should hold a fork in the right hand. I just read about the 'zig-zag technique' you describe. Not to be a cultural chauvinist, but it sounds insane to me. I also asked my American husband if he does it and, if so, how I managed to miss that in ten years of knowing him. Thankfully it turns out he doesn't do it. I don't think his family do either.

  3. I was unaware that "sex workers" were legal in Britain. Below is YouTube by BBC:


    Prostitution is, but pimping or running a brothel are not ('living off immoral earnings'), thus Villa Gianni's operation is not legal. The Metropolitan Police are known to tolerate well run brothels, however.

  4. I never said "therefore I know that all escorts are". I said based on several hundred observations what I have seen... Huge difference.


    And I certainly hope that rod is correct that I have an oversample of bi and GFP. I mentioned that the GFP's seem to do the worst. I'm gay; I hope gay escorts do better.


    But by all means lets heard the successful examples so other escorts can copy it!

    Well, the two escorts I know who retired both bought property in London with what they earned, and they now live very comfortable and fulfilling lives with their respective partners.


    For my part escorting enabled me to get a law degree, and I will soon be a practicing solicitor. I also live a comfortable and fulfilling life with my partner of ten years. While I haven't retired yet, it is inevitable, since I won't have the time to escort soon.

  5. 26306866_200087960734301_6701225880384962560_n.jpg?se=8&ig_cache_key=MTcwMTE2Mzk4NTUxODQwMjU2MA%3D%3D.2


    I know y'all think this Christian guy is hot. Whatever!


    But seriously. Does anybody know how I can get in touch with the teddy bear? I absolutely have to have him!

    Available at your local Costco. I've always been tempted to buy one. I have a great picture somewhere of one buckled in to the back seat of my brother-in-law's Altima coupe. Turns out they don't have enough head room for 6ft plush.

  6. For somebody so high-end he has a cheap crummy sofa and the only saving grace of the kitchen cabinets are the Ikea door handles. The bathtub is to die for but it's obviously in a client's hotel room and he did a snap-and-go.


    Overpriced trash. Nothing wrong with trash but not at quality prices.

    Goodness, I didn't realise that an escort's worth was based on the quality of their furnishings, fixtures and fittings. His kitchen is rather nicer than mine (the tile, faucet and stove look fairly high end), so I guess I'd better get renovating.


    No, wait, on second thought I'll just avoid judgmental, hateful clients. Yes, that seems like a better idea.

  7. I hear you. I’m about 5” when I think the average range starts at 5.5”. I don’t obsess about it quite as much as you describe. But being gay obviously my glance happens to ‘occasionally’ strike a guy’s fly area. So many of the guys I see have very full fly areas. Mine wouldn’t look as full as most of these guys if I were sporting a semi hard erection. It’s depressing. And if I were a bit larger, topping would be so much easier. As it is I’m always wondering if I’ll be able to get past a guy’s buttocks.




    "In the Journal of Urology study, researchers found the following among the group of 80 men:

    • An average penis size of 8.8 cm (3.5 inches) when flaccid
    • An average penis size of 12.9 cm (5.1 inches) when erect."

    There are lots of studies on penis size, and they vary wildly in what is determined to be the average range. Those where measurements are taken by the researchers, rather than having men self report, tend to result in the average range starting at or just below 5". So you're pretty much average.


    A full basket in the trousers is more about testicle size and underwear choice than penis size. Briefs are generally helpful, if it's something you care about particularly.

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