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    LivingnLA reacted to josh282282 in ? Get your Flu Shot ! ?   
    Please dont make the same POTENTIALLY LIFE THREATENING mistake he's making.
    First, I'm a board certified American physician. I do this for a living. So yes, I know what I'm talking about.
    Did the writer get a vaccine? Yes, I have NO reason to believe he is being dishonest.
    Did the writer get ill? Yes, I have NO reason to believe he is being dishonest.
    But he's making what scientists call a Cause and Effect Error.
    Many, many thousands of years ago, as we lived in Mother Africa, we heard roosters crowing at EVERY dawn. We therefore thought at that time that the roosters crowing at dawn BROUGHT UP the sun. We now dont think such nonsense as obviously we see now that these bronze age people were making a Cause and Effect Error. Just because one event follows another, doesn't mean the first event caused the second.
    Dear readers: his vaccine did NOT in any way, shape, or form cause his illness. Thats nonsense thinking. He got ill, sure, but its a mere coincidence that the illness followed the vaccine. Dont make his tragic mistake & believe such nonsense. THAT mistake could KILL YOU, or OTHERS around you.
    I have NO delusions that this man will change his views no matter how strong an argument or proof is shown to him. These are the guys who go to their (literal) grave defending illogical but dearly held beliefs (believe me, I see them professionally all the time!). My point to you is just dont be LIKE him.
    My dear brothers, GET your flu shot ASAP. This is NOT the year to get influenza AND Covid-19 at the same time. Such an event could be fatal.
    FYI: 2019/2020 flu season killed roughly 22,000 Americans. 370,000 Americans were hospitalized (not visited the ER, hospitalized)!
  2. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to KrisParr in ? Get your Flu Shot ! ?   
    I just called my cousin (internal med and assoc prof at IU med school) to say hello and ask (for the hundredth time) and he said “early September through mid-to-late October” - never before Labor Day. Suggested I wait another week or so. Thank you, doc.
  3. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to orville in ? Get your Flu Shot ! ?   
    When both viruses meet, bad things will happen:

    Unknown synergies between Influenza and COVID.
    Influenza could increase the transmissibility of COVID.

    By blocking Influenza (that already kills thousands every year) we avoid making things worse.
    Get your Flu shot and ask your regulars to get theirs too, otherwise we all (providers and clients) become vectors.
  4. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to Guy Fawkes in Client with Skin Condition   
    Each person is different. Each persons triggers are different, stress is an important one The treatment for each is different. For me what works:
    1) Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize!
    2) Small dosage of Doxycycline 100mg once per day
    3) Sedium (GNC Mega Men 50 Plus) twice per day
    The Doxycycline is a off-book use to reduce inflammation. That in return
    reduces the plaque.
    I don't have the funds to try the more "Modern" cures as they tend to run
    in the thousands of dollar.

  5. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to + keroscenefire in Client with Skin Condition   
    Vitiglio and hyperpigmentation are also genetic, harmless, noncontagious and incurable skin condition that effect many people and many parts of the body (including the genitals). I had an escort once almost refuse to see me because of my skin condition. He ended up requiring me to wear a condom for receptive oral sex. Obviously this isn't a great feeling and I doubt he made many other clients wear a condom for oral and didn't wear one when it was reciprocated.
    Thanks for bringing this up. Remember that most skin conditions are not contagious and harmless. Meanwhile, you're probably getting HPV and oral chlamydia from guys whose dicks and skin look absolutely normal.
  6. Like
    LivingnLA got a reaction from + robear in Viagra or Cialis ?   
    I haven't seen many, but I remember the 3 gay men who died back in the late 90s, which was possibly part of why Pfizer issued their recommendation to not use viagra and poppers at the same time.

    I haven't looked into it in a long time, but there were 3 gay men in Southern California who died while on viagra, poppers, and crystal. I believe that's what led Pfizer to strongly discourage viagra and poppers being used together. And protease inhibitors were also a concern back then. And studies consistently show high STD/STI risk for gay men on viagra and/or poppers simply because they're more sexually active and more likely to take risks. But, yes, the viagra/popper risk is likely small for most people. Regardless, someone with a heart condition should know the risks, so they should talk to their doctor about any drugs they take. "Chemsex" as some call it, needs to be much better studied and understood so better recommendations can be made.
  7. Like
    LivingnLA got a reaction from marylander1940 in Client with Skin Condition   
    @BnaC makes some good suggestions.
