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Posts posted by DR FREUD

  1. Steven Kessler..... Everything you have said about sepsis is correct. I was admitted the first of December to hospital with extreme sepsis due in the end to internal MRSA infection. Two surgeries and three weeks later (after 3 IV antibiotic bags a day) I was released. Doctors say I was very very lucky considering the condition i came to the hospital in. I remember very little about the first week in the hospital. Now 7 weeks later, still going for wound care to heal the surgery site and had a wound vac on for 5 weeks. I have NO energy and can only do minimal chores without getting tired. Washing and changing the sheets on my bed is a major chore. My doctor says to expect this to persist for a few months due to the toxicity of my body when admitted. All I can say is GO to your doctor if you aren't feeling well, don't take chances.

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