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Posts posted by Kman

  1. Before meeting James I thought the same thing. Conversion therapy is still legal in the majority of U.S. states. It should be recognized for what it really is - child abuse.


    I personally went through years of what many critics would call "gay conversion therapy" (obviously it didn't work) but not many therapists if any do true gay conversion therapy (at least in the US) where there is electrical shocks and whatever else and they force some sort of conversion or do prayer meetings to drive out demons...in my experience the orientation piece was hardly brought up (yes I was told it was still a sin) but it was more about a religious experience so to speak.

  2. For some of those guys it's not just a few pennies. Some of those guys make a lot of money and probably don't even need another job. There was one model's chat room I was in and he was tipped around 2 grand (complete guess) by one customer and he didn't even do anything.

  3. I have been thinking about what would happen if sex work was legalized. In my mind it would start being regulated and in my opinion the government ruins everything so I would imagine it would get frustrating. I would imagine escorts/masseurs would have to start working for companies..let's say Rentmen...and they would have to paperwork that they have been tested and I would think the customers would have to do the same (not a bad thing) but I would think it would deter a lot of potential clients. Also, in this scenario, I would think that the escorts/masseurs would loose a lot of money and get a fraction of their hourly rate and the rest going to Rentmen.

  4. First, I will preface this by saying I have had one other embarrassing experience with a masseur but it was more funny than anything. Also, before I begin, I have had 3 massage appointments in a row that have been only 30 minutes and I am charged a full hour...is this becoming more common?


    Now I would call this masseur "high risk" since he has some positive reviews and some negative and it wasn't 100% clear how the appointment would actually go. I booked the masseur rather easily and I was coming straight from work and I was able to use the shower before we started. The massage itself was sub par and lasted less than 30 minutes....I paid for an erotic/nude massage and it wasn't even close to being erotic at that point...AND THEN the embarrassing part he tells me he doesn't feel comfortable doing the release because I have a "rash"!!! Side note: First, I wouldn't have gone if I had a rash for that reason. Also, if I did have a rash, I would still be embarrassed but would understand his concern. Now, I did not have a rash its some discoloration between my thighs rubbing together. So I walked away in shame. Anyone else have this experience?

  5. Attempted to book a massage with this guy. He seemed nice enough. I was going to give him a try despite the multiple threads here. It didn't work out though. I don't think he prefers clients like myself, instead of just saying that, he stopped replying, then later claimed he was all booked. Which wasn't the case. I offered a later availability suggestion, then he ghosted me. Truthfully though, I much rather have had that happened than I pay him & receive crappy treatment due to no fault of my own. It is what it is though. He definitely can pick & choose which clients he wants to book & the ones he doesn't.


    yeah I wish that happened to me...what a f@##(ng joke. (I don't know if I can cuss)

  6. I met him once in LA and he was a bit anxious because I wasn't at his front door right when I said I was going to be...but still turned out to be very fun. Also just met him today for a massage which was very good...it was a short session which seems to be more common. He was pleasant and we had a good conversation...routinely asked about my comfort and how the pressure was.


    The only odd thing was that he asked me to get up to his room by asking another guest to get me to his floor with their room key. I think, for the most part, it would work but you ask the wrong person and you are out on the street. I did mention that to him but he did not seem to agree.

  7. Knocked his sister out and then HID THE BODY????


    You kind of buried the lede there, dude. He was clearly off-kilter from the start, then. That is not remotely normal childhood behavior and frankly I'm surprised anyone was friends with him after that. I wouldn't let my kid play with someone who had done that. WTF?


    Yes it was pretty messed up. You are right that is not normal childhood behavior, he should have been getting help of some kind at that point. I didn't hear that story until high school or maybe even college but he tried passing it off as an accident but that's not how he told the story.

  8. I agree @sniper, that HS players and students in general do a lot of stupid stuff because we didn't know any better and we felt invincible. That reminds me though there was one concussion that I remember my friend having where he didn't know where he was. If I remember right he sat out the rest of that game but continued to play the rest of the season. I don't remember him getting any treatment for that. And if that happened today he would have at least been out for the rest of the season.


    Are you referring to Aaron Hernandez? A big difference would be my friend had these symptoms well before he played even as a child he had intense anger...he actually knocked his sister out with rock and then dragged her body into a shed so his parents didn't see (the sister was ok but still). I do not know for certain if his dad beat him but he did say he has been in a physical altercation with his dad.