    Psoriasis is thought to be an autoimmune disease. The question becomes what is triggering the overactive immune response. In some people it's nutritional or environmental or some combination provoking the allergic response. Stress and depression may be involved. Inflammation may be an issue too. Consulting a doctor is important to make sure it isn't a symptom of something serious like diabetes or heart disease. Treatments range from topical creams and ointments to UV treatments or even immune suppressants. Once the serious stuff is ruled out by the doctor, then take the conservative approach and explore nutritional changes, stress management, inflammation management, and environmental changes. Depending on how extensive it is, other more aggressive treatments may be required.
    Dermatitis (aka, eczema) is typically thought of as an inflammatory condition of the skin. Like psoriasis, there's likely a genetic component and environmental/nutritional triggers for it. Gluten should be reduced or eliminated since one type of dermatitis is usually associated with Celiac Disease (gluten allergy). Again, consult with a doctor to rule out big concerns and then take a conservative approach. Patience matters, mindfulness helps, because stress management is likely important for both conditions.
    Talking to a good Dietitian might help for either condition. A nutritionist is okay if that's the only option, but a Dietitian is the better choice.
  8. Like
    LivingnLA got a reaction from Guy Fawkes in Client with Skin Condition   
    @BnaC makes some good suggestions.
    Psoriasis is thought to be an autoimmune disease. The question becomes what is triggering the overactive immune response. In some people it's nutritional or environmental or some combination provoking the allergic response. Stress and depression may be involved. Inflammation may be an issue too. Consulting a doctor is important to make sure it isn't a symptom of something serious like diabetes or heart disease. Treatments range from topical creams and ointments to UV treatments or even immune suppressants. Once the serious stuff is ruled out by the doctor, then take the conservative approach and explore nutritional changes, stress management, inflammation management, and environmental changes. Depending on how extensive it is, other more aggressive treatments may be required.
    Dermatitis (aka, eczema) is typically thought of as an inflammatory condition of the skin. Like psoriasis, there's likely a genetic component and environmental/nutritional triggers for it. Gluten should be reduced or eliminated since one type of dermatitis is usually associated with Celiac Disease (gluten allergy). Again, consult with a doctor to rule out big concerns and then take a conservative approach. Patience matters, mindfulness helps, because stress management is likely important for both conditions.
    Talking to a good Dietitian might help for either condition. A nutritionist is okay if that's the only option, but a Dietitian is the better choice.
  9. Like
    LivingnLA got a reaction from orville in Any advice/directions for deepthroating   
    I refer to my earlier post for my advice. It depends on your physical anatomy, who you're with, and how you feel.
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    LivingnLA got a reaction from NikoLeto in Any advice/directions for deepthroating   
    @JackSpar, the gag reflex is a mostly a smooth muscle response to your body's perception it is about to choke and needs to protect itself. As such, it is not under your conscience control. Some people have very sensitive gag reflexes that they never overcome. I don't know if that's you, but you need to know that possibility exists.
    Read the two articles below. And reread them. They have some good advice.
    Learning to deepthroat was and is a journey for me. Just like anal sex, anatomical limits exist for oral sex too. You say you have a small mouth. That likely means you have a small throat too, so you must understand your structural limits. You might never be able to deepthroat a thick penis simply because it's not possible for your jaw to open enough to comfortably accommodate deep entry. Please be realistic and accept your physical limits. It's possible to develop very serious jaw issues if you try to force it. Dislocating your TMJ, Trismus, and TMJD are no joke.
    The best way to begin the process of teaching your body to relax its gag reflex, is for you to be comfortable and in control while you work with someone you trust and are attracted to in a session where you are not rushed, he's very patient, and you're not trying to just shove it in. You must go slowly and work your way up to it. You will gag frequently, but if you go slowly enough, your body will begin to believe it won't choke when a penis is entering your throat. You'll need to learn how to breath through your nose while throating a cock, otherwise your body will gag when it wants oxygen.
    @WmClarke's advice works for many people. A dildo didn't work for me because it was too impersonal. For me, I needed the incentive of wanting to please the guy I was sucking. Luckily, I had a friend years ago who's girlfriend never sucked because of his size and "it was gross." After many beers one night, he learned guys give much better head usually. Over time, I practiced on his 9" and can deepthroat fairly well now. And now he's happily married to a woman who loves sucking his cock and is as good as me. Or, at least as good as I was a few years ago.
    But, it all depends on the size, shape, and thickness. Be patient with yourself. Your body did not evolve to have large hard objects thrust repeatedly into your mouth and throat. You have to teach your body that it's ok, safe, and enjoyable.
    Are you current on all your vaccinations? HPV is a very strong suggestion if you're sucking cocks without condoms because oral and throat cancer rates are climbing rapidly in American men because they think cocksucking is safe. The risks vary, but many STDs and STIs are very easy to catch via oral sex, especially for the bottom.
