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Posts posted by Poincare

  1. I was in high school from 82-86 and at college in NYC from 86-90...


    Not the most straightforward time to come out of the closet. All the comments above remind me how crazy it was.


    When I cam out, my was consumed with fear that I would shortly die from 80s. I’m sure many of you guys in my generation can concur. Spent the 90s in medical school and residency, so mostly avoided the gay scene due to lack of time, emerged in 2000 to finally enjoy being life as an out gay man.....


    Every generation has their story to tell....

  2. I feel like sex is once again Russian roulette. Has an 80s vibe. I moved to NYC in 1986, and was terrified about getting infected with a virus. Better music back then. Bring back Mister Mister.


    I’m a shut in now and won’t leave my house unless for a beach walk until the coast is clear. Willing to wait 6 months if necessary. Ordering everything in. And I never considered myself an extremist. More of a dilettante with a hankering for the beauty of men.

  3. T. S. Eliot, "The Waste Land."


    "April is the cruelest month, breeding

    Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing

    Memory and desire, stirring

    Dull roots with spring rain."


    I used to be able to quote a lot more of it, but it goes on for another 400 some lines.


    "Shantih. Shantih. Shantih."

    Nicely done. A true scholar among men.

  4. She actually moved on to the more modern VHS tapes before petering out. I never owned them, but I was a Eric Nies fan from MTV's Grind workout. I don't remember his name, but the hunky black guy in the videos with him was who I really had my eyes on!

    I was in LOVE with Eric Nies. He was the cutest dude. Such a crush. Thanks for the memories...

  5. I hired for my birthday in early February. With a wonderful guy by the way. It will be the last time that I hire now until the fall, assuming this hell is over by then. I’m slightly over 50 years old and get sick easily. Flu sent me to the hospital last year. I’ve spent about a year on chaturbate and f2f/vguys....some fun times, but it mostly bores me now. I love Andrei from St Petersburg and a few other favorites.....oh yeah Dorian Lux.....they sure make them sexy in Colombia. Note correct spelling.

  6. I'm not worried about this hysteria. But for those that see biz slowing let this be a lesson and diversify your work. Buy property, day trade, get a day job or open a biz. Solely relying on slinging dick and selling ass can only go so far and for so long. Shit happens uncalled for virus hysteria happens, economic downturn happens. Be ready and be smart.




    Day trading can be pretty risky too

  7. You’re mostly talking about healthy, in-shape, able-bodied men (mostly younger in their 20s & 30s).....there is no reason that they have to sit home doing nothing....many of the essential business sectors that remain open have plenty of employment opportunities & are hiring....for example, grocery store chains are adding workers for restocking jobs & janitorial / cleaning needs that need vital attention.....some might have cars / vehicles available....Uber needs more drivers for deliveries....(Amazon too)......is this kind of employment below the standards of an escort in need ?....I, for one, don’t think so....

    You say they “need every dollar of help they can find”.....I think many can find dollars in places other than from handouts.


    it might be the life event to have them consider other employment opportunities or get more training or schooling. Nothing at all against escorting as a way of life, but rather like any service industry it is vulnerable to economic vicissitudes. Aging out happens too,so good to have alternatives. Maybe with some money in the bank, (virtual) school is an option?

  8. Like many of you here, I have a very busy and complicated life, and many people try to adjust times with me. I just go with the flow. I’m not an escort but I interact with dozens of people a day. We all react to communication differently. But I think for the most part, if someone asks if they can adjust a time, it’s easy to say yes or no, and not take it as an affront. This escort should not be an exception. I appreciate that they get annoying texts from pretenders all day, and that must be annoying but we all have our annoyances in life.

  9. Adriano46 was a regular here for a long time, but he hasn't posted anything in almost a year. Ragazzolupo hasn't posted in almost four years.

    Our very own site historian. I like it!

  10. No need to shut anything down. If you have a brain, you will practice strict social distancing, including avoiding unnecessary contacts as well as saving your money. A massive depression is coming. Sadly, I suspect this business will shut down itself.....


    and on another topic, the 20% unemployment prediction and the long lines at gun stores has me TERRIFIED and I’m usually pretty sanguine.

  11. I’d like to comment on “into older guys 35+ years old”...


    damn, is 35 years old an acceptable cut off to define “older guys”. I guess it is.....where did the time go....bit I’M HERE!!!!


  12. No sarcasm or hidden meanings. He is incredible to spend time with. Nothing fake or misleading. Just an incredibly hot guy who aims to please. Bright, engaging and sexy. My comment on him being Russian is that I compared him to a Belami boy and I just wanted to cutely acknowledge that was not Czech. Not meant as a slight in any way to Russians. My grandmother is from Russia for Gods sake, Long live the motherland!

  13. If you want to know what it’s like to spend time and have fun with a Belami boy, then splurge on Mark Parker. I met him in Atlanta last fall and hope to see him again when he is back in the states. Checks (Czechs?) off every box for me. He’s Russian...I know.

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