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Posts posted by Poincare

  1. 25 years together...we both get with other guys....he in bAck rooms, as for me I only hire....

    Though I hooked up with the most beautiful guy one cold night in 2010 while visiting Brno....the body of a Roman statue...we stayed up all night..and I had to work the whole next day.....

  2. I first visited India 1992 when I was 24 years old. I spent a month backpacking and visited Delhi, and Rajasthan (Jaipur, Udaipur, and Jaiselmer). Took a two day camel safari into the Thar desert. Hit by a sand storm in the middle of the night. Woke up to about 30 scorpions. Also visited Kashmir. I was young and dumb and didn’t realize how dangerous it was. I could hear a lot of gunfire. Stayed Ina beautiful old house boat. Waterskiing in Srinagar.

    Ended the tour in Agra with the red fort and of course Tahj Mahal.


    Went several times for work.


    Then went again in 1997. Visited the south, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Beautiful temples...shore temple, mahabalipurim.

    Backwater tour of Kerala. Cochin was great. Visited an old synagogue.


    Then Karnataka. Mysore palaces....Srabananbelaga...huge nude Buddha on top of a mountain. Amazing temples and caves....


    I want to go back. Plus I think Indian men are gorgeous.

  3. I have met Marcus a few times and he was one of the best encounters I’ve ever had over 15 years of hiring. Yes he is absolutely breathtaking, and I also found him to be funny, sweet, very easy to talk with. He’s an amazing kisser,and we had a lot of fun, albeit we didn’t “go all the way”. He was pretty game for everything else. I can’t wait to meet him again. A total sweetheart. Don’t miss out!

  4. I have been incredibly happy with two separate 5 day trips, and pretty meh with the third.

    The first was with a guy I met on seeking arrangements. This was the meh experience. I did pay for his time. We went to St Lucia, which was gorgeous. For 4 grand a night suite, it had better be. He was pretty awful at sex, but is basically one of the best looking guys currently on Instagram who shows off his flawless physique and has tens of thousands of followers. Typically vapid millennial conversation.

    The most recent two have been with a really sweet and very handsome pornstar escort. We had one beach vacation and one in the mountains. Easy conversation, wonderful hugging, good sex, and it was nice having such a hunk to take to dinner. We did a lot of adventure/sports activities. Created a lot of wonderful memories. Planning my next trip with him.

  5. From the OP


    As always, the discussion from you all was very helpful, varied, amusing, and consoling. While I am a big fan of this gentlemen who treats me like his ATM due to his fame, kindness, beauty, and big heart, I’m gonna wise up and end it. I’m pretty sure he has a gambling problem (he tells me his dad is a gambling addict, but I think he is really talking about himself as people often do) and I know enabling him is simply wrong in the long run.


    Plus since I have been such a pushover, I feel he has lost respect for me, and nothing makes you feel worse than disrespect.


    Finally, he seems to be suffering from depression as he regrets the decisions hes made and his lack of pursuing an education or career in his 20’s. I coach him on some ways to start over, but asking for money from clients like me who can’t say no to that smile and charm is obviously easier the books or working on a construction site.


    Thanks as always for letting me use this site to work through my issues was they arise regarding our mutual hobby.

  6. I’m being hustled and need to stop.....has it happened to you?


    I met with a drop dead gorgeous escort not let no ago. Had an incredible few hours to the point that I have taken him on a few trips now too.


    They were perfect BFES....and he was a witty gentleman, great in the sack, cuddling, great conversation....


    Now for the problem....he always seems to have money problems. I’ve given him about 5k just to help him get through his recurrent money issues....there’s always a great story attached to it.


    I know I’m being hustled for the money and he knows I can’t say no, so he keeps asking and I keep giving.


    I’m lucky to have plenty of money, but I’m feeling like a total tool. Tonight was the last straw....


    Time to say goodbye....


    Stay away...

    major flake.


    I set up a meeting the day prior.


    He no shows after multiple texts back and forth confirming what I like and asking for my pic.


    I call and he does not answer. I text that I want to cancel after mins after scheduled time.


    An hour later...he finally texts back. “Sorry man. Traffic.”


    On a separate note, prior to the no show he gave me his Instagram address and he is drop dead gorgeous!

  7. I hope to be hiring him later this year (2018). If anyone has hired him since poincare, would love to hear about the experience.


    And a question for poincare - who were the other guys in your top 5? Hope some are still around!


    Here are my top 5 since you asked....in no particular order.


    1). A gay Cuban couple is Las Vegas this past January. I’d include the link but they don’t seem to be on RM at the moment. 4 hrs of the most luscious sucking and kissing and I was DPd for the first time. They were so freaking sexy. One looks like Vilem Cage and the other one like Topher the groper DiMaggio.

    2). Kal El in NYC from the late oughts. Many nights spent with him doing wonderful things to me.

    3). The one and only Rafael Alencar. About 10 encounters. I have described my time with him in other posts. Lost continence briefly after one particular intense weekend.

    4). Marcus Mojo as above...

    5). Tomas Decastro, but this is probably a “recency” effect. Had super times with Arpad Miklos, May he Rest In Peace, Angel Cruz when he briefly escorted, Dave in SF, and Luca the Hungarian with beautiful blue eyes and flawless body

  8. I’m into such a ginger phase right now. I can’t get enough of them. There is one “Russian” on Randy Blue named Elijah Alexandropov, who is the prettiest thing I’ve seen in years.


    Gingers seem to be taking over my gym in suburban Philly too. Lucky me!

  9. I’ve hired Paolo Ramatti in Budapest a few times. He is super handsome and fun. I’ve hired about 6 other Hungarians over the years. Mixed experience. But I got to practice my college Hungarian as well. A viszontlatasra!

  10. I like the new business model. My preference over wham bam thank you ma’am service. Lately, I’ve been indulging in brief trips with accompaniment. Most recent to Mexico was gorgeous blond was heavenly.


    I’m going to definately plan a trip to Vegas now. I’ve been wanting to meet TB ever since he was Jake Cruises birthday present about 10years ago. That video blew me away. Everyone watching and cheering. Very Stanley Kubrick.

  11. I’m a huge fan of the Rosso twins. It would be a major fantasy come true. They certainly are sexy and know how to use their assets.


    I hired twins once. I forget their names but they are from Latvia and visit the US every once in a while. It is a major trip. Overall, the experience was only so-so.


    I may have to make a trip down to the Lone Star State in the very near future. I love their double team video in Corbin Fisher.

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