  11. Like
    LivingnLA got a reaction from lanyc in 411 on DanielStrike   
    LA continues to set coronavirus records. While his pictures and ad are very attractive, his choice to work so much during a pandemic in a hot zone means he's too irresponsible and reckless or thoughtless for me.
  12. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to musclvr in COVID precautions   
    I read through this thread and feel like screaming. There is so much misinformation and misunderstanding in some of the postings. Listen to @big dale and @kenomora. I could write a lengthy post (and have in another thread similar to this one) but they have already said what needs to be said in this one. I completely empathize with wanting the release (no pun intended) of a good massage, whatever "good" means for someone. Just know that if you get one, there is no way to drive risk of transmission to zero. So then, what is your acceptable risk for contracting a potentially life-threatening, long-term debilitating disease? At this point and probably not until late 2021, if then, SARS-CoV-2 isn't some disease that can be prevented or cured with a shot or controlled with antivirals, like today's STDs. So, if you are willing to bear a risk and do get a massage, wear the damned mask every time you step foot outside your home (you should be doing this anyway), don't eat or drink around others, inside or outside, and stf away from anyone over 60 for at least two weeks afterward. Period.
  13. Like
    LivingnLA got a reaction from marylander1940 in Have you ever been arrested while hiring a RentMan?   
    Didn't he have a nervous breakdown? I thought that was part of why they broke up?
  14. Like
    LivingnLA got a reaction from marylander1940 in Grindr Question   
    Even though grindr's chinese owners were forced to sell it to americans, those americans paid more than double what grindr's previous owners paid. They want a rapid payback so they're likely trying to see how much revenue they can grow by figuring out how much advertising users will tolerate and still use the app.
  15. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to + Coolwave35 in Have you ever been arrested while hiring a RentMan?   
    I was at a strip club doing a private with a 19 year old provider and his mom came to retrieve him. Apparently she tracked his iPhone to the sex club and was livid that he was there. He was mortified as he dressed and all I could muster was “don’t worry bud, this happens all the time. Don’t be embarrassed.” A mom in her 40’s is as scary as the police.
  16. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to + peterhung85 in Have you ever been arrested while hiring a RentMan?   
    Based on that logic, what's the point of hiring in NYC, LA, SF and most other big metropolitan cities?! Furthermore, Vegas doesn't have much of a gay life/scene...
  17. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to + peterhung85 in Have you ever been arrested while hiring a RentMan?   
    It happens in many ways, shapes and forms, especially in Las Vegas. There is no other city in the USA where the activities of vice is so prevalent. Although they MOSTLY target the straight world, it happens plenty when they "go both ways" ... Typically, they do it all, so can't tell you how it goes down "typically". Female undercover officers sit at bars and try to pick you up (haven't heard of men doing it to other men) and male officers do the same thing to women. Vice, printing out hundreds of ads and dialing like there is no tomorrow. Using emails to set up dates, chat features, text messages. They really do it all.
    They don't want to imprison you for this, but the county really needs the revenue that derives from it. That may be one of the reasons why someone (I have read it) who was the top offender in Las Vegas got arrested for solicitation over 130 times and only served jail time TWICE. It is all about the revenue!
    When I visited a good client of mine and popped up my usual question of "so what brings you to town" he swiftly responded: "A court date".
    ...so turns out he hired a masseur online and it was vice. They arrested him and searched his room. Turns out he was in town with his ex boyfriend who happened to have drugs in the room. Later on the solicitation charge was dropped simply because the DA knew they had no case against him whatsoever (Vegas is very peculiar in that regards, vice needs to meet quotas and they care less about the "strength of the case"), but they ended up charging him with a much greater issue (possession of drugs) and the legal defense was rather costly for him.
    As I said, Vegas is a special case in many ways when it comes to this line of work. No entrapment laws here, forget about local vs. foreign number, sometimes they go as far as dressing up as an Arab sheikh (actually it was in one of the episodes of cops), cheap room vs. big suite (virtually all hotels participate) and if you read the penal code, it is written in a very vague way that opens up to a lot of different ways of interpretation. Add to the mix that many people think solicitation is "all legit" here; spoiler alert: It is NOT!
    Sadly, one of Daddy's golden rules of "know the law" doesn't necessarily protect you from an arrest, but it does protect you from convictions. There are certain guidelines you can implement for yourself to try to mitigate risk, but if LE wants you, they will have you (whether it is a legtimate arrest or not, they care less). I am not an attorney and the above one is not a legal advice, just my personal opinion and experience of 10+ years in Las Vegas, so consult an attorney to know how the law applies in your situation. End of fine-print
  18. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to + peterhung85 in Have you ever been arrested while hiring a RentMan?   
