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Mo Mason

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Everything posted by Mo Mason

  1. I saw him on Chaturbate recently. He looks different. Thinner. Okay, I'll be honest - he looks like he was rode hard and put away wet.
  2. I'm not much of a kisser (I have the worst case of dry mouth, always) so there wasn't any of that. No other precautions, but I am now going to self-quarantine for two weeks, for sure. I had already been isolated for 8 weeks so I don't think I posed much of a threat to him. On the flip side, I'm banking on the rationalization that I'm an otherwise healthy 39-year-old so hopefully I don't have to worry too much about this one reckless slip-up.
  3. I'm weak. Last night I gave in and hired for a two hour session. I just couldn't help myself. But oh GOD it was fantastic!
  4. Ugh. I would worship your straight alpha cock (and feet), literally for hours. Hours.
  5. This group's music is so sexy that, honest to God, I discovered them because their songs are used in several compilation/poppers training videos on Pornhub. And the founder/lead singer (Robert Alfons) is hot.
  6. Hmmm... his older reviews are all stellar. I guess maybe the partying has changed his demeanor.
  7. You have a lot of patience to be able to regularly deal with that kind of nonsense. Well, I'm not bullshitting when I say that if you were anywhere near me right now I'd be contacting you about an overnighter, stat! So *hint hint*.. come on up to Michigan.
  8. I've never had a wet dream, either. I feel like I'm missing out.
  9. This all seems to me like a good reason why accepting phone calls would be better than texting. You can probably tell if a person is serious about meeting after about two minutes on the phone. If he's not serious, end the call. But it would probably take somewhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours of texting to realize the same thing. That phone call is just so much more efficient!
  10. It's up to you, Smurof, to change their minds! I will admit that I used to be heightist - I would rarely even consider hiring anyone under 6' tall. Then I did meet a couple of guys in the 5'6" - 5'8" range, and they both ended up being in my top 3 hires EVER. Now I barely pay attention to a provider's height, and "very tall" is no longer my strict preference. In fact, I will agree with @WilliamM here... the shorter guys' asses were amazing.
  11. A majority of the guys I've hired have advertised as "versatile." I've made it my nosy habit to ask each of them which position they prefer and which position they do most often with clients. From the answers I've received I can deduce that most versatile escorts actually prefer to bottom, but so do their clients, so they've adapted to topping more often than not. So I can see how your friends came to the conclusion that in order to gain more business an escort needs to top. It makes sense to me. Then again, I also believe that most clients are bottoms. Tops probably don't need to hire for sex like bottoms do. If you're a top, you've pretty much got your pick of cock-hungry bottoms since there's such an overabundance of us. lol
  12. I like these things - some of them are downright sexy. But that would be so uncomfortable to explain when a relative popped over unannounced and saw it. Awkward!
  13. Anybody have recent experience with him? It seems to me that prior to a couple months ago he didn't have PNP mentioned anywhere in his profile, and now it's listed there twice...
  14. I don't know, I could go for some Eau De Liam Hemsworth. lol On second thought I probably shouldn't - I'd be too tempted to drink it. I've been wearing "Angel Men (A*Men)" from Thierry Mugler for years now. My college crush wore it, so I've adopted it as my own scent for the last 19 years.
  15. I would think that solo-bottoming with a toy in the shower would be the best thing to do. That way you don't have to prep at all - if there's a mess... well, you are in the shower. I dunno. I'm a lousy bottom, I guess. I've never been into solo anal play - not even a finger. Then of course I complain about not being able to bottom during sessions because I'm so tight. lol
  16. The only one of these I ever got into was BoysCondo. I believe the house was in Canada. Toronto, right? Anyway, I remember a cute otterish guy named Noah with whom I was a little obsessed. Fun times. I had forgotten all about that site, it was so long ago!
  17. I suppose my take on kissing is a bit different from most of you. I find it really awkward kissing someone I've just met and I much prefer doing it later in the session, or at the end... after we've gotten to know one another more. I'm shy about kissing, I guess. This topic got me thinking about how sexy it would be to have an hour session during which we role-played about being inexperienced kissers, then spent the whole time teaching each other how we like to be kissed and practicing technique. The hour could culminate with a perfect makeout session. That would be some sexy intimate time.
  18. Italian pastry chef Damiano Carrara. I've been watching a lot of baking competitions on Netflix and Hulu during my isolation. lol http://food.fnr.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/secured/fullset/2015/4/7/0/SK0101_Damiano-Carrara_s4x3.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.1280.960.suffix/1428435938165.jpeg
  19. If someone can let me know how to donate via paypal then I would be happy to help out a little bit. Even though I've mostly lurked, this forum has been really important to me over the past several years.
  20. Yeah, but I'm so self-conscious about my size that I rarely let anyone see it, let alone go down on it. I keep shorts on during sessions. Plus I'm a bottom so no pounding. I just lose all around, sexually. Unless I go the slave route to a dominant master.... which is a fun to do from time to time.
  21. Very true in my case. I was cursed with a small dick and it's been my lifelong wish to find a man to serve. I own my home so he could move in with me. I'd do all of the cooking, cleaning, work part- or full-time to help with finances. A drink and a foot massage ready every day when he arrives home from work. Sexual servitude, of course. I would be such a dutiful and obedient househusband. Unfortunately, nobody wants a guy with a small dick - not even as a service provider as I've described.
  22. I found this: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-chicago-boys.132807/#post-1446987 He's a lot more defined now than he was when I met with him a little over a year ago. I know he disappeared from RM for many months, and it looks like he spent all of them at the gym. I don't get the comment in that old thread about his face looking like he does drugs. There was something about his face that reminded me of Matt Bomer… I think it was the sharply defined jawline and piercing blue eyes. Stunning. And the one review currently on Daddy's is mine.
  23. That's funny - I just commented to one of the cam models today that I had no idea Colombian boys were so hot until I joined Chaturbate. Huge cocks, and absolutely gorgeous most of those young men are.
  24. My parents or my sister would take care of my baby for me if I got sick and died. Begrudgingly, probably... he is such an excitable little squirt. I think he gets on their nerves somewhat. What breeds do you like? Finally, a topic I enjoy. Forget politics! Let's all talk doggies!
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