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Posts posted by Kman

  1. Crazy, I did not know there was a pill used to help you with alcoholism. I have a friend that recently went through a weight loss surgery and she was an over eater but now she doesn't eat much but has turned to drinking heavily (she drank before but not to this extent) so basically substituting alcohol for food. So do people who take that pill start abusing something else since they don't desire alcohol??

  2. Another perspective:




    my perspective of it is that if young people (30 and under) are having less sex then to me that would mean less human interaction overall...you arent out and about exploring developing relationships that could lead to sex.

  3. Yes I was gonna say, this statistic seems to be about heterosexual men, not gay men.


    I would agree that the stat is pointing towards heterosexual men but when you get on grindr or adam4adam or whatever you're using no one seems to want to meet. Even when there is a mutual attraction it seems like someone tries to find an excuse not to meet. IMHO it has to do with the whole social media cultural where people can hide behind a screen and not really meet anyone...just another reason why hiring an escort is so much easier :)

  4. Over the summer in Wisconsin, I had a totally bogus experience which included a K-9 dog and waiting inside a police cruiser for 45 minutes. The offense: an expired Temporary tag from a vehicle I bought earlier in the year. But which was made to look like a complete fuckery of a situation. After that, I did a free consultation with an attorney who gave me some solid advice. I was also pulled over AGAIN the very next day in a different county of Wisconsin on my way to a client. Another K-9 unit. But I’d already explained the previous days encounter, so was let off.


    Wisconsin is ridiculous. More than 5 over on the speed limit and you are screwed. I have personally been pulled over 3 times in WI (once, i totally lucked out and got away with a warning).

  5. This country is horrible for middle class -if some adverse life event happens we are screwed every which way. Can't afford many things and don't qualify for assistance due to income/wealth thresholds.



  6. Unfortunately my friend does not qualify for any medical assistance. She has a decent house, 401k and nice income. Just got divorced after a long marriage and is paying alimony and child support for last kid. The guy didn't earn much. But with all this money going out and she took on a lot of the loans and two kids in college and now this illness has pushed her over the edge.


    This country is horrible for middle class -if some adverse life event happens we are screwed every which way. Can't afford many things and don't qualify for assistance due to income/wealth thresholds.


    She actually asked the doctor for a payment plan and they referred her to this.


    I just don't know if it was a scam, take the 1000 dollars and then say she was not qualified for a loan?


    Have her ask billing for a payment plan...the doctor doesn't know anything. The bettermed.com site seems legit but 1K is a lot to risk if you are not right.

  7. On the question of scams. A friend of mine is having serious health issues and fighting with insurance and having some serious financial stress. Their doctor referred to bettermed. Apparently offers 3.9% financing for 15 years and two years payment deferred .


    Anybody used this-apparently they have a 1000 bucks or so agency fee at first. I never heard of such a thing-at such low interest rates-but since the topic came up-thought if anyone heard of such a thing? Especially since doctor recommended to her?

    I've never heard of this agency. Usually hospitals are willing to work with a patient to set up a payment plan or your friend may be able to apply for medical assistance.

  8. I am not going going to do business with this site after I read the terms of service. A majority of it was in legal jargon but some parts were not:

    Almost without exception, every Client has been referred to a lender or lending partner that has approved or was willing to approve the Client for either a loan or a line of credit or both of varying amounts. Some Clients mistakenly think that the fee they are paying is a fee for a loan. This is not accurate. The fee is for the information we provide to the Client (referrals).


    And then:

    If you receive the full amount that you request, then everybody is happy. If you receive a lesser amount, it is only fair that we still get paid for a portion of the fee.

    If there are any problems whatsoever, we are here for you and are always willing to work things out with you. All we ask from you is communication and cooperation. We only want satisfied customers.


    The "then everbody is happy" phrase really threw me.

  9. Or - the equally offensive “not a problem”. I HATE that reply!

    i am guilty of "not a problem" but I catch myself a lot now and say "you're welcome".


    I wonder if I say it because I'm a people pleaser...by saying "no problem" I'm telling them "you can never ask too much of me," or something similar. Or I'm a saint for saying I dont have a problem with whatever task.

  10. you can say you trust/love your friends and family all you want but when borrowing money gets involved it never seems to end well. As I am typing this I think I paid my friend's share of the rent on a few occasions back in college...I am not sure if he ever paid me back??


    Anyway I don't understand the credit score system...it wants you to be in debt but not too much, and having no debt is bad apparently.

  11. There’s a reason banks find you credit unworthy and are hesitant to loan you money . I’m sorry your credit rating is poor but you can rebuild it slowly over time. Many people find themselves in desperate financial woes and are suckered in to these types of scams. And yes! This is a scam. Don’t be one of these people. You have other legal options available to you.



    Its not that my bank is unwilling to give me money its just want the payments to be lower...the scammer offer was too enticing and I wanted it to be true.

  12. please don't do this......I want to be able to sleep tonight!


    this is a classic, much-discussed scam....their requirement that you pay it off within hours is the give-away......meanwhile, the check they sent you bounces in a few days and you're left responsible for those funds.....

    I don’t need to repeat what others have said about running away from this...but to validate their advice:




    It seems that you have made the decision not to pursue this and have evolved to trying to figure out how it is a scam...but alas, i suspect they are not giving you all the information yet to connect the dots yet.


    Out of curiosity, what was the amount of the loan and the payment they offered you?




    Thanks for your concern...I did not go through with it...I expected them to call me back a few times today but they did not.


    Payment was $250 a month for 15K

  13. How much money would the small loan be and are you prepared to lose that money if it is a scam? Still think it's a scam. Would calling the Better Business Bureau and asking them about this company be a possibility?

    ...This is the part that makes it not look like a scam...I am only sending the small loan amount back after I receive the money meaning it is in my account and available to use...if there is no money in my account...I am not buying the visa card or sending them money...even if its sitting there in pending mode I wouldn't send it back.

  14. If you need to work on rebuilding your credit I'd start with credit union or local bank where you can sit face-to-face with a credit officer.


    Yes, I understand a bank would be 1,000 times better and obviously legit...its just that this loan offer is the best I have seen...interest rate and loan amount..that is why I am even considering it.

  15. Still sounds fishy. Why do they need you to pay a small loan? Where did you find this offer?

    The loan officer said, I needed to pay the small loan amount immediately to validate a "relationship" between us and a better excuse to give me more money. The offer can was from a phone call...I have been shopping around online for the loan so my info is out there of course

  16. Yeah important note, I haven't sent any money. They send me the loan electronically and then I would pay the "small loan" back to them via the visa prepaid card/

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