    In Vegas this is a phenomenon that occurs more often than anywhere else in the USA. (heck, this city is known for LE soliciting escorts on all platforms, as well as pose as escorts on FREE platforms). And yes, I know of very good clients as well as escorts in this city who have been arrested due to that. These are all sting operations by local LE.
  19. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to jawjateck in Have you ever been arrested while hiring a RentMan?   
    Blackmail is the bigger risk factor. I knew a couple of escorts who had a brief legal problem, but I've known more participants here who have faced attempted extortion. Don't be so trusty and chatty with people you don't know.
  20. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to harlow in Have you ever been arrested while hiring a RentMan?   
    All this talk about stings and arrests has me nervous lol. That’s why when I find a provider and make it through the first meet I tend to stick with them and make them may go to guy. I feel more comfortable that way.
  21. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to kenomora in COVID precautions   
    It is very important to remember that when it comes to a disease as transmissible as COVID-19, the choice you make is not really a "personal" choice. When you decide to take a risk (regardless of your own assessment), you also automatically make a decision for people around you and the public to take that risk with you. The mask on your face protects others from getting in contact with large droplets that come out of your nose and mouth, and does little to protect you from getting infected by others. And although more evidence is needed, it is possible that the disease could also be transmitted vial aerosols. If that was the case, being in a room with an infected person (who could be asymptomatic) for an extended period of time, regardless of the use of masks, would be pretty risky. Even if you wore an N95, most people who have not been trained to use it and fit tested with the right mask would most likely don/doff it incorrectly, which could result in decreased protection and increased likelihood of contaminating themselves while taking off the mask. One should also remember that it is highly unlikely that a provider would be able to "sterilize" or "decontaminate" their facilities unless they operate in an environment similar to an OR or procedure suites in a hospital and have access to medical grade sterilization equipment and antiseptics. It is not advisable to include such claims from a provider in your risk assessment since they most likely will not be able to achieve the level of sanitization needed to mitigate the risk. The bottom line is that according to what we know now about the disease, there is not much you can do in a non-healthcare setting to prevent transmission if you're in a room with an infected person and having close contact with them for an extended period of time. Avoiding such close contact would be the best thing to do at this moment. Personally, I do not wish take a risk and automatically put others around me at risk so despite my need for some TLC I choose not to venture out and get a massage at this time.
  22. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to Epigonos in PORN BONANZA   
    When my brother-in-law was young he was a drop dead good looking blond, blue eyed, all-American stud. He worked in refrigeration/air conditioning. One day he was working on a movie set where they were doing screen tests for a role on an upcoming T.V. series. The director was throwing a screaming fit because he hated all the guys his staff had brought it to be tested. He kept repeated that he wanted a guy who looked like but couldn’t say who. Then he spotted by brother-in-law and said he wanted someone who looks like him and then added that in fact he want him. His flunkies rushed over to my bewildered brother-in-law to get his name and set up a screen test for him the next morning. When my brother-in-law got home he and my sister discussed the situation and he decided not to go to the audition. Michael Landon eventually got the role of Little Joe on Bonanza. We often wondered what would have happened had my brother-in-law gone to the audition.
  23. Like
    LivingnLA got a reaction from intecblossom in Your favorite escort that doesn’t advertise...   
    I met a guy on SA who does this as a hobby. He's a model in grad school. His girl has needs, which works well for me because he has the largest thickest dick I've ever seen. We see each other a few times a year when he's in town with a free weekend.
    A couple years ago I was scheduled with a guy from the agent I think @DMICS and @7829V are talking about. He cancelled on me a couple days before a schedule session because his guy had another bigger opportunity. He said he'd reschedule and never followed up. I get an email occasionally but haven't seen a guy I'd be into come to LA in a long time.
  24. Like
    LivingnLA got a reaction from big dale in Is it too soon   
    I'm glad to see some sanity on this board. We are still in the first wave because we failed as a country. We've been unable and unwilling to test/trace/quarantine the way every other civilized nation has done during this pandemic. Enough of us have refused to wear masks and socially distance that transmission rates are climbing again across the country. There's a very real risk some hospitals will soon be overwhelmed. I hope it doesn't get as bad as New York. Cases and hospitalizations are climbing rapidly in many states. Thankfully, deaths haven't yet. There's a lag on deaths of about 3 weeks. In mid July we should know how many 18-49 year olds (they're over half of hospitalizations) die. And how many will survive with lifelong injuries and damaged organs that may require transplants.
    If you choose to get a massage, please wear a mask the entire time. Work with a professional who wears a mask and understands how to clean, sanitize, and disinfect as required. Preferably, that professional would also have a massage room with hospital grade HEPA air filtration or outdoors with a good breeze.
  25. Like
    LivingnLA reacted to big-n-tall in 411 on Jonathon from LA   
    Sorry my geek is showing.
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