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Everything posted by BeamerBikes

  1. I got some good traffic. I have a younger neighborhood sandwiched between an elementary and middle school. Now I'm looking at too much leftover candy and thinking this isn't going to be good for any semblance of a diet.
  2. I first read that as Colon Blow the SNL skit! Metamucil is a friend in my 40s and after a few GI surgeries.
  3. So update the intradermal site on the 1st dose formed a dime size raised red skeeter bite. Isn't too bad. Still curious what a 2nd dose would likely look like. Would the reaction be more pronounced or less. Fun times.
  4. Also there's a better chance the fixed rate may inch up from the current fixed 0% at the next rate adjustment. Finding the bright side for those a smidge late. You could have a higher fixed rate for longer. The variable rate tied to inflation adjusts every 6 months.
  5. I mask up at airport lines, airplanes, healthcare facilities that mandate it. As it turns colder again in the Chicago area, I'm reminded how the mask actually feels better if I forgot my scarf outdoors. LOL. I also n95 masked up regularly indoors in the weeks ahead of my recent surgery. Didn't want to risk having to reschedule that. Mask or don't mask. For me - it's personal preference and local site rules. I vax'd up now covid 3x + 1x bivalent. 1 dose of Jynneos waiting 2nd one. Flu shot as well. Cause fuck it why not? How many times did I eat or drink to excess in my life? It's a little late to get self-righteous about me being healthier than others. Also, I trust vaccines when applicable so let it rip.
  6. Got my 1st shot intradermal Jynneos today(Oct 18th) in Chgo burbs. Oddly, the public health nurse mentioned it will likely be just a single dose for me. Unless direct exposure or being immunocompromised, that agency is only doing single doses. I didn't read through the entire thread, but haven't heard of other places going single dose only. Also never been smallpox vaccinated, would it be more likely or less likely to have a local site reaction for the 1st dose? It's been 12 hours and so far just feel a little headache but no sign at injection site.
  7. So updates - summer is starting to wind down. The provider has now gone silent but hopefully is in a treatment program. He went off the rails with full on delusions. The buddy who drank himself into some brain damage now is facing a possible eviction. He's also having cash flow problems because he's purposefully flowing cash to a P.o.S on/off again bad news ex-bf/hubby who's toxic af. With that, I have to walk away. Buddy won't come clean about that being where the money is going, won't accept help with his finances, doesn't want to face facts about the landlord situation. Best I could do was involve his family and let them know I'm out of options as his "in case of emergency"/poa. Power of attorneys only work if the person wants the help. Otherwise, I'd have to pursue declaring him incompetent. I don't have it in me to fight that hard even if they may not be fully in control of their cognitive functions. I have done a helluva more than others would have, and need to make peace with walking away. Lesson for all - the lies we tell ourselves are the worst of them all. Love yourself enough to cut out toxic exs and never let them back in your life. No matter how much you may be lonely. It's cheaper to get a pet. Sometimes the only thing left to do is set your own boundary not to get sucked into the eventual train wreck. Recognize when you have done all you could, and jump off before you get entangled in it any further.
  8. Curious to see if anyone is heading out to Vegas for Blackhat or Defcon next week? Open for suggestions as this is my first Hacker Summercamp - BH/Defcon. Usually did more SANS/ midwest cons prior. I'm headed out that way as part of my day job. Not sure if there's others in the security space here. Debated if this should be in tech or travel section - admins move as appropriate.
  9. Medallion stamps open the bank to additional liability. Notaries only attest that you are the person in front of the notary. Medallion stamps in my understanding attest that both the person is who they say they are AND the documents are in proper order - non-fraudalent. Hence Medallion stamps are so hard to get processed unless you are a customer of a brick/mortar branch. The bank wants a known way/contact information to put any liability back on the individual rather than eat it themselves as a cost of doing business.
  10. Yeah by denomination $100s avg life is 20 years. The latest style came out in 2013 so that tracks. Link below includes other signs to check for validity by year. By feel is still my favorite quick check. https://www.uscurrency.gov/denominations/100
  11. Amazon has a shit ton of prop money for sale so beware! Some tips for spotting counterfeits Beware of old currency styles. Paper money lifetime is measured in years. Older style of 20s,50s, 100s are extremely hard to find in normal circulation. First feel - US money is printed in Cotton based paper it feels substantially different than paper. It should feel a bit like fabric This can be done discretely if you don't want to eyeball further Next - Visual clues - color changing ink lower right corner number - if you focus on the number printed on the bill, it should change colors from green to gold when tilted up and down. The pressure printing method adds this feature. -on new hundreds look for the hologram strip in the middle. It should move visually as you move the hill. These next two are harder to do discretely, and more advanced techniques where the goal should be to get change in return. - red and blue fibers in the paper bill itself. - there's also presidential face watermarks and security strips on the paper that should match the domination. This is an advanced technique to bleach out $1, $5 to print $20, $50, $100s. I'd doubt a client would pass these bills for services. Advanced fakes would be best to get real change from... Goal of a counterfeiters is to trade their fake money for real money with paying the least overhead hence you see so many fast food places saying nothing bigger than a $20. Buying a $1 drink with a $50/100 yields $49 or $99 in clean real money.
