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Posts posted by DR FREUD

  1. As for me, I will be alone the first time in my life. After 66 years I'm not terribly bothered by it. I had an invitation to join a family function of my Broker and have gone to them before. However they have about 20 plus people and I just didn't feel like facing that many people. I have always been the person for the past 40 years that hosts and cooks holiday meals. I have NEVER seen Macy's parade as I'm always cooking. So I bought a small fresh turkey and some pre-made sides from Publix and will relax and enjoy my meal while binge watching Inspector Morse. I'm thankful for my life, family and friends and will contact most of them this morning. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and alone doesn't have to equate with lonely. Enjoy the day!

  2. I went from Boston to Orlando and only train change was in NYC when boarding Amtrak. This trip was bucket list and enjoyed but would not do it again. The Amtrak cars were in very bad shape and the ticket was expensive. 32 hour trip with no stop over but a few delays on the tracks.

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