  9. I don't know a lot about CTW, @Kman, and most of what I do know comes from the ongoing coverage of the crisis on HBO's Real Sports. That said, my first thought upon seeing your question was: "hasn't it been shown/suggested that CTE exacerbates -- or is exacerbated by -- a predisposition toward mental illness?" A quick search yielded this article that does suggest the interplay of the conditions might be a factor.


    I was thinking that too, that CTE could exacerbate any symptoms of mental illness. Thanks for the article I will read up.

  10. @Kman -- sorry to hear what you're working through, but very impressed that you're doing so with such openness and clarity.


    Not sure that it will be useful, but your experience with your friend put me in mind of this recent article, which I found to be a powerful account of experiencing a loved one's mental illness.



    Thank you for the kind words @RyanDean & @rvwnsd.


    I was able to read the article, not the exact situation but there a lot of parallels. I am glad that the writer said that the cousin took on poisonous form of masculinity and I would add, the cousin was not a true man or truly masculine.


    So I was able to attend my friend's funeral back in our home town, which I am glad I did, at first I was reluctant to go. It was very therapeutic, a lot of my classmates were there from high school so we were able to share memories about our friend and laugh and cry together.


    The family acknowledged during the funeral that their loved one was in a very dark place and has been sick. One family member read a portion of a note that their loved one had left the family and he said "I am very sick and it has gotten worse over the last 6 years," which, needless to say, broke my heart. The family that spoke really emphasized that he was depressed and on top of that they attributed the suicide to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Typically that diagnosis is given to professional level athletes particularly those who have played in the NFL or NHL or have been in the military. And the only way to diagnose CTE is through an autopsy but I think because of the way he ended his life they would not have been able to check for that. The family was adamant about it and were saying he had all the symptoms of someone with CTE. Of course the family is looking for answers as to why and maybe even try alleviate any guilt that they may feel.


    The reason why I am writing this is to see if anyone here has any insight into CTE??? I particularly don't agree with the family's assessment; he had played 4 years of high school football and that is a far cry from playing in the NFL for 10-15 years. Also he had most of, if not all, the CTE symptoms well before he played football.




  11. I think it's normal to feel this way when something like this happens, but at the end of the day you can only be responsible for your own mental health, and realistically, it's not like you could have "fixed" his issues.


    Correct, I know no one would be able to change him. Unfortunately he never admitted to needing help. As this last week as gone on I have just become more and more angry with him, I don't think one person that knew him ever "hated" him or even truly made fun of him it was ALL in his head, I have no idea where or when his insecurities set in...

  12. I saw him a couple of months ago...now he got in much later than what he planned ( a whole day later) due to weather...and he was still up for meeting and I think he had just arrived. So I am guessing he was really tired and it felt like he was just going through the motions. Also, he didn't talk much but when he did it was like talking to a 13 yr old...but I want to chalk it up to a long flight delay and give him another shot.

  13. This is not an exaggeration: Upon logging into A4A there were seven messages from these fools. As I was deleting them I almost missed a message from someone I actually chatted with. Also, I received two more fakes. o_O:eek::mad::eek:o_O

    Oh I got those on Grindr every 3-4 days while I was in Denver CO recently for work for 6 weeks. Must be all that pot.

    Superhot men in their 30's-40s (I am almost 60...) who had just divorced their wives and who were offering me $1500-2000 a week just to love them and being devoted to them. I played along 3-4 times to see where they were going, eventually everybody asked me my bank account and routing Nr to send the first payment......:rolleyes::D:D:D


    Yeah that's right it has been on Grindr as well maybe even more so than A4A...and there's one on Grindr that is a really hot guy that happens to be staying at a hotel very close to me and asks for an energy drink and a prepaid card you use for online gambling.

  14. I am really just needing to write down my thoughts at this time. A good friend of mine that I grew up with and even lived with for a bit during college committed suicide last night...I don't know the "why" as of right now but I do know he had anger issues and quite possibly bipolar...he was living in AZ for a bit but then moved back to our home town about a year ago...I believe because of some personal issues he was having.


    The reason why I am conflicted is because while I am sad and angry I am also having trouble remembering the good times we had...as we got older and more into college and beyond it was harder for us (core group of 6 guys) to really know where we stood with him...he would be laughing with us one minute and then the next minute get really angry and accuse us of not being true friends ect. Eventually we all got sick of it and really didn't reach out to him much (partly cause he was out in AZ) and mostly because you never knew what you were going to get. He really needed help dealing with his emotions and I don't think he ever got it...after an assault charge I think he received court ordered anger management..after that he apologized to me for a bunch of stuff (unfrelated to the assault). IDK I feel like he changed so much from when we were kids (but not in a good way)

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