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Posts posted by BeamerBikes

  1. Ha, karma is a bitch. Got back from New Orleans and past 3 days has been head cold fun!  Covid tests came back negative.  Forgot how much colds suck after 2 years of semi isolation.  

    Wore a mask on the plane, but New Orleans bars were pretty much a free for all.  Vac status checks and masks ("required" meaning you have one, but not needing to wear it in the bar.)  

  2. 3 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    In spite of the theoretical benefits of N95 masks, there are links from two other strings on this forum from SIX randomized controlled trials and one meta-analysis which compared N95's to surgical masks for the transmission of the virus. None show a benefit for N95's over surgical masks, so there is no reason to recommend one over the other for the purposes of Covid-19 spread. Also, surface transmission such as doorknobs doesn't occur for this virus. Inhalation of droplets needs to happen in order to induce infection. 

    When in doubt, I'll follow what the hospital folks do when in high risk covid heavy environments.  When they enter known covid positive patient rooms, they don a n95. 

    That being said, I'm willing to risk exposure with just a surgical mask at this point. I've had it once, triple vax'd. 

    I'd argue to see the study sources, but frankly I'm meh over it all. There's vaccines, there are basic, good, better and best masks, we know how it's transmitted. (Don't lick doorknobs was a joke) I'll go overboard on mask protection if the hospitals start filling up again. Otherwise, be a responsible adult. Play by the rules set forth by local health officials or better. 

  3. From my years of caregiving, keep on finding ways to include him. Depending the nature of his disability, the mobility issues may plateau and him making peace with using a wheeled conveyance will make it easier.  

    Some items to consider

    Watching fireworks from cars with full sunroof.  Easier to navigate than getting in crowds. Tops of parking garages were a great vantage point. 

    Street festivals earlier in the day before the crowds come in - wheeled conveyance makes that easier.  Look for an airbnb or hotels with balconies to avoid the crowd, but still allow for easy access to facilities AND get in people watching. 

    I regret never renting/buying an RV for a roadtrip adventure with my mom when she had mobility issues that were still workable. 

    Stay strong.  Hope this helps. 

  4. After signing up in the first day of the soft launch, I've been notified that my free tests are arriving Thurs Feb 17th.

    Eh, coordinated national effort that shouldn't have been necessary if more were vaccinated. 

    Nonetheless, here we are. After 2 years, omicron's transmissionablity forced the "Let 'er rip" method of pandemic non-containment.  Least, the willing and some relucant vaccinated before all that.  

    Now looking forward to hopefully return to life pre covid. 

  5. A dearly departed friend had quite a few witticisms; we'd call them Chuck-isms.  

    One such Chuck-isms applies when a younger friend receives a decent inheritance. Not enough to retire early, nor too little to blow through without regret. It's admittedly subjective on what's "decent" vs fuck you money.  

    "Save that money. Don't touch it. Put it away, that's future money for booze, strippers and escorts."

    There was a collary for car advice. 

    When faced between buying a nice brand new car(BMW 323i) and late model used SugarDaddy Sedan or Roadster (BMW 740IL/Z4), both about the same price

    "don't buy the sugar daddy sedan/roadster. It'll attract boys. The WRONG KIND of boys. You'll end up broke, single, and heart-broken(if you're lucky over the car)"  

    I wish I saved more of this life advice. It was classically delivered with humor and love. I aspire to be that kind of daddy as I enter into my 40s.

  6. 2 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    I still don't understand N95 or KN95. I showed a study some time ago showing surgical masks have similar efficacy to these in preventing transmission. Is there a more recent study (real life study, not a study on particle size, since the transmission depends on the size of the infectious material, not the virus itself) that I'm not aware of? Also, since the only currently present form of the virus, omicron, is less hazardous to fully vaccinated people than the common cold, what is the concern? That you might transmit it to someone who isn't vaccinated?

    Bandana -> cloth -> surgical -> n95(kn95) -> rubber half face respirators with canister filters(think black mask with purple cans) -> full face respirators(gas mask) -> the PAPR (helmet with powered filtered air) 

    As I understand it from both science education and family experience taking care of hospitalized covid patients, wearing a surgical mask or double cloth masking were about the same in preventing transmitting the virus TO someone... N95(American standard) KN95(Chinese standard) are designed to protect the wearer FROM someone else. 

    Basically, healthcare workers wore N95s to protect themselves from known infected patients.  Patients wore surgical masks to prevent spreading it to others.  Of course in practice, patients would take off the surgical mask when they were alone in their room. Hence the workers needed to wear the N95 going into a room with virus particles.  

    With omicron, everyone had to be assumed infected and N95 supplies were stable so recommending upgrades to N95 was the best advice. Knowing that a large percentage was going to be non-compliant regardless, the guidance was issued to provide the best advice for those that would listen.  In the end,get vaccinated, don't lick door knobs, go live your life.


  7. On 2/4/2021 at 10:28 PM, DruJac said:

    Matthew Rush - I remember the first time I saw him online getting interviewed by the NakedNews Male Edition. He was my first pornstar crush and what a sweet guy when I actually met him.

    Agreed - Matthew Rush did a Men's Fitness cover when I was in my teens and I was like "yep, I'm gay"

    Years later, I met him, shared the recollection of the cover, and he was really sweet in person. 

  8. When I visited Prague in the mid 2000s, I cracked up that the best English speakers were at the "nightclubs".  Both male and female the English was great.  In the business world...  eh passable.  The study aboard trip name "Issues in Globalization"

    From the business issues - they complained about the Slovakians undercutting them. LOL

  9. Your friend might also be able to get you access to the Naval Aviation Museum on base.  It's been restricted access since the base shooting a few years back.  It's by far one of the cleanest and well maintained museums for aviation I've visited.  Well worth the hassle to visit if you like military aircraft. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Benjamin_Nicholas said:

    .... What was once a gay mecca is now squarely becoming a Southern version of Panama City Beach.  ....

    Young people aren't KW's demographic anymore.  They go to Miami.

    A lot of my most favorite 'little' spots in FL are now overrun.  Anna Maria/Bradenton was a nice place to get some peace and quiet with stunning beaches, but that's gone.  Parts of St Pete still have charm.  I like Destin, but the PCB crowd is edging into it and it's all becoming one big Hooters.

    Yeah, I'm out of my 20s&30s now, but it seems the gay meccas, much like the urban gay bars are fading. 

    The PCB crowd was definitely what I felt on the ferry.  Once on island, I stayed at a rental in Old Town. After that, I was and still am prepared to drop 10-15k for a monthly rental to escape northern winters.  Just insane to me that 10k can go just for a week of lodging!  

    Yeah on service, I don't mind move at the speed of the south when its less crowded.  Just different vibe when it's packed and also slow.  

    But yeah, cute little resort towns once gay meccas are now overrun. Ptown to me felt like Key West but with overtone of Puritan keep it discrete vibe. It'd be interesting to see if there's any new up and coming locations. 

  11. Good for them finding clientele to pay it. I probably I'm not alone getting priced out for vacation spots. I enjoyed Casa Marina for the relative quiet but ease of access to Duval. 

    As the song goes though, if you don't have any money, keep your broke ass home. This is more the case of comfort spending at these rates. Also doesn't help I took the ferry from Ft. Meyers on my last trip, and the Florida crowd was full effect. 

    I dont mind dropping coin, but its a hard value proposition if it's packed and the service is poor. 

    Aside, I don't know how folks can responsibly afford those rates. Lots of folks yolo'ing?  It'd be interested in the demographics if tipping rate is affected by higher rates. 

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