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Posts posted by LivingnLA

  1. We've done the 3 Rs (Reduce Reuse Recycle) for nearly two decades. It's much easier here in Southern California than it was in other parts of the country. We sort things at home, well the kids do--because we're monsters that make our kids pitch in around the house. They take the CRV recycling to the local recycler for money they get to keep. It's barely a tenth of their allowance, but they always want to do it. It's also helped us eliminate wasteful crap like bottled water when our daughter freaked out after learning about the huge plastic islands in the oceans. She demanded a ban on bottled water at home and fought for it at school. Reusable glass water bottles became all the rage. So, yes we're "those neighbors" who recycle.

  2. These kinds of questions have a huge number of possible answers. Each escort and client have different life experiences that create their boundaries and influence their idea of a "boyfriend experience." Communication matters. Don't just say you want a "BFE" and expect not to be disappointed. Escorts aren't mind readers. Spell out what you're looking for while being within respectful and legal bounds and see what they say.


    Here's what wikipedia has to say about girlfriend/boyfriend experiences: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girlfriend_experience

  3. And I'll share that I had a very bad day about a month into the solitude, although I can't say why. I was missing them and went into the twins' room, where most of Plebe's stuff still is, since he can't have civilian clothes or many possessions. I opened the closet and, looked at his clothes, and the fewer pieces of DePaul twins gear, and I could smell them-- I don't mean in a bad way, a clean smell I associate with them. And I lost it, I sat on one of the beds and had a good long ugly cry, about them ,about my wife, you name it. Probably a little bit about my sexual confusion, too. And after I pulled myself together, I felt much better, and have since.


    @BasketBaller, once again, thank you for being so open and generous with your life. I know this may sound counter-intuitive, but I am incredibly upbeat about your "very bad day" because I suspect you've never fully processed your wife's passing. You never gave yourself the time or space because you had to be a father of 3. Couple that with no time to process your personal "sexual confusion" as you call it, again because you're a father of 3, and it all was pushed down and deferred. For me, that it all finally hit is a very encouraging sign. I wish you nothing but happiness and joy. I imagine the LGBTQ dating scene will be full of many experiences, so I look forward to your next update!

  4. The latest massage at my chiropractor was with a male therapist. Most of the therapists are women. I had tried this particular male therapist before, but when I tried to reschedule him he had moved on. Lately he showed up again so jumped at the chance. He was so soothing. A serene, masculine young man. Nice body. Not super muscular. Just strong and lean. His skills had improved so much, and I do need that kind of healing massage. At one point he was standing at the end of the table behind my head, manipulating my shoulders and arms. He leaned across my body and his firm flat stomach leaned against my face. Felt nice. I'd never had one of the therapists lean into me like that. Maybe it was unintentional and meant nothing, but I liked and hope it happens again. I'd like to find out if he offers massage outside the clinic but worry the question would seem inappropriate. For now, I enjoy thinking about how nice my sultry, strong, lean therapist made me feel. Look forward to his soothing hands on again.


    There's nothing wrong with asking him if he has private clients. Do it in the room not out front by the receptionist. Be professional. If he's in OC, please DM me the details if he does accept private clients. A good CMT is always nice to find.

  5. Great thread! Thank you for the many suggestions.


    My wife brought this up after her last business trip. We still have a few years to go before our "youngest" goes to college, but we're ready to buy more real estate and she wants this next place to be a potential retirement spot.


    She's adamant about certain things, so there's no way we'll end up in a place like Florida because of the politics. We do not want to support communities that are willfully blind to equality, climate change, women's rights, etc. Yes, I know there are more thoughtful local communities in FL, but the state government is toxic and probably won't change in my lifetime. That restricts us to mostly "blue" and "purple" states in the USA and a handful of other countries. I'm glad to see many on our short-list mentioned here by so many forum members. Some of the places we're exploring: California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Mexico, Costa Rica, New Zealand, or Ireland.


    What criteria do y'all consider? Culture? Cost of living? Active gay subculture?

  6. Yeah I know. I have a couple of degrees in Chemistry. I was just being a facetious. Hehehe Thanks for ther references but the links open to some sort of web site.


    Gotcha. Try an emoji or a bit clearer sarcasm for literalists like me who will miss facetious references when they're subtle.


    I fixed the links.

  7. Well, I am on a low sugar high protein diet. It could be an in between snack. ;)


    Well, I hate to break it too you, but it's not much. Roughly 25 calories in a typical load and much of it is sugar, though there's some protein and other stuff to help sperm survive to do it's duty in acidic vaginal fluids.


    Here are a couple books you might appreciate:




  8. Good to know, next time I blow I will be sure to swallow. I would not want a stomach ache.




    I was implying some actual food after a long cocksucking session. Cum doesn't contain much in terms of calories.

  9. I thought it was the cum, but I've come to realize that I'll get a slightly upset stomach after a good cocksucking session whether I swallow his cum or not. I salivate a lot when I suck, and I think the upset stomach comes from swallowing so much of my own spit.


    It seems logical that putting something in your mouth for awhile and swallowing repeatedly are physiological cues for your body that you're consuming something and about to deliver partially digested material to the stomach for breakdown and processing. So, a good long session of cock sucking with deep throating likely cause your body to prime your stomach. When nothing arrives, your stomach becomes upset.

  10. @rocky, excluding all the STD/STI issues associated with unprotected oral sex, there are no documented harms or benefits from swallowing cum. There are plenty of urban legends about it being great for skin yada yada. It's pretty much BS. The health and diet of the guy you're sucking will significantly change the taste, texture, and smell of the cum.


    Non-smoking well hydrated healthy Fruitarians and Vegans seem to have the best tasting cum in my personal research and what I've read over many years. I can also attest to my cum improving significantly when I was a healthy hydrated non-smoking Vegan versus other times in my life.


    Alcohol, smoking, medications, and more all impact the taste, texture, and smell of cum. Consistency of what you eat provides the best results in my limited experience. Eating fruits high in sugar content boost the sugar in your cum and make it taste sweeter. Also, if the cum has a "bleachy" smell/taste you don't like, then drinking pineapple juice will help because the juice is moderately acidic which will help change the cum so it will be less "bleachy." Enjoy!


    Here is one of countless web pages and blog posts out there about the taste of cum:



  11. guess it comes down to does he work nude? and HE ?


    If he is a legitimate actual massage professional with certification/licensing, discussing such things publicly puts him at risk professionally. Complaints can be filed online and the governing bodies will revoke certs/licensing and refer to law enforcement if public "proof" exists, such as this forum.


    If you're working with an amateur, like most of the guys on massuerfinder, then clearly it's different because they don't have the education, certification, or licensing of a massage professional. Since he mentioned being a nudist and working on a king bed in his ad, it's highly likely he isn't certified/licensed because those comments are ethically problematic.

  12. Plus- I'm exploring gay/bi friendly social and sport groups and am resolved to try them out.

    Minus- No minus but I confess to being nervous. It feels the way I felt before I went to my high school freshman mixer-- will I dress right? Will I make a friend? Will it be obvious I am not used to this? Will any of the girls dance with me? (Okay, that was only at the freshman mixer, but you get the idea.)


    So, all in all, I'm surviving and even finding the humor in my inexperience at being on my own. Onward.


    An excellent idea! Yes. You're fresh and new. Expect some interest from those into the novelty of the new. I hope you find friends and many more.


    Onward ho! :cool:

  13. I mostly have female docs now, but this thread takes me back to a time in college when I was going to the clinic/hospital on campus, which was a teaching hospital. A guy only a couple years older than me came in to take my history before the "real" doc came in. He was in fairly tight scrubs--probably a size too small--and his VPL was prominent. I was careless with my eyes and my body's reaction. There was a fun/awkward interaction as we both became hard because of the mutual attention. Nothing happened accept for some loaded silence and looks as we tried to calm down before the doc arrived. If I'd been brazen, I feel like an oral exam might've been required for a thorough history. ;)

  14. @BasketBaller, you have been one of my favorite forum members since I joined because of your amazing openness and generosity with your thoughts, feelings, and life. This threat is a great read. So many wonderful posts from thoughtful and insightful forum members. Thank you to everyone who's shared so generously.


    @BasketBaller, as you explore living alone and your delayed grief, please keep an open and loving mind for yourself. There will be some people who will push you to "come out as gay" or you may reach a point where you feel you "lied" to your wife about "your true self." Please don't succumb to such pressure or thoughts. In several other threads, I've tried to share some of the current research about the complexity of human sexuality, attraction, and more. I bring all of this up to make one thing clear: your attraction, love, and relationship with your wife was and is real. It isn't changed or invalidated by your attraction, interest, or activity with men. When--not if--you find a man you want to build a life with, may it be as rich and fun as the life you built with your wife. I'm confident she'd want that for you. May you be well and enjoy this new chapter in your life! :cool:

  15. @nycboi, welcome to the forum and thanks for posting!


    I agree with much of what @Eric Hassan said. I encourage you to read his post with an open mind. Reread it a few times if necessary to fully grapple with everything he touches on.


    Keep in mind that your posts come across as though you're conflicted and struggling with some very personal stuff. Such is life, man. You're 34 and it sounds like you've been very focused on many parts of your life other than intimate relationships. There's nothing wrong with that, but since it seems to be troubling you quite a bit, I would strongly encourage you to focus some time and energy on this facet of you. Talk to a professional therapist if you need to, but explore what has you describing yourself as a "loser" in one sentence and an "urban latin" who's perceived as "intimidating" and "even dangerous" in others. Feel free to connect with me in a private communication if you wish to discuss this in more depth.

  16. Apologies but don't touch me.


    Did I offer to touch you? I'm a stickler about consent, so I can assure you I would not touch without permission. Though, if we ever meet in person, I'll probably offer my hand to shake, a fist bump, or even offer a hug depending on cultural context. It's just common courtesy. :cool:



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