  12. Hopefully, US Treasury continues this, I may never look at a Savings Acct again. Invest majority in index funds, squirrel away for a rainy day filled with booze and strippers in the future... LOL
  13. It's possible that the drug isn't in your insurance formulary (basically pre-approved drugs they cover) or your Healthcare plan doesn't kick in for prescriptions until your deductible is met. Happened to me with welbutrin xr. I used GoodRX for the cheaper price until my deductible was met. Had a good experience using goodrx.
  14. Sadly, it has the hallmarks of the later. Well-formed paranoid delusions... Law enforcement, various 3 letter federal agencies, radiation poisoning, internet hacking, phone redirection, been occuring/building on for a month based off Twitter. Not sure if he has any friends who can talk him down, and get him into a program.
  15. I think we have an obligation to tell the tell to pass on the stakes on how things were in the before times. I'm 45 and my gay elders have started to pass on. Long term HIV treatment added decades to their life, but side effects plus drinking/smoking/eating started to catch up. I was lucky enough to hear some of the oral histories first hand. The youngest generation will fight to reverse these trends towards the hands maid tale. They likely are going to need mentors and support though. Just as I did in my early 20s... reminding the change takes time and not all their peers will be as civically committed. You can find a balance between staying out late at dance club, tricking/hooking up, doing the walk of shame on Sunday morning to clean yourself up and show up at workshop hungover as shit but still present. Coffee and don't try to speak much until after noon. Oh youth. I have turned into my elders who would do the Irish goodbye after dinner and a nightcap at the bar. Lol
  16. Hiring can turn into an addiction with the right circumstances/personalities involved. Long term harm could be transactional view for all relationships and going broke/into debt.
  17. I wonder if the new notes are go-go / stripper friendly.
  18. Thanks @RyanDean and others. It was more general venting than something I'm struggling with. I've learned long ago you can't change folks; they have to commit to changing themselves. Change is hard. Staying stuck is easy. Nonetheless, we have an extraordinary window into others lives these days and sometimes you have to wonder what the hell happened here. There's no good answer in most cases. Just have to let it go.
  19. Dunno where I want to go with this post. Just a general frustration. I've encountered a handful of great guys (friends, bfs, and providers), who ended up in the throws of addiction. If they overcome and manage to make it into recovery, they end up significantly different than before. Most recent is a provider who was on the wish list. He had PnP in the profile and that was always why he stayed in the wish list rather than take a chance and hire. Sadly, a recent peak at his Twitter shows him having full-blown paranoia delusional events. CIA, FBI, CISA(actually a bit impressed that he found this agency), etc. Summer 2020, I reprised a caregiver role as one of my gay "dad's" partially recovered after getting lost in the bottle. He drank himself into a months/year long stupor that resulted in a rare condition that resulted in permanent brain damage. He's a shell of his former shelf. I've been in my adult years for 27 years now. Seeing friends/loved ones go through addiction whether it be alcohol or drugs is one of the harder parts of adulthood.
  20. Bright side, their security operation is tight. One Time Passwords, virtual keyboards to prevent key loggers, and personalized image verification. All good stuff. Maybe not as slick as some banks fraud detection, but I'll take prevention anyday.
  21. Correction, updates quarterly. Linked accounts only show face value unless you click into the linked accounts, then click into the detail.
  22. Updates monthly. You may need to click through for detail. I will see the face value on Series EE and I, then click through to see actual value. This is true even for new ones bought this year.
  23. I know I should also be more aggressive, but I can't pass up a close to 10% return with little risk. Yes, It's standing still vis a vis inflation, but in the end, you're limited on how much you can buy. There's definitely worse places to park 10k. Better places come with more risk.
  24. Yes, thanks all and keep the tips flowing. Got busy with work. So to answer some of the questions. I'm leaning towards staying put at this place even though it's just me and the dog for the next several years. I want to enjoy whatever I put in so when the seller inevitably doesn't like it, I won't take it personal. I'm in Chicago burbs. There's a unfinished but heated/air conditioned basement underneath. Vinyl planks/look alike tile look like front runners. I'll retain carpeting upstairs. Furniture is in flux somewhat. Had a formal dining room set but its oversized for the space and never used so looking to try to repurpose that space somehow. First step - get it out of the house and redo the floors. Agreed no on the dark shade for floors. I have the traditional honey oak trim work so it'd clash. Plus dark colors need balance otherwise it makes the space feel small and well dark.
  25. I fall under the standard heterosexual male stereotype... I dont have an eye for design/decor other than as a consumer. I want something that looks nice and not too edgey and also not something out of the 1800s whether rustic or gilded age.
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