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Posts posted by Kman

  1. Yeah important note, I haven't sent any money. They send me the loan electronically and then I would pay the "small loan" back to them via the visa prepaid card/

  2. So, I've been shopping around for a loan and I don't have great credit right now (long story). But I got an offer for a loan for far more than any bank would offer with a great monthly payment...one I know I could afford. The odd part is the loan officer or whoever he was said they would first send me a smaller loan that I would pay back immediately (within a few hours/whenever the funds got to my account) to build my credit/build a relationship with this loan company to validate giving me the greater loan amount...additionally they want me to pay back that smaller loan via prepaid visa card??? I hear the visa gift card and I immediately think scam...BUT I am giving them money that they have to send me first??? The only money I would be losing would be the fee for buying the card which wouldn't even go to them. Of course it screams scam...but also believable. Thoughts?

  3. So, I am talking to a guy on Grindr and he was telling me he is in the military and came back to town for a week from Afghanistan. Then he would go back for a month and a half and return home??? I have heard of soldiers being able to come back for a time but only a week?? Of course the guy in the Grindr profile is incredibly sexy...so I am leaning towards fake.

  4. How awful. And how awful that he was repeatedly jailed for possession of pot and cocaine.

    Criminalizing drug use is insane, counterproductive, and surely contributed to this tragic death. A criminal record? Burglary yes; drug possession, no.


    That is interesting, because what are you actually doing that is criminal with drug use? Unless you were driving or you hurt someone.

  5. I’m back to ambulatory but I used a few during my problem.


    Unless you’ll be using the walker outside I’d stick with the stand up version, the one without the seat. They go for about $20/30 on Amazon as opposeed to the wheeled versions with a seat that go for about $50/100. Plus until you practice with the brakes on the wheeled version they can get away from you. One with two wheels in front should be ok but you may need a physical therapy pro to fit it to you. That’s important to avoid back pain or other problems. You can put skis or tennis balls on the rear. You can add a basket to carry food for about another $10.


    Here’s hoping for your improved mobility.


    Actually fitting yourself for a walker is pretty easy. You may need one other person to help but with a standard 2 wheeled walker stand up tall inside the walker and where you put your hands should touch your wrists or close to them. The other person would be helpful to help adjust the height.


    Also you can get a tray for the 2 wheeled walker it’s an extra $25/30 typically.

  6. Yikes! Considering that the Suicide rate in the US is 13.7/100,000, either you have tens of thousands of friends, or being a friend of yours is a dangerous proposition! :(


    I am going to assume you were joking. I grew up in a state where suicide was the 2nd leading cause of death for teens. Also 2 of the suicides happened after they had isolated from everyone they knew including family. With one the story was that he was caught with drugs and he was fearful of the repercussions. And the other 2 (brothers, committed suicide at different times) happened because they had the shittiest family lives...abuse of all kinds...I was a teen living on my own there is only so much I could do.

  7. Just curious - why would a successful escort with lots of reviews (64 reviews as of today) change his escort name?


    Changing the escort name on an ad makes it difficult to locate a repeat escort.


    With such success, one would think he would keep the good money flowing by keeping the same escort name -


    I always was told that an escort that changes his name usually changes it because he has something negative to hide.


    Not so?


    Like I said, just curious


    Yeah not sure why he changed his name...like you said maybe too many dissatisfied customers but when I say dissatisfied customer I mean having ridiculous requests, flakey, etc. and maybe that’s why he has the $300/400 hr rate to hopefully get more serious requests

  8. Very interesting. Does he work? Social worker and/or involved parent or parents?


    In my opinion I would say as long as he is making the decision to see you then it’s fine.


    But of course he may not have the disposable income to actually afford to hire you and he just doesn’t comprehend budgeting...since you mentioned he was a bit naive.

  9. Perhaps my most emotionally challenging appointment ever was with a client who had terminal brain cancer. His best friend (who was previously his partner), hired me to spend an hour with him in hospice care. He was within weeks of passing, and his friend just wanted him to have one last opportunity at intimacy. We didn't do much, mostly just laid naked and cuddled. He was in and out of awareness due to extreme cognitive diconence.


    I left with mixed feelings, hoping that the memory and experience would linger, but also knowing that he will likely forget about it quickly. Either way, I celebrate that I got to share the time with him. His friend emailed me about a month later informing me of his passing and thanking me again for being there for him. I still tear up thinking about it, as I am right now, as I type this.


    That’s awesome! There is such a need for the companionship piece...unfortunately many are embarrassed to say it or the family would think that hiring an escort for their loved one would be the worse thing in the world.

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