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Rod Hagen

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Everything posted by Rod Hagen

  1. Jesus Christ. Not that it's gone now, but you forget how casual and ingrained sexism was until you revisit it.
  2. I've always really enjoyed that first one. I just find her absolutely adorable "I'm so pale".
  3. Years ago there was a blacklist site. I'm not aware of one now, but I may be out of the loop.
  4. Some great mentions here. I HIGHLY recommend O Fantasma. Really fantastic base film. I also recommend you watch the Jean Genet movie linked above. It's the whole movie and really amazing. I've always loved it. The younger actor was Genet's boyfriend at the time.
  5. I can't believe Shelter was 10 years ago. San Pedro never looked so good. Bad Education is one of my FAVORITE movies.
  6. "You can't treat me like a dog, you know." :-) Great movie. I particularly like that fact that he DOESN'T end up with someone of his class. That was very typical of "those" writers--EM Forster, Somerset Maughm, Gide, Genet--and also their "students"--Tenessee Williams, Gore Vidal, Isherwood (Sorry Bachardi, if you're reading this): Heaven forfend any of them should date or fuck within their class and education. Fuck that, they wanted the working class boys, even when they were young boys themselves. Adam Smith you strike me as similar to these men in your tastes; I may be wrong.
  7. ANYTHING by visconti. Good Lord, did you ever see Conversation Piece? So crazy and good. Of course Rocco and His Brothers drips with homoerotica: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0054248/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_12
  8. Maybe 5 years after Borstal released I bumped into Shawn Hatosy getting take out in WeHo and told him what a great job he did in that movie and talked, briefly, about how fun for him to be so young and fly all the way out there to play the lead in that film. I have SO many good gay movies I recommend. I can't go through them all again. If you click on my name and go through my posts and find those about movies, you'll see I've posted Youtube clips to all of them. (is it "to all of them" or "them all"?)
  9. This is an excellent anthology, and a good starting point: https://www.amazon.com/Flesh-Word-Anthology-Erotic-Writing/dp/0452267757
  10. Regarding written porn: Aaron Travis, but be warned it's VERY intense. https://www.amazon.com/Aaron-Travis/e/B000APA9GU Clay Caldwell. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Clay+Caldwell&search-alias=books&field-author=Clay+Caldwell&sort=relevancerank VERY GOOD Lars Eighner: https://www.amazon.com/Lars-Eighner/e/B000APY8IU/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1 VERY GOOD Rusty Winter: https://www.amazon.com/Rusty-Winter/e/B00M8A1EDM/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1 John Preston: https://www.amazon.com/John-Preston/e/B000APO1EG/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1 That should hold you for awhile :-)
  11. And you absolutely can't let insult or anger be your first reaction. Just assume they've made a mistake and to keep things friendly and accurate be sure to mention it, gently, rather than let it pass.
  12. I always count the money out of my wallet and hand it to my masseur. I don't want to short him accidentally by just handing him an envelope that somehow might have the wrong amount in it. I'm not insulted by people doing that. In fact, sometimes when people have left an envelope in an "obvious" place I haven't noticed I wonder as they're leaving, "is there an envelope I'm not seeing, or do I have to remind him" which makes us all feel silly. You can hand the money over, it's not tacky, at least I don't think so.
  13. Classic DP. Also, "If all the girls who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.” Ha!
  14. Looks good, but I thought it was this scary movie. Jack Clayton, Truman Capote, the kid from The Village Of The Damned, and Henry James together!
  15. Being thrown by a horse (passive voice, sorry) was one of the most painful of many painful (farm kid) childhood oopsies. I got back on...months later. Fucker. I fear and am drawn to these sexy, unpredictable animals.
  16. I could not agree more. The top one is gramma's coffee: her cookies were good, coffee was crap.
  17. She's in for a treat. I've never found an amount of back hair that I didn't* find super sexy. Bring on the Gorillas! *(double negative, sorry)
  18. I wanna swim in that pool! Where is it? https://d18fr84zq3fgpm.cloudfront.net/jacob-23cm-gay-escort-in-dubai-385985_original.jpg
  19. In college our gym was in the old stadium and the sit down toilets were next to each other WITHOUT WALLS, ala prison or my Dad's army barracks. THAT was a bit much for me, and so I moved my workouts to the afternoon.
  20. Squat toilets are the more natural way. when you shit outside is your natural inclination to hold your ass a foot off the ground or to squat. toilets are weird. we poop in pools of water for no good reason. all that said. when I visited morocco at 21, i was constipated the entire week. i could not relax over their squat toilets. Now when I encounter them, japan italy etc, I'm A O K.
  21. That was fantastic, thank you.
  22. When I visited Amsterdam the first time I LOVED the public urinals along the canals. Very convenient.
  23. 75 now? it's been that long? We were children when we met. :